The volatile situation in the Kashmir Valley continues with six people being done to death in a raid on an Indian police station in Jammu and Kashmir near the border with Pakistan on Thursday, September 25. Militants also attacked an army camp, even as Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan’s Nawaz Sharif were due to meet on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting. They are expected to discuss the ongoing violence in the disputed territory in the Kashmir region.
Read what Ganesha had earlier predicted about the unrest in the Kashmir Valley.
Astrological prediction: Saturn’s exact conjunction with Rahu in Libra sign Swati Nakshatra and debilitated Mars’ aspect on Saturn has caused another round of terrorist attack in Jammu. Ganesha notes that there will be eclipses on 18/19 October 2013 (lunar eclipse in Aries) and 3rd November, 2013, again in Libra sign and Swati Nakshatra. So, the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is set to remain very critical, stressful and sensitive throughout the year 2013.In the Pisces New Moon chart, the retrograde Saturn is placed with Rahu in the 3rd House and Mars is aspecting it. It indicates heightened crisis in the border states, frequent clashes with the neighbouring countries, agitations and disruptions. Pakistan will continue its infiltration in Kashmir to disrupt peace and harmony in the Valley. India-Pakistan tension on the Kashmir issue may crop up every now and then, during year 2013. Jammu and Kashmir and the neighbouring states are also prone to natural calamities.
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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team