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Rahu–Ketu enter Leo-Aquarius Axis on 30th January, 2016: Probable Effects on the 12 Moon Signs

Rahu–Ketu enter Leo-Aquarius Axis on 30th January, 2016: Probable Effects on the 12 Moon Signs

In Astrology, Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node), despite their ruthless and relentless approach, are considered extremely important and significant. With obstacles, mystery, disruption, frustration, confusion, deception, destruction and such dark areas of life as their key functional traits, these two planets represent the importance of annihilation and regeneration. Rahu and Ketu are two planets, which are always portrayed as the most merciless and malefic planets, which only keep creating troubles for the mankind! But Ganesha says that this notion is not true at all! Rahu and Ketu are the mirror images of our Karma, and these planets can either fill our lives with absolute abundance or great deprivation, depending on our Karma. Without Rahu and Ketu, the world wouldn’t have been able to see so many changes! How boring life would be without change?

Now, the planets of change will be changing their Signs on the 30th of January, 2016, and will be entering the Leo-Aquarius axis after completing their 18-Month journey in the Virgo-Pisces axis. Rahu will be conjoining Jupiter in Leo and this conjunction will last till Jupiter enters Virgo in August 2016. So, apart from the normal nodal transit, this combination will also play an important role in deciding the future course for all of us. Primarily, Rahu – the planet of desires, aspirations, dissatisfaction and the future, is the force which pushes us to realize our material goals and to achieve security in life with the help of wealth. In this process it also makes us face various hardships and struggles, equipping us with some experiences which may come in handy in the future. Ketu on the other hand symbolises spirituality, detachment, sacrifice, simplicity and the past, which makes us realize that all the worldly aspects of life are temporary and perishable, thus igniting within us an urge to advance on the path of spirituality.

The effects and impacts of this planetary phenomenon will be different for all the 12 Signs. Find out how you may be impacted, based on your Moon Sign…

Probable Effects on the 12 Moon Signs:
For Aries Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:

Ganesha foresees problems related to your education. Getting distracted easily will be a big possibility, so it is advised that you put in best efforts to maintain your concentration and focus. Avoid whiling away your time on futile activities, as this will only cause frustration later on. Your concern for your kids will increase and their health and general performance may cause some worries. In your love life, you may have to face some disappointments, heartburns and confusion, thus you are advised not to create a fuss about small issues, as due to Rahu’s influence, even such issues may snowball into major problems. You may also face commitment issues in your love life. This transit of Rahu will enable you to think very differently and you may be able to come up with unconventional and novel ideas. Those interested in the areas like speculation and share markets will have to control their urge to take risks, as unexpected losses are foreseen. Try to be consistent in your performances. Stomach and digestion-related problems may crop-up anytime.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:

This transit of Ketu will test your skill of handling your friendships, as some differences, arguments and misunderstandings may make things tricky. Disassociation with some groups or clubs that you may have been a part of, is foreseen. All these sudden changes in your friend circles may be because You will prefer taking a stand and calling a spade a spade in your networks and this change may seep in, in a sudden manner and this will surprise the ones around you. Try to stay in touch with your near and dear ones as much as possible. ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) as well as teeth-related problems are indicated.

For Taurus Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:
Ganesha foresees high chances of relocation for you. You may decide to renovate and refurbish your home and may also plan to upgrade your lifestyle. But, you are warned against going overboard in these endeavours. There may be some unrest and problems at your home front. Your peace of mind may get affected due to some misunderstandings or quarrels with your close ones. You may experience a lack of security at your home. You may have to put up with sudden expenses related to your vehicle or house. Ganesha advises you to ensure that your vehicles are in proper condition.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
There may be a sudden change in job for you. Be careful and responsible in professional matters, as there are chances of demotion indicated. Avoid getting into arguments with seniors and if you have to express your disagreement with their views, ensure that you do it in a polite manner, otherwise you may rub them the wrong way. There will a sudden urge within you to achieve more power and a higher position at your workplace. The dynamics and politics in office may bother you. Those into transferable jobs may be offered postings in some unusual/different location and this may not be in tune with your choice.

