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7 New Year Charms

7 Common Charms or Notions Associated with the New Years!

On 31st December 2014 mid night, we shall bid farewell to the old man (i.e. year 2014) and welcome the new child (i.e. year 2015). It is a time to cheer for the new, and put the past to rest. There certainly is a feeling of excitement and thrill in the air, and a lot of us are eagerly awaiting the festivities and celebrations.

Amidst all this, many of us shall also be preparing our own new year resolutions, which we may or may not keep. Making resolutions is not only customary, but also optimistic. Try sticking to yours this year!

Apart from resolutions, another thing that’s closely related to the New Years and new beginnings are notions, beliefs, lucky charms or little fortune knick knacks, many of which end up becoming superstitions and myths overtime. We don’t really have to abide by them, yet if we follow them, then too there is no harm.

Here, are enlisted 7 major charms or beliefs, surrounding the New Year, which we may or may not adhere to, around the New Year. We may even call them myths, for they are nothing but long-held beliefs, with no real repercussions. We just need to have faith in God, and keep doing the right thing, and hopefully our New Year and all years shall be happy.

1. Not transporting, transacting or giving away any precious items
Belief – No precious items (goods of high value, jewellery or cash) should leave our homes on the very first day of the year. In case, if anything precious is given away or donated to others, it is believed that all through the year, valuables or cash shall flow out from a home.
Face the Facts – There really is no concrete evidence that suggests that this is true. Yet, if donations are on your mind, better hold on till the next day of the new year. And, if you wish to make a major cash transaction on the first day of the year itself, why not wait for another day, unless it’s a, God forbid, dire situation. However, surely go and celebrate your New Year with the underprivileged or needy, or the someone who needs and craves your affection. After all, when it comes to affection and love – the more you give, the more you get in return.

2. Not transporting, transacting or giving away any precious items
Belief – No precious items (goods of high value, jewellery or cash) should leave our homes on the very first day of the year. In case, if anything precious is given away or donated to others, it is believed that all through the year, valuables or cash shall flow out from a home.
Face the Facts – There really is no concrete evidence that suggests that this is true. Yet, if donations are on your mind, better hold on till the next day of the new year. And, if you wish to make a major cash transaction on the first day of the year itself, why not wait for another day, unless it’s a, God forbid, dire situation. However, surely go and celebrate your New Year with the underprivileged or needy, or the someone who needs and craves your affection. After all, when it comes to affection and love – the more you give, the more you get in return.

3. Eating Green Leafy Vegetables
Belief – There is a commonly held belief that when we eat green leafy vegetables on the very first day of the year, we shall get to eat green leafy vegetables or good food all through the year – which will keep us healthy.

Face the Facts – The colour green is associated with vitality, life, good health and prosperity. So, if you can plan and eat a feast of green, leafy veggies on the day 1 of the New Year, there can’t be anything wrong with that charm. If anything can keep you healthy, it has to be lucky for you! Just, don’t forget to invite along a few friends or family members, so you can also start your year on the right note of bonhomie.

4. Putting On New Clothes
Belief – This myth goes like this – when we wear new clothes on the first day of the new year, we shall also get to buy new clothes all the year round. Anything new when coincides with another new, there is bound to be positive energy and happiness.
Face the Facts – Well, there cannot be anything wrong with this positive thought! After all, it’s always heartening and charming to wear new clothes, if you can afford them. And, who knows, if this lucky charm really comes true – after all who would not like to get new clothes all the year round! You don’t have to arrange for your whole ensemble to be new – you may just wear one new item of clothing that’s brand new.
Just a thought – If you really wish to make this myth come true, raid your cupboard, and weed out the clothes, you haven’t worn in ages. Fill a bag with them, and give it, with a true heart, to a cause you believe in – an old age home, a group of street kids or an orphanage. Who wouldn’t want the blessings of some true souls – and this is what you will get, when you do so. Add some warm woollens to this pile, and you shall be able to really help someone struggling to keep warm on the cold New Year day. See the blessings spiral and make your life happier and your wardrobe brighter!

5. Refraining From Keeping Empty Pockets
Belief – It is believed that, if we don’t have some cash in our pocket or wallet on the New Year day – then all through the year, there shall be little or no money in our coffers. Thus, people ensure that they carry some hard cash with them on the very first day of the New Year. When some hundred rupee notes are kept in the pocket or wallet on the 1st day of the year, it is believed that all the year round we shall have enough cash flow.
Face the Facts – Again, there really is not any concrete evidence that suggests that this is a truth. However, feeling good always makes one lead a better life, not just in a year, but all through the life. So, why not start your year feeling secure and stable – after all, brimming pockets do tend to bring a sense of security. Plus, you may be meeting and greeting people on the New Year day, and thus keeping keeping some extra cash in your wallet has to be a good idea.

6. Refraining From Feeling Bad or Inadequate
Fact : It is a widely held belief that – we should avoid feeling bad or inadequate on the very first day of the year. It is believed that when we feel bad or inadequate on the first day of the year, sooner or later bad times or negative thoughts will follow us later too.
Face the Facts – Again, this is a positive thought, and has nothing wrong in it. If, God forbid, you end up feeling low for some or the other reason, though, on the first day of the year, do not hold this superstition to your heart, though. Bad luck will surely not be chasing you later in the year. Yet, try to be as positive and upbeat as you can be, as this will keep you and your loved ones cheerful. Feeling bad does no good whatsoever. So, make it a point to remain cheerful and feel joyous towards life and be happy, after all we are alive and going to experience a new year in our life. And, certainly don’t let anyone put you down or make you feel inadequate – on the New Year day or any day of the year.

7. Performing Some Productive Work
Belief – A lot of people believe that we must work and not laze around the house on the first day of the year itself. Also, we should try to be productive and effective in our work on this day, as this way we can assure of the similar pattern all through the year. It is also a commonly held belief that if we do not do this our career/profession may remain dull or we might not progress during the new year.

Face the Facts – This belief may well have been infused by ageing parents, who may be wishing their grown up children to return their homes, soon after partying on the eve of 31st December. Or, a staunch entrepreneur who refuses to declare a holiday on the New Year day. Whatever be the cause behind the spread of such a belief, again like all others, there doesn’t seem to be much wrong with this thought. It’s entirely your wish as to what you desire and what you don’t desire to do on the New Year.

Now, you know the most common charms or beliefs, which are held and followed around the New Year. They may not have a solid basis, but all of them have a positive thought process behind them. So, it’s entirely on you whether you follow them or not!

Ganesha wishes all of you out there – a warm and pleasant Happy New Year 2015!

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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