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Professor Jupiter Moves To Logical Virgo: An Enriching 13-Month Period Of Intellectual Refinement

Professor Jupiter Moves To Logical Virgo: An Enriching 13-Month Period Of Intellectual Refinement

The month of August is quite a significant one, be it professionally or personally. Bustling with a lot of activity, this month offers a wide a range of experiences. Rains gather momentum in this month and the various festivals and events bring a lot of cheer. But, Ganesha says that the August of 2016 would be somewhat different than usual. Why is is it so – you would ask. It is because, during this month, one of the most awaited and major planetary transits is going to take place. This transit will bring positive changes at multiple levels and will increase our overall happiness. Jupiter – the planet which is considered to be the most benevolent and auspicious of all the planets, will be entering the Virgo Sign on the 11th August, 2016, Thursday, at 22:24 Hours. The entry of Jupiter into Virgo – which is ruled by Mercury, will mark the beginning of a phase, wherein the aspects like intelligence and intellect, technology and knowledge, logic and analysis, communication and innovation, self-correction and introspection, system and order will take center-stage! From 30th January, 2016, preceptor Jupiter had a new accompanist in the illusionist Rahu, in the Leo Sign. There were a lot of good things that the auspicious planet was wanting to shower upon mankind during his stay in Leo, but then Sir Rahu spoiled the party and caused troubles and confusion. Thus, the battle between the kind Jupiter and the ruthless Rahu will be finally coming to an end now, and there will be a new beginning. Now Jupiter will be able to function as per his principles independently and this means that we will all be feeling a lot of respite. Jupiter’s journey in the Earth Sign will last for a period of 13 months and he will be moving to the next Sign – the airy Libra, on 12th September, 2017. So, what sort of effects will this transit have on you? Which are the areas in your life that will experience pleasant changes? We at GaneshaSpeaks.com bring to you the exclusive Moon Sign based predictions, which will give you a fair idea of the changes that are likely to take place in your life. Read on and prepare yourself for grabbing the right opportunities at the right time!

For the Aries Moon Sign natives, Jupiter happens to be the Lord of the 9th House and 12th House, and will be transiting through the 6th House. Ganesha feels that the time for achieving your career goals and realising your ambitions is here! You will be getting excellent opportunities in the professional sphere and your efficiency is likely to increase. If you are on the lookout for a new job, or if you are seeking change, then you are likely to get success. You will be blessed with new earning opportunities and your financial position is also likely to improve. Though the financial picture looks good, you will need to take care of expenses as there are chances of unexpected losses. It’s a good time to plan long distance trips. You will be able to find the cure for the diseases or illnesses bothering you and your overall health would be good.

For the Taurus Moon Sign natives, Jupiter happens to be the Lord of the 8th House and 11th House, and it will be transiting through the 5th House. This will be a good time for educational pursuits and for gaining higher education. During this period, you grasping power is going to get sharper and you will be able to learn and absorb things well. This will be a very favourable period for creative growth and to achieve progress in the artistic sphere. Your love life will be very promising in the coming year. Those on the lookout for the special someone will be able to come across a like-minded person. For those married, the time will be conducive for family planning. Income from speculation and past investments is foreseen.

For the Gemini Moon Sign natives, Jupiter rules the 7th House and the 10th House, and it will be transiting through the 4th House. This will be a very favourable time for matters related to property, comforts and conveyances. The environment at the domestic front will be quite peaceful and encouraging. Good support from your mother and the maternal relatives is foreseen in the upcoming year. High chances of satisfactory career progress are foreseen and you will be presented with wonderful opportunities in the professional sphere. Those on the lookout for a job are most likely to get success. For businessmen, this will be a very favourable period.

For those born with Cancer Moon Sign, Jupiter has the lordship over the 6th House and the 9th House, and post 11th August, 2016, Jupiter will be transiting through the 3rd House. Ganesha feels that the upcoming year will be very favourable for mental and spiritual growth. Your mind will be very active. Your logic will get sharper and you will be able to analyse situations well. Your communication is bound to get more impressive and you will be able to convince others about your views well. Your written communication skills will improve and there will be a lot of new skills and methods that you will be able to learn. Interaction with others in general will increase and you will be presented with great networking opportunities. There are high chances of long distance trips. Relations with siblings are likely to improve.

