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Astrological Benefits of Pearl

Pearl, a cooling crystal, is the famous gemstone of different colour like white, pink, off white, copper and black and found on the ocean beds. It is commonly known as Moti stone. Among all different varieties of pearl, the white colour pearl is associated with the Moon and is a symbol of peace and purity.

According to Indian Vedic Astrology, the Moon is considered as the mother, and it controls the mind of an individual. The individual wearing pearl has no negative effect of wearing it because the Moon symbolizes the mother, and so the Moon is also loving, caring, affectionate and nurturing in the same way as our mother does.

The pearl has the energy of the Moon, and so the individual wearing pearl gets peace, confidence, courage and calmness in him.

The pearl is said to be the birthstone for individuals born in June and a mystical stone for the individuals born in November.

Pearl is the gemstone associated with the planet Moon, and the individuals can be able to stay positive and focused after wearing it. He is likely to experience peace of mind and could take decisions with more clarity and firmness. It is also helpful for individuals who have a lot of tension in life and feeling depressed. The pearl signifies softness, love, relationship, charming eyes and steady mind.

a) After wearing a pearl, you are likely to feel courage, self-confidence and positive and makes you emotionally accessible, expressive and psychologically healthy.
b) You would feel emotionally balanced after wearing a pearl stone.
c) Your stressed nerve and anger would be controlled, and your relationship with your spouse will also get strengthened.
d) You would be prosperous and have good fortune after wearing a pearl gemstone.
e) You would get name, fame, respect and wealth after wearing a pearl gemstone.
f) Your memory power and brainpower accelerate by wearing a pearl stone.

a) The pearl stone benefits to the counselors, public speaker, psychologist, therapist
b) The pearl gives highly beneficial results to the individuals dealing in dairy, tourism, entertainment, medicine, perfume, shipping and beverages.
c) Individuals involved in music composition, law finance, swimming or water sports, hotel and jewellery business can avail benefits of wearing Pearl.
d) The children below the age of 12 having weak health can be benefited by wearing a pearl.

a) The pearl stone benefits in curing water-related ailments like pneumonia and insomnia.
b) The pearl can reduce the problems like throat trouble, eye trouble, dysentery which are caused by the afflicted Moon in your horoscope.
c) The pearl stone increases the facial lustre of individuals especially women and enriches the beauty.
d) The pearl helps to cure ailments like visual problems, constipation, mental and heart problems.
e) The pearl worn with the combination of other gemstones is likely to give you relief from diabetes, anemia, kidney problems, breathing problems, ocular problems and many more.

a) Pearl will be extremely beneficial to Aries ascendant individuals. The pearl is likely to bring you happiness, good friends, improves the health of the mother. Pearl has to be worn with Red Coral to avail more benefits and manifold results.
b) Pearl will be extremely beneficial to Cancer ascendant individuals. The Moon is lord of your ascendant and a naturally beneficial planet in your horoscope, and so it is likely to enhance you with good health, wealth, personality contact with individuals in supreme authority and luxurious life. Pearl has to be worn with Red Coral to avail more benefits and manifold results.
c) Scorpio ascendant individuals are recommended to wear this gemstone lifetime as the Moon is the lord of the ninth house which the house of fate and fortune. Pearl will be helpful to you in all aspects. Pearl has to be worn with Red Coral to avail more benefits and manifold results.
d) The Moon is the beneficial planet for Pisces ascendant individuals as the planet is the lord of the fifth house for this ascendant. You are recommended to wear this gemstone with Yellow Sapphire for a lifetime to reap maximum and effective results.

a) The Moon is the lord of the third house, and it is not a beneficial planet for Taurus ascendant individuals. You can wear Pearl gemstone if the Moon is placed in its sign or exalted in your Janampatri or Moon Mahadasha of Moon Antardasha in other Mahadasha is running in your horoscope.
b) The Moon is the lord of the second house, and it is a malefic and Marak planet for Gemini ascendant. So the individuals of this ascendant should avoid wearing this gemstone. You can wear this stone if the Moon is placed in its sign or exalted sign and during the major and sub-period of Moon that is Moon Mahadasha and Moon Antardasha.
c) The Moon being the lord of the twelfth house is a negative planet for Leo ascendant, and so you should avoid wearing this stone unless the Moon is placed in Cancer sign and you are running through Moon Mahadasha and Moon Antardasha.
d) The pearl is not recommended to the Virgo ascendant because the Moon is the negative planet in your horoscope. You can wear Pearl only if the Moon is placed in its sign or if it is recommended by Expert Astrologers.
e) The pearl is not advisable to the individuals of Libra ascendant as the Moon is the lord of the tenth house for this ascendant. You can wear this gemstone while running through the Moon Mahadasha and Antardasha.
f) The eighth house is the Marak house for Sagittarius ascendant individuals, and the Moon is the lord of the eighth house. Hence you should avoid wearing Pearl gemstone unless the Moon is posited in Cancer or Taurus sign or you are running through the Moon Mahadasha and Antardasha.
g) The Moon is not a beneficial planet for Capricorn ascendant individuals, and so you are recommended to wear the Moon if it is in its own sign or exalted sign or you are running through major or sub-period of the Moon.
h) The Moon being the lord of the sixth planet is the natural malefic planet for the Aquarius ascendant individuals and you are recommended to wear Pearl only if you are running through the Moon Mahadasha and Antardasha.

a) The pearl would eliminate the malefic effects of the Moon in your horoscope.
b) The pearl also neutralizes the negative or malefic influence of planets on the Moon in the horoscope of the individuals.
c) The pearl is beneficial is worn during the Moon Mahadasha and Moon Antardasha in any Mahadasha.

a) Pearl must be worn on Mondays in the first hour from the sunrise time. One can wear it at home by performing certain rituals in a place where puja is done regularly, so the stone gets energized and activated.
b) The pearl stone is considered auspicious if it is of 5, 7 or 9 carats and it is south sea pearl or Valenzuela pearl. You can buy this auspicious gemstone online to yield manifold results.
c) The pearl stone ring is to be made of silver metal, and the ring has to be dipped in unboiled milk, pure water or honey and has to be left inside for around 30 minutes.
d) You have to chant the mantra “Om Som Samay Namah” 108 times and remove the ring from unboiled milk, pure water or honey and offering it to the idol of Lord Shiva.
e) You can also chant the mantra “Om Chandraya Vidmahe, Lakshmi Sahodaraya Deheemahi, Thanno Sasishekhara Prachyodayat. Om Sraam, Sreem, Sroum, Chandramaase Namah” for five times and wear a ring. This mantra has to be chanted for nine weeks every Monday.
f) You have to wear the pearl stone ring on the little finger of the right hand.

a) The pearl stone ring has to be worn on the little finger of the right hand.
b) Few astrologers also recommend wearing the pearl stone ring on the ring finger.
c) Take recommendation from Indian astrologer before wearing the pearl stone ring.

The pearl shows effect after four days, and the best result from the pearl can be availed for two years, and after that the stone becomes inactive.

You should change the gemstone after its inactivation.

a) The pearl should not be worn with gemstones like Diamonds, Emerald, Blue Sapphire, Cat’s Eye otherwise it might reduce the effect of its power and energy on you.
b) The cheap, bad and used gemstone would create a malefic result. You are likely to suffer from migraine or face mental turmoil if the pearl doesn’t suit you.

You must consult your horoscope from Your Personal Astrologer become wearing gemstone otherwise it will give you malefic results.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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