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Positive thinking- Ganesha’s view

Positive thinking- Ganesha’s view

Normally we have 2 kinds of thoughts, positive and negative thoughts. Positive thoughts are our divine power & negative thoughts are our devilish power. Our life is molded by our thoughts. Our negative thoughts create pressure on our physical body & such pressure is then converted into body pain. In the long run, this body pain is transferred into a disease.

There are about 150 non drug therapies being practiced these days. Out of all these non drug therapies, positive thinking is safe, simple and easy to learn. It is free from side effects. Natural positive energy harmonizes our chakras and balances energy within them. Planets, Constellations and prayer (mantra) is a major source of positive energy by which we can expand / energize our Aura , balances our chakra’s energy. It not only affects the chemical structure of the body by helping to regenerate organs and rebuild tissue and bones but also helps in creating a balance on the mental level.

I think every person comes to this earth with special talents to express. You have talents that you bring to the table and you express that talent in a way that nobody else does. You feel positive, fulfilled and happy when you express the talent.

Know your hidden talent; know your power of mind. People do not supply you the desire to do something for which you so not have the ability to do. You have the desire to pursue this passion because it is something you were meant to develop – and more often than not, when you develop this talent and express it, you are going to make a positive contribution to the lives of others as well.

Natural energy is a wonderful tool to develop conscious and subconscious awareness .We can also improve our intuitions & sixth sense. We get normal & perfect health which can then lead to our spiritual growth. An intriguing link has emerged between intensity of belief and the power of prayer to heal at a distance.

Three medical researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio released the results of their randomized trial this summer investigating the role played by personal beliefs, in particular the belief that prayer (strong belief in God) can be effective in both physical and emotional healing.

All of our feelings, beliefs and knowledge are based on our internal thoughts- both conscious and subconscious. We are in control, whether we know it or not.

We can be positive or negative, enthusiastic or dull, active or passive. Following my passion led to a career change. But that isn’t the case with everyone. You can have lots of fun and enjoyment pursuing your passion while remaining in your current line of work. In fact, you’ll find that your enthusiasm carries over to your full-time job.

A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.

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Ganesha’s Grace,
Malav A. Bhatt

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