For the Leo Moon Sign natives, Jupiter happens to be the Lord of the 5th House and the 8th House, and it will be transiting through the 2nd House. Ganesha feels that the year ahead will be very promising for your finances and you will be able accumulate a lot of wealth. This will be a good time for investments and you will be blessed with the wisdom to take right financial decisions. Family life will be very good and good support from family members is indicated. There can be an addition to the family. Some auspicious functions are likely to take place in your family. Look forward to great financial progress in this Jupiter transit.

For those born with the Moon in Virgo, Jupiter rules the 4th House and 7th House, and it will be transiting through the Ascendant. In the coming year, you are likely to get wonderful opportunities in various areas of life. You will be able to find good progress at the personal front and if there have been some misunderstandings with close ones, then you will be able to sort them out amicably. You will be able to experience increased happiness and peace at the home front. You may desire to buy a new property or vehicle and you will be blessed by the heavens to fulfill your desires. There will be enhanced understanding and bonding with life partner and better relations with business partner/s, feels Ganesha. If unmarried, you may find a suitable match in the upcoming year.
Please Note: The Predictions in this article are based on the Moon Sign and may differ from individual to individual, as it is more of a general perspective. But, if you want to know exactly how this transit of Jupiter will influence your life in the upcoming year, then order the personalised
Jupiter Transit Report

For the Libra Moon Sign natives, Jupiter happens to be the Lord of the 3rd House and the 6th House, and it will be transiting through the 12th House. During the upcoming year, you will develop a stronger interest in philosophy and spirituality. You are advised to control your expenses. This will be a favourable year for foreign travel and long distance journeys. If you have foreign contacts or friends, then you may receive good support from them. You may start looking within and focus on introspection and correction of your own mistakes. There are chances of you enjoying seclusion and solace, and this will help you to understand your own self in a better manner.

For those born with the Moon placed in Scorpio, Jupiter has ownership over the 2nd House and 5th House, and it will be transiting through the 11th House. Networking and socialising will be the central theme for you in the upcoming year, feels Ganesha. Being at your lively best, you will be able to make new friends and thus you will be able to widen your network. As the Lord of the 2nd House will be transiting through the 11th House, you will be blessed with great financial gains. There are major changes foreseen in your career. You will receive due support from elders in the family. If you are studying, then great academic progress is foreseen.

For the Sagittarius Moon Sign natives, Jupiter rules the Ascendant and the 4th House, and after 11th August, 2016, it will be transiting through the 10th House. The upcoming year will be a very bright one for matters related to your career. Ganesha feels that you are likely to become more career oriented. If in a job, you may wish to start your own venture. You may also wish to expand your work areas. If already in business, this will be a good time to expand your business to different cities, states and even countries. You may receive good support from influential people.

For the Capricorn Moon Sign natives, Jupiter happens to be the Lord of the 3rd House and the 12th House, and it will be transiting through the 9th House. During the year ahead, the chances for travel – short as well as long distance trips are very high. If you have been facing delays in matters related to abroad travel, then you may get positive breakthroughs. You are likely to take more interest in religion and spirituality. Good time to plan the family. Your thinking process will be more refined, which will help progress well at personal and career front. Also, your creative talents will get a boost and you will be able to express your ideas well.

For the natives, whose Moon is placed in the Aquarius Sign, Jupiter happens to be the Lord of the 2nd House and the 11th House, and it will be transiting through the 8th House. If you have been facing disputes in property related matters from quite some time, then you will be able to sort them out amicably. The time also seems favourable for inheritance. You will be gaining well through joint property and shared resources. You may desire to try your luck in speculative activities, and may also gain success on some occasions. You will take keen interest in occult and spirituality. There may be a considerable rise in your passion levels.

For those born with the Moon in Pisces, Jupiter happens to be the Lord of the Ascendant and the 10th House, and it will be transiting through the 7th House. In the year ahead, the central focus will be on marriage, relationships, partnerships, associations and harmonious co-existence. Those wanting to enter the wedlock, will be able to find a suitable match. For those already married, relations with spouse are going to get better, and you will be able to experience more pleasant interactions and a stronger bond. Your creativity will get a boost. Being more optimistic, you will be able to look at things with a more positive outlook. Your social status is likely to get enhanced. You will become more organized in your routine life. This is a good time to hone your personal and professional skills.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
(Special Inputs: Aaditya Sain)
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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