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RAHU: Its Effects And Remedies To Nullify Them

RAHU: Its Effects And Remedies To Nullify Them

We all know that Rahu is considered to be a shadow planet and is also known as Swarbhanu in terms of Astrology. It is the north node of the moon and is called the Dragon’s Head. Not just this, but this planet is also known as Bhayanka as it is the most feared and derives its name from the Sanskrit word Raa which is affiliated to being secretive and mysterious.

The planet of Rahu is characterized by being violent, aggressive, merciless, mischievous, secretive and mysterious as well. This planet also makes a person less religious and is said to induce plotting, scheming, and conspiracy. Moreover, Rahu magnifies the basic characteristics of a planet when it combines with it as Rahu starts functioning as a planet itself. Consequently, situations and circumstances change in life when Rahu is placed in different houses as well. Below is the relationship between Rahu and other houses that will help in knowing more about its various ill effects and causes.

Read on to know more about the rather brighter side of Rahu as per Vedic Astrology!

In the 1st House, Rahu is like an elephant snarling at the king seated on his chair. It is a rich administrator. The evil effects of Rahu end after 42 years.

  • The natives may not share a good relationship with their wives.
  • Their enemies will be terrified of them.
  • They may not be able to accomplish any work and may keep on changing jobs.
  • If Venus is in the 7th House, the natives are likely to be wealthy, but at the cost of their wife’s suffering.

Do the following to be away from the negative effects of Rahu:

  • Donate wheat, jaggery and copper. Put these three articles or one of the articles in a copper vessel and drop it in flowing water on a Sunday.
  • Avoid wearing blue clothes.
  • Wear a silver chain around the neck.
  • Drop coconut in flowing water.

In case, you don’t know where Rahu is placed in your birth chart or confused about it, get our detailed Janampatri now.

If Rahu is in the 2nd house then it is unfavourable for family and wealth. There are small chances that the natives may die or suffer from a serious accident as well.

  • All people under this influence of Rahu may sustain on the objects received from religious institutions.
  • They may enjoy a happy family life although the financial status is related to the position of Jupiter.
  • If Saturn is in the 1st House in the horoscope and Jupiter is favourable, then everything is likely to move smoothly, but if Saturn is debilitated there may be adverse effects too.
  • It is advised to keep a small solid silver ball.
  • The should not accept electrical appliances from their in laws.
  • Maintaining good relations with mother will prove helpful in this period.
  • Natives should keep a small solid ball of gold. Even Saffron kept in a silver box will prove beneficial as well, informs Ganesha.

The natives hold a good reputation in society if Rahu is placed in their 3rd house. No one can easily stand by them. Also, their dreams come true as they have a strong foresight. Their pen has a sharper edge than the sword and not just this, for they will also live a long and wealthy life. But there are inauspicious times like the Sade Sati that create a huge impact on us. Buy our Saturn Transit Report 2023 to fight the negative effects of this period.

  • May propel well in their 22nd year.
  • Tend to be forceful writers.
  • The Moon in a debilitated position may cause misery to them.
  • They may notice a gradual increase in their wealth on the in-laws’ side, if Venus is placed auspiciously.
  • Wearing silver is positively recommended.
  • Dropping 400gms of coriander in flowing water, may cause some relief from its harmful effects.
  • Dropping 400gms of almonds in flowing water can also prove beneficial.

The 4th house belongs to Moon, which is an enemy of Rahu. When Rahu is benefic in this House, the natives may naturally be intelligent, wealthy and may spend money on sensible things. Going on a pilgrimage would be beneficial for them too. If Venus is also benefic, then their in-laws may also benefit monetarily after marriage.

  • When Moon is exalted, they also have a chance to earn easy money and benefit from their relatives associated with the planet of Mercury.
  • If Rahu is malefic, and the Moon is also weak, then they will suffer in terms of the property along with their mothers.
  • Collecting charcoal, changing the toilet, installing oven in the ground and alteration of the roof in the house would be indicative of this malefic influence.
  • Wearing silver can bring some solace .
  • Dropping 400gms coriander or almonds, or both in flowing water may cause a sigh of relief in their pain.

The 5th House belongs to the Sun, which signifies male offsprings. If Rahu is benefic then the natives may become rich, wise and experience a good healthy life. Their sources of income may increase and make them progress gradually. They may turn out to be devotees or philosophers.

  • If Rahu is malefic it may lead to abortions.
  • After the birth of a son, their wife’s health may suffer for almost twelve years.
  • If Jupiter is also in their 5th House then their father’s health may be in danger too.
  • It is suggested to keep an elephant made of silver.
  • They should try to abstain from alcohol, non vegetarian food and adultery.
  • They are also recommended to marry twice with the same wife over a period of time.

The 6th House is influenced by Mercury or Ketu. Here Rahu is exalted and gives very good results. The natives will be inclined to spend more money on clothes and may enjoy their life.

