My plans of enjoying a relaxed Sunday were aborted by the sudden ringing of my mobile phone. I was a bit annoyed as I wanted to shut out all issues related to astrology for the day. It was an old friend Robert on the other end, who gave me the startling news of Osama bin Laden being killed by US forces in the heart of Pakistan in a swift, secretive and unilateral operation. This bolt from the blue made me sit up, and ask for more details about the event. Robert obliged, but also wished to know what would be the fate of global terrorism, now that its kingpin had been eliminated.
I curiously tried to figure out the planetary positions by referring the ephemeris. Two, rather three, important movements of the signs Rahu, Mangal and Guru were confirmed.
The true Rahu (Dragon’s head) shifts to Scorpio, the 8th sign of zodiac ruled by Mangal. As such the 8th House is attributed to sudden and hidden things. At the same time, the fiery Mangal enters its own sign Aries (Mesh Rashi). The clue was there to be decoded. Scorpio is a watery sign represented by the
scorpion’s deadly sting. Usually major planets cast their shadow over the events to follow before entering the next sign. So, things became clear.
The entry of Rahu in Scorpio signals conspiracy, and the angry Mangal having influence over it means bursting the ring of conspiracy. (Entry of Mars in its
own sign Aries signifies an important phenomenon. Mangal transits in combust mode from around December, 2010. Combust Mangal finds it difficult to express itself.)
So, if we take into account the basics of astrology, this is not the end of terrorism. The fight to defeat terrorism is likely to continue in the times to come.
The aggression of Mangal transiting through its own sign Aries may not go too far, as the planet of wisdom Guru/ Jupiter enters Aries on the 8th of the month. However, as Mars is leading, it is capable of damaging the designs of terrorists. It will be interesting to see when things get hotter. One thing is clear: Terrorism will now have more hidden designs and nations (particularly the US and India) need to be more vigilant and prepared to combat the same.
Let us now converge on times when this confrontation is likely to become more pronounced. In the near future, transit of Mangal through Aries
and Taurus is likely to see the fight against terrorism getting intensified. Transit of Mangal through Taurus (Vrishabh rasi) will be in direct opposition to Rahu transiting through Scorpio. This could lead to fights on the ground, feels Ganesha.
However, the more significant time for the same is from around 30th November, 2011, when Mangal enters another fiery sign Leo. Mangal transits through Leo (Simha rasi) till around 21st June, 2012. In between, Mangal transits in retrograde mode from around 23rd January 2012 to around 13th
April 2012.
Ganesha feels that this transit of Mars becomes important, as Mars will have a strong influence over Rahu transiting through Scorpio, a sign ruled
by Mars. We are likely to see more violent expressions of terrorism, and also a strong fight against it around this period. This could be more serious when Mangal transits in retrograde mode, from around 23rd January to around 13th of April, 2012.
For Pakistan too, this is likely to be a real hard time as Rahu transits through the 8th House in the chart of Pakistan. The US is likely to become more
assertive in its relationship with Pakistan, demanding stricter compliance by them in the fight against terrorism. Pakistan’s economy will also be in an alarming state.
In short, the terrorists and other divisive forces are likely to continue their dreadful activities. At the same time, the fight against terrorism is also likely to become more result-oriented. The following periods seem significant in this regard:
- From 1st May to 12th June, 2011.
- From 12th June to 25th July, 2011. This period seems quite significant.
- From 30th November, 2011 to 21st June, 2012. Here the period from around 23rd January to 13th April, 2012 seems more significant.
Pakistan is likely to suffer more humiliation, and face an even more difficult time managing its economy and sovereignty.
Ganesha, as always, wishes that people on earth live in peace and enjoy prosperity.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bharat Trivedi