For Gemini Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:
This transit of Rahu will unleash a streak of fearlessness and boldness within you. You will feel more confident and will be able to express your thoughts and ideas in a very novel manner. You may get sudden chances to go on short-distance travels, journeys or trips. Those interested in adventure travel will find this period to be an interesting one. You may get the support of your siblings and cousins in tricky matters. You will be able to figure out quickly if someone is trying to act smart or if someone is trying to deceive or flatter you. You are likely to adopt a tactful approach in your general dealings. Occasionally, there may be some problems in your written communication.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
Though Rahu will create a desire for short-distance trips and travels, Ketu may cause delays. This will be an ideal time for those interested in spirituality, philosophy and religion as there will be faster progress. You may even go on pilgrimages. There will be a feeling that may crop up from within that fortune is not favouring you. You may want to give up on some matters suddenly, but instead, you should remain optimistic and keep putting in more efforts. Be careful in dealings with your father.

For Cancer Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:
Ganesha foresees differences, quarrels and misunderstandings with your family members and the home atmosphere is likely to get affected because of these things. Matters related to finance will now become sudden and unpredictable. There may be problems related to eyes and eyesight. Ganesha warns you against problems related to throat, voice or oral health. Managing your finances will now seem difficult and your advised to be save as much as you can. Avoid spending frivolously. Stay away from intoxications and addictions of any kind. Avoid getting involved into activities that invite illicit money. Try to be be courteous in your speech.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
Health will need absolute attention. Problems related to the groin region or private parts may surface. There may be a decline in sexual urges and the interactions with your spouse or partner may reduce. On the other hand, you will be more inclined towards occult and spirituality. You may want to learn more and more about religion and spiritual areas. Problems with in-laws are foreseen.

For Leo Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:
You will start looking at life with a different perspective and may tend to be more rebellious in your approach. Your health will need good care. Avoid taking rash decisions. You are likely to experience heavy mood swings. The entry of Rahu into Leo will mark the beginning to a phase of illusions and disillusions, so you need to smart and alert. Do not get carried away by any person or thing, this may prove to be deceptive. Ensure that you do not land up into arguments with your spouse or close ones. Stay away from shady or suspicious elements.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
Married life, if not handled with care may turn sour. The upcoming 18-Month period will test the way you handle your relationships and married life to be more precise. You may not experience the same charm in your married life and may experience a lack of interest in carnal pleasures. Ganesha advises you and your spouse to keep setting out on travels every quarter, for the next 1 ½ years, so that the scope of differences reduces. Your public image may get tarnished.

For Virgo Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:
Ganesha foresees chances for foreign travel for you. Visiting your relatives abroad or getting a chance to travel to your dream location abroad are all big possibilities. There may be a constant feeling that you are being confined by something (in some cases, imprisonment and you may also feel that your energies are getting drained easily, without much productivity. Stay away from illegal activities or misadventures. Finances will need careful handling. Your sleep may keep getting disturbed.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
You will be able to take on your enemies and adversaries with renewed courage and confidence. A change of job or workplace is possible. Your efficiency may come under question, as you may commit mistakes in discharging daily routine activities. There will be increase in activities with people seeking help from you, but you may tend to be disinclined. You may not be equal to the task. Avoid getting into confrontations or arguments especially with your superiors. Troubles from servants and your work staff are foreseen, and do not trust them blindly. Ganesha foresees that your health may become instable and that your overall performance may get affected. You may experience detachment from your maternal family or relations with them may get strained.

For Libra Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:

Ganesha says that you are in for a lot of benefits and gains from known as well as unknown sources. You are vane likely to form new contacts. You may receive help when in tricky situations. But, you need to be careful, as on some occasions, some stray arguments or differences may spoil the camaraderie. There may be chances of your coming in contact with immoral people or persons of a shady character. You must put in best efforts to save the money that you earn, or else your earnings may get spent before this transit gets over.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
There may be a sudden break in your studies or your academic performance may take a beating and due to this your results may be disappointing. Your performance at work may get affected. If you are willing to learn something new, you will have to put in more effort to grasp the knack. Your interest in matters of love may decrease and you may be disinclined to take your relationship to the next level. There may be sudden detachment with those you love dearly. Those into sports may not be able to perform very well.

