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Planetary Combination Required To Become A Lawyer Or A Judge

Planetary Combination Required To Become A Lawyer Or A Judge

The court looks fascinating in movies. While watching it, many of us dream of becoming a lawyer or a judge. Nobody likes to get involved in court cases, but it always fascinating to solve those cases.

Whenever in the news we read about new fraud, murder or rape case, we all start doing arguments against a lawyer and a judge and tell if I would be a judge I would give this judgement. It seems easy to give judgement while watching a movie, but in reality, it is not that easy.

Indian law is huge, and wide and there are a lot of sections and sub-sections in it. Hence it requires a lot of reading of law books regularly and detailed analysis by considering all the angles before reaching the final judgement.

Every year a lot of students take admission in a law college and do finish L.L.B. But all don’t become successful lawyers. Many candidates do sit for judicial exams as they are fascinated with the respect and the facilities a judge gets, but all don’t clear those exams. Everyone works hard, but all don’t get success. You must be surprised, why is it so?

Career astrology does play a vital role in this. Planet and profession astrology do tell whether you would be successful in a profession or not. Well, astrology and planetary combination in your birth chart do play a role to become a successful lawyer or a judge.

The first house is for physical and mental aptitude; the second house is for communication and speech; the third house is for books and files. The sixth and the tenthhouse should be strong for the success in judiciary services. The ninth house is for justice, duties, policies and court. Hence all these houses are prominent to predict before you decide to be a lawyer or a judge.

A. Which planet is important for success in law as per the Vedic astrology?

Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Rahu plays a vital role in becoming a successful lawyer or a judge. Sun signifies higher position and government job, Jupiter signifies knowledge and intelligence, Mars signifies courage and litigation, Saturn signifies justice in court, Mercury signifies speech and Rahu plays a vital role to get success in Judiciary services.

B. What are the best astrological combinations to be a successful lawyer?

Planetary combination for Lawyer
1. Rahu is the significator of diplomatic talks which is very much needed for a lawyer. If Rahu is strong in the horoscope and is related to Mercury and with the sixth house or a lord of the sixth house then you can be a successful lawyer.
2. If Venus and Mercury are placed in the same house and a minimum of one planet is exalted with it, then an individual can be a successful lawyer.
3. If Mars is in the first, fifth or ninth house, then an individual can be a successful lawyer.
4. If the moon is in Libra sign or exalted in Navamsa and is aspected by Jupiter, then an individual can be a successful lawyer.

There are many more planetary combinations for the profession as a lawyer. To know your personalized planetary combination or your career prediction Talk to An Indian Astrologer!

C. What are the best astrological combinations to be a successful Judge?

Planetary combination for Judge
1. If Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and the Sun are in the tenth house, then an individual can be a successful judge.
2. If Mercury, Jupiter and Mars are in the tenth house, then an individual can be a successful judge.
3. If the Lagna lord occupies the first Drekkana of the Lagna then an individual can be a successful judge.

There are many more planetary combinations for the profession as a Judge. To know your personalized planetary combination or your career horoscope Talk to An Indian Astrologer!

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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