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Rahm Emanuel- The Chief of Staff in Obama’s administration

Rahm Emanuel-  The Chief of Staff in Obama’s administration

Introduction: Barack Obama on November 06, 2008 selected Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff. Rahm Emanuel is known for his deep Washington savvy and no-holds-barred approach to politics. His selection as the new chief of staff of the White House has been a much-talked issue in the political circles of the country. In the light of this, Ganesha predicts his future.

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In Rahm Emanuel’s chart, Scorpio is heavily emphasized. The Stellium involves Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Moon and Mercury. So, no wonder if people call him the most hardheaded, foul-mouthed, smart-as-hell and a tough task master. MarsMercury conjunction makes him a tough-minded tactician with an aggressive political style. His Sun sign is Sagittarius, which gives him strong determination, firm beliefs and an intense love for freedom. Moreover, the Sun-Pluto square is adding more intensity. Uranus is in square with retrograde Mercury and Mars, making him inconsistent and restless.

He will be the White House Chief of Staff in Obama’s administration which begins on January 20, 2009. The conjunction of Mars-Jupiter in Capricorn in January 2009 will surely help him to establish his authority in the White House as Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius Navmansa in his chart. Jupiter trine natal Venus may provide him with this glorious moment of his life. However, problems may crop up from mid November 2009, with transiting Rahu’s entry in Sagittarius. The transiting Saturn in Virgo may add fuel to the fire in the first quarter of the year 2010. He may remain under pressure in the year 2010. The period between June 2011 to January 2012 looks extremely challenging for him. He may suffer major setbacks during that phase and the results may be highly disappointing for him.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,

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