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Planetary aspects to affect climate and events across the world…

Planetary aspects to affect climate and events across the world…

Can we pre-empt natural calamities and man made disasters? Environmentalists would argue that they have been doing so for ages now, warning people of the dangers of their ruthless actions against nature. Security agencies would say that they always try and that is what they strive for. Yet, if could predict about the probable time-frame of such unfortunate incidents in advance, a lot of lives and resources could be saved, an immense amount of pain and fear prevented.

Astrology can help us put finger, albeit a sceptical one, on such future occurrences. The planetary energies affect our lives. Likewise, they have an impact on the world and its events on a larger scale as well. Although astrology can help us you know the possibility of such adversities, we also need to take into account the fact that ultimately nature will take its course, and the very exact date and time of an eventuality can never be foretold. Nevertheless, the planetary positions do give a fairly clear idea as to what may happen and when.

Astronomically and astrologically speaking, a plenty of major planetary shifts are slated to take place in the coming months – conjunction of Jupiter
and Sun, Mercury and Venus at perihelion distance, Vayudharana days, Annular Solar Eclipse, Neptune and Saturn in static positions to name a few. Ganesha observes that many people may go through some life-changing experiences, most likely in not a pleasant way, during the next 3 to 4 months, because these shifts are likely to cause significant changes in the nature surrounding us.

Astrological Analysis:

The conjunction of transiting Jupiter and Sun is going to occur in the year 2012, after an eleven years long solar cycle. Transiting Jupiter will be in perihelion of Sun during the period from May 2, 2012 to May 25, 2012. According to the noted Indian astronomer, mathematician and astrologer Varahmihira, the proximity of Jupiter and Sun may notable cause changes in the climate across the world. This can also be responsible for dry weather conditions.

Moreover, from mid-May 2012 to June 11, 2012, transiting Mercury and Venus will be in perihelion of Sun. This combination may cause windy spells along the coastal area of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, and may also increase the wind pressure on sea water near the coastal belt.

The four days commencing from the 8th day in the bright half of the month of Jyeshta (May and June) are known as Vayudharana days. The strength of the rain clouds can be determined from the winds blowing during the aforementioned days. Hence, during the month of June 2012, chances of a change in climate are foreseen. Also, the southern coastal parts of India may experience average to heavy rainfall around this period, foretells Ganesha.

Another major astronomical event, the Annular Solar Eclipse, is going to occur in the year 2012. This eclipse (visible in India) is slated to occur on May 20th 2012. Moreover, the transiting Neptune will be static (Stambhi) in the zodiac sign Aquarius, and in Shatatarka (Pada 1) constellation. This type of planetary position suggests that some man made disasters/ adversities and natural calamities are likely to happen around the period between May 20 to June 30, 2012. The western coastal zone of North and South America, Australia, China, Japan, Philippines, eastern coastal zone of Asia, and islands of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Oceans are likely to get affected by some destructive and disruptive adversities during this time, predicts Ganesha.

Besides, the transiting Saturn will be in static (Stambhi) position in Virgo on June 25, 2012. Also, positions of other heavenly bodies (planets) will be influenced by earthy signs. Around this period, transiting Jupiter, Ketu, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Moon will be occupied by earthy signs. Moreover, Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Ketu primarily represent the earth element. Therefore, due to the influence of earth element on these planets, the core of the planet
Earth may experience some jolts or shaking waves. The negative influence may have an impact on the countries in the tropical areas
and other areas including Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Australia, China, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, India, Kermadec Islands, New  Caledonia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Vanuatu, and California (a state of the USA).

May Lord Ganesha bless our world with peace and well-being. For any solution related to Jupiter remedy please consult expert astrologers.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Malav Bhatt,

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