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  • Although they will be intelligent and victorious, when Rahu is malefic they may tend to harm their brothers or friends.
  • When Mercury or Mars is in 12th House Rahu gives bad results and they can suffer from various ailments or loss of wealth.
  • Sneezing while going to work is not a good sign for them, so they should then act with care!
  • They should keep a black dog as a pet.
  • They are also advocated to keep a lead nail in their pocket.
  • They should never harm or hurt their brothers and sisters. They should be more sensible, advises Ganesha.

With the 7th House, the natives will be rich, but their wives may suffer from ill-health. They may be able to achieve success or victory over their enemies as well. If their marriage takes place before twenty-one years of age, it may prove inauspicious and they should avoid this situation.

  • They are likely to have good relations with the government, but if they engage in business connected with Rahu, like electrical equipment, then there are possibilities that there will be a loss.
  • There are chances that they may be troubled with seldom headaches.
  • Also, if Mercury, Venus or Ketu is in their 11th House, then they may often have altercations with their wife, sister or kids where they will be impacted negatively.
  • It is encouraged to not marry anybody before the age of 21.
  • It is commended to offer six coconuts to a river.

The 8th House is concerned with Saturn and Mars, so Rahu in this house proffers malefic effects. Also, know more about our article on the effects and Remedies of Rahu Mahadasha.

  • The natives may spend money recklessly on court cases.
  • Their family life will too be adversely affected.
  • If Mars is benefic and is placed in the 1st or 8th House or, if Saturn is placed in 8th House, then they may have an opportunity to be rich.
  • Keeping a square piece of silver can remove the negativities.
  • Having saunf (anise) under the pillow, while sleeping may also come to aid.
  • They are advised not work in electricity or power department.

The 9th House is influenced by the planet of Jupiter. If natives have good relations with their siblings, it may either be fruitful or may adversely affect them. If they are not very religious, then their progeny may not influence them positively. Besides, the profession influenced by Saturn would be profitable.

  • If Jupiter is in the 5th or 11th House, then it will be unavailing.
  • If Rahu is inauspicious in the 9th House, then chances of having a son become less, especially if there are court cases against someone in blood relations.
  • Moreover, if Rahu is in the 9th and 1st House is empty, then their health can have an adverse impact.
  • Tarnishing of social prestige and psychological problems are also possible, says Ganesha.
  • It is suggested to daily make a tilak made of saffron.
  • Wearing gold can produce peace of mind.
  • It is also advised to keep a dog as a pet.
  • Maintaining good relations with in-laws can be fruitful.

Keeping the head uncovered gives the effect of a debilitated Rahu in the 10th House. The good or bad result of Rahu would depend upon the position of Saturn. If Saturn is auspicious, then the natives would be brave, long-lived, and rich, and may earn respect from all aspects. Further, if Rahu in 10th House is with the Moon, then it makes a Raja Yoga which makes them quite lucky for their fathers. To know more about how to curb the negatives during your Rahu-Ketu transit period, resort to out Rahu-Ketu Transit Report.

  • If Rahu in 10th House is malefic then it would adversely affect their mother.
  • If Moon is alone in 4th House, then they may have a negative impact on their eyes.
  • They are also likely to suffer from headaches and loss of wealth.
  • They should try wearing a blue or black cap.
  • It is termed compulsory to cover the head.
  • Offering 400gms of sugar in a temple or in a river may provide optimistic energy.
  • They should also feed visually-impaired people.

This House is influenced by both Saturn and Jupiter. Natives could become rich as long as their father is alive. They may also come under the company of wicked friends. If Mars is in a malefic position with Rahu in the 11th House at the time of birth, they may have everything to keep them happy yet they will be dissatisfied.

If Rahu in 11th House is malefic then they may nurture bad relations with their father or may injure them. The planet in the 2nd House would act as an enemy as well.

  • If Jupiter/Saturn are in 3rd or 11th House, then wearing an iron article on the body and drinking water in a silver glass may be helpful.
  • If Ketu is in 5th House, then it gives bad results.
  • They may suffer from diseases associated with the ears, spine and the urinary tract.
  • There can also be losses associated with business concerned with Ketu.
  • After the death of the father, they should wear gold around the neck
  • As mentioned earlier, wearing iron or using silver glass for drinking water will be fruit-bearing.
  • They should never take any electric equipment as a gift.
  • They should also not keep blue sapphire, ivory or toys in the shape of an elephant as that can have a negative effect on them.

The 12th House belongs to Jupiter and it signifies the bedroom. Rahu here gives mental troubles and insomnia. It also leads to excessive expenditure on sisters and daughters. However, if Mars is with Rahu here, then it gives good results, informs Ganesha.

  • If Rahu is with its enemies then it becomes next to impossible to make ends meet, despite hard labor. It also leads to false allegations. Hence, they may even go to the extent of contemplating suicide. Telling lies and deceiving others may make Rahu even more malefic. If the natives sneeze at the start of any new work, it gives malefic effects. To fight such pessimistic vibrations, make use of our powerful Rahu-Yantra! There may be theft, diseases or false allegations on them too.
  • It is suggested for the natives to make meals in the kitchen itself.
  • They can also keep Saunf (anise) and sugar under the pillow for sound sleep.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks.com Team

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