For Scorpio Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:
You may get surrounded by some sudden problems and stressful situations at the workfront. Dealing with your superiors/seniors may now seem tricky and even some misunderstandings may crop up with them, so try to be polite and careful in your dealings with them. There may be differences with father, but on the other hand, concern for your father’s health may also increase. There may be a sudden change of job. Relocation is also possible. You will experience a sudden urge to gain more power and authority. You might, knowingly or unknowingly, involve in scheming or plotting or gossips at your workplace and this may not be desirable as ultimately it will only deviate you from the main path.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
Your domestic front may not be pleasant, brace up for unrest and quarrels. Your general happiness will get affected and you may not get satisfaction easily. You may tend to be in a world of your own, with your mind being in many places at one time. You are also likely to get easily distracted and this will affect your concentration. You may prefer to stay away from your home. Concern for your mother’s health may increase. Try to maintain your emotional composure.

For Sagittarius Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:
There may be some problems for you in long distance journeys and foreign trips. Those wanting to pursue higher education may experience delays and hurdles. Instead of being rigid, it is better that you adapt to the situations and be flexible to experience more happiness. You will even have to use tact and smartness to find solutions to various tricky problems. Your perceptions about religion and even spirituality may change. Those willing to go for a second marriage may experience delays.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
You may be able to overcome challenges with great determination and grit. You will also be able to gain victory over enemies. Decisions being taken will now be faster than before, and this may surprise people around you. There will be some unconventional ideas that may fill up your mind and you may tend to think differently. There may be some differences with younger siblings or lack of support from them.

For Capricorn Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:
Health issues will take centrestage. There may be some benefits due to inheritance, but there may also be some problems in the same area that may crop up suddenly. Maintain proper hygiene as there may be problems in your private areas. Probability of disputes or disharmony with your life partner’s family may increase. Enthusiasm levels may be on the lower side and you are warned against falling a prey to negative thinking. You may experience a rise in interest in occult matters.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
Financially, this will be a very trying period. There may be some unforeseen changes that may take place in your family sphere and this may alarm you. Your intervention will be required to sort out some sensitive issues. Take extreme care of the safety of your eyes/eyesight. There may be also some problems related to your oral health and throat. You should emphasise on saving as much money as you can, as this money will prove to be very useful during the time of emergencies. Be careful about the things you may utter, as you may have to repent later on.

For Aquarius Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:
Your reletionship with partner may keep blowing hot and cold and if proper care is not taken, then there will be chances of estrangement/seperation. Your business partnerships may get enveloped in dark clouds and there may be also chances for dissolution. You may encounter some strange and unusual experiences. Guard your honour and reputation, as there will be chances of defamation. People with whom you might not have been on good terms with in the recent past, may suddenly create problems for you. You may experience a strong desire to connect with people of the opposite sex, without being practical and wise. Try not to break the moral barriers. You may get help from your foreign contacts.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
This will be a fine period to progress on the spiritual plane and your inclination towards philosophy and religion may increase. There will be an amplified sense of selflessness within you and you may start believing that life is all about living for others. At times, you may even prefer sacrificing your own happiness to make others happiness. You will be able to let go of things easily. Your anger may uncontrollable at times. Horizons of your imagination may get broadened.

For Pisces Moon Sign:
Probable Results of Rahu’s transit through Leo:
There may be sudden, positive changes in your job/workplace. You will be able to triumph over your enemies. Though people may play politics behind your back, you will be able to deal with them smartly. Your day-to-day routine and habits may get affected. If there may be some health issues, they will either be very difficult to diagnose them or they may not be evident in your medical reports. You will be in a mood to take up challenges and will be in a adventurous mood.

Probable Results of Ketu’s transit through Aquarius:
You may experience spiritual upliftment. There will be a strong desire to connect to God and understand the intricacies of spirituality. You may not mind compromising on certain important areas to keep the situation stable. There may be a lack of interest in sex. There may be some problems during long distance trips. If you have been suffering from various problems from some time, it is possible that you will come across the right remedies or solutions. You may even set out on pilgrimages or spiritual travel.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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