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Benefits Of Pukhraj Gemstone: ‘The Yellow Cosmic Gift’ That Can Alter Your Destiny

Our destiny lies in the hands of God, the creator of Universe. However, in accordance with His Cosmic Play of Existence, He has delegated some of His powers to the planets in the sky, whose movements bring about all the differences in human lives. So, in reality, it’s the highly complex web of planetary movements which immediately determine our destiny. Our destiny is written in the heavens above us. However, we can make positive changes in our lives by gaining access to certain special provisions. These special provisions have been devised by wise and intelligent humans after carrying out a comprehensive research of nature and human destiny. One such special provision, to ward off bad luck, is the use of precious, astrological gemstones. Gemstones help to lessen the impact of malefic planets in our horoscope. Do you want to know if there are malefic planets in your horoscope? Get access to our Janampatri and understand the planets of your birth.

It is said these gemstones hold some special charge (power) which can effectively alter the planetary influences. In other words, these can lessen the negative influence of certain planets. While there exist a vast range of the astrological gemstones, the name of Yellow Sapphire (variably known as Pukhraj in Indian languages) does not need any special mention. Pukhraj or Yellow Sapphire is widely used as an astrological gemstone to treat a vast range of cosmic and karmic influences. Pukhraj is very powerful and effective. Do you want to place an order for it? You can do it here.

Now, let us see the different aspects of this Yellow Cosmic Gift:

The word “Sapphire” has been derived from the Greek word sapphirus or sappheiros, which basically means ‘blue stone’.However, the sapphires are found in brilliant hues of yellow too, and thus are special in their own right.This is a precious gemstone and its prices vary to a great extent, depending on its colour, clarity, cut as well as lustre.

Pukhraj or Yellow Sapphire gemstones are largely formed of Corundum, an Aluminum Oxide contains iron and titanium impurities, which facilitate to bring the variation in the gemstone colours, which vary from pinkish to deep blues and many yellows in between. Traces of other elements such as chromium, copper and magnesium also give myriad colours to Pukhraj or Yellow Sapphire Gemstones.

Greenish Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj is found in Queensland and New South Wales (Australia). Similar stones occur in Thailand. Purely Yellow Sapphire gemstones or Pukhraj are best found in Sri Lanka, Montana (U.S.A) and East Africa.

The yellow coloured Sapphires are found in a range of hues starting from clear, golden yellow to deeper yellows, orange, slightly greenish ones and also colourless and white forms. The best gem, however, among them is said to be of the pale lemon-yellow colour.

Specific Gravity (SG): 4.00Refractive Index (RI):1.76 – 1.77Hardness: 9Most Yellow Sapphires or Pukhraj, especially the good quality, clear ones, have a glass-like lustre.

Vedic Astrology holds gemstone Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj in high regard. Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj, known to represent Jupiter, one of the most important and positive planets, is suggested as a remedy for getting rid of financial difficulties and struggles and many other issues.Zodiac–Sagittarius, PiscesPlanet– JupiterDay– Thursday

Wearing Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj is said to confer the following benefits –: Increases health, wealth, name, honour and fame.Aids in education and promotes higher learning.Promotes general well-being and spiritual knowledge.Cures diarrhoea, gastritis, ulcer, rheumatism, jaundice, insomnia, heart troubles, impotency, gout, arthritis, pain in knee joints, etc.Enhances the feeling of contentedness and satisfaction (also joy)

Minimum weight of Yellow Sapphire stone should be 3.25 Carats. Its effects grow with weight. Wear Yellow Sapphire gemstone in the Index Finger (First Finger) of hand on Thursday morning at dawn. Before wearing Yellow Sapphire, dip it into cow milk or Gangajal for at least 10 minutes. Yellow Sapphire must touch your skin. Wearing Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj keeps on influencing the wearer for 4 years, 3 months and 18 days. Yellow Sapphire should be cleaned regularly with a soft brush as dust deposited in bottom reduce the gemstone effect.

Up until the 19th century, Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj was known as Oriental Topaz. Today too, the Golden Topaz, another semi-precious gemstone, is used as a substitute to Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj (since Yellow Sapphire is quite expensive). Topaz, like Sapphire, is also found in a variety of hues, and that is why Blue Topaz is used as a cheaper substitute for Blue Sapphire too. Note that there are many imitations, cheaper and unsubstantial, available in the market in the name of Yellow Sapphire, as it is a prized gemstone.Thus, you must buy Yellow Sapphire from a reliable source, if you are to take advantage of wearing this and get Jupiter’s benign blessings. Nonetheless, you should be sure that Yellow Sapphire suits you and your Horoscope before you wear it. Even if Pukhraj or Yellow Sapphire is known to be a relatively safer stone, it is important that it is used only after a careful consideration of one’s Horoscope and the planetary alignment therein – or it may cause opposite effects like weight gain, hedonism, other problems (if Jupiter is placed in a negative house). Besides, if Jupiter is posited in Capricorn (its Sign of debilitation) in one’s Kundali, wearing Yellow Sapphire is a must.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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