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How To Boost Your Mood Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What do you usually do when you are in a huff or as we say mood less? Let us guess, meeting your favourite people, watching favourite web series or movies, listening to music or playing games? No? Don’t say you just sleep after switching off all the materialistic pleasures of life. Sometimes, even after reading a book, you are not enlightened. At times, even after doing 20+ pushups (set of three) you are not satisfied. And many a time, you do numerous things, but at the end of the day, your mood remains still off. Today, we will put some light on boosting your mood based on your zodiac sign. Once you find yours, don’t skip, scroll on over your favourite people’s zodiac signs so that you can help them boost theirs too.

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To boost the mood, Aries can do their favourite exercise or Asana, wait, we are not talking about Shavasana (Corpse Pose). You know what happens with Aries, like their Zodiac Sign, they always want to be the No. 1. If not first, they tend to get dissatisfied. They won’t like the word ‘No’. Adding one more tip to uplift their mood is that they need to change their daily routine a bit. Try adding extra some more outdoor activities close to nature so that your leader that lies within never has a mood off.

Taurus people can go out shopping in order to uplift their mood. Now the question arises, what if their mood is off four times a day? No need to worry about your bank balance as we are here to guide. No one is saying to be a Shopaholic. You can either go out with your friends or family and CHILL (No need to buy stuff) or just take fresh air. Interestingly, planet Venus is the lord of Taurus and Venus loves to live a king size life. One more tip may sound a little heavy for you, read at your own risk, Taurus people can uplift their mood by Sweeping, and dusting the house.

Knowing the inner you better can help a lot to uplift your mood. Uncover your Personalised free Janamapatri to know all about your hidden talents, strengths, and struggles.

Gemini is an Air sign, ruled by Mercury. This is what makes Gemini the “Chatty Cathy” of the zodiac. So, whenever you are moodless, we prefer you meeting your friends, family, or favourite souls instantly. Once you meet, you can talk about life, business, religion, or anything that would make your dialogue even more valuable. We prefer to have two-sided communication rather than just you talking, no offence.

Cancer, as a Sign of Water, you are nurturer in the Zodiac. You generally feel depressed when you aren’t receiving enough nurturing. It’s just like, a 4 year old baby cries out loud when mom is not around to take care of the baby. So, time to maintain your friendship with your favourite food. Being a foodie, you can definitely try your favourite dish or even explore new food dishes. You can eat sweets like; Kaju katri, besan ladoos, Soan papdi, Gulab Jamun, Gajar ka halwa, & so on… Yummm, so mouth-watering, isn’t it?? Before eating these sweets, just remember that everything should be in limit. When it is crossing the limit can cause ‘Diabetes’.

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Leo, the greatest tip for you is to just have fun… Will tell you the reason, your symbol is of fire, and the lord is the Sun. Seems like the situation is out of the frying pan into the fire. Don’t mind, it’s not that much easy to make your mood boost. When you are moodless, try spending time with your creative hobbies or the things which are really artistic in nature like; singing in Karaoke, painting, writing, nowadays people create ‘podcasts’, and many other bunch of things.

The best mood upliftment tip for the Virgins, to do gardening. The sign of earth likes to spend time in the middle of nature and to manage plants, flowers, and seeds to grow with utmost care. You are being counted in the list of intellectual people. Visionaries in the house! Listen carefully, whenever you feel down or in stress, just do meditation, listen to your favourite soothing music, be engaged in some activities in which either your mind is blank or filled with countless thoughts. As a matter of fact, Virgins throw themselves into their creativity as much as they can.

Constant mood swings? Blame Moon! Perform Chandra Graha Shanti Puja to empower your Moon and give a boost to your mood.

Hey Libra, wanna know the secrets that would help boost your mood? Of Course yes, this is why you came here. However you deal with mood swings hardly in life, as Libra are usually quite balanced in life. But still when you face anything bad your mood gets stuck. Ideally, you can decorate your house, re-organize the pantry, clean out your rooms, and basement. This will surely uplift your mood ?

No surprise when we say that Scorpions are romantic as well as creative. Moodless Scorpions choose to show love to their partner in stress. Yes, you heard that right. They defeat stress through their love expression. But as we say, arguments are not won with harsh words but with the expression of love. You won’t be frustrated, rather calm and relaxed, sharing thoughts with their partner. Singles, don’t feel down, you can definitely try meditating or chatting with friends.

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Hey Sagittarius, You can surely choose the option of travelling. Exploring new places with your favourite people or even alone can be the best thing. You are one of the most high tempered signs, so remember, a yoga, swimming pool, or even a walk in a lonely street would be one of the best alternatives.

Capricorns, the perfect mood booster for you is to do gardening. On a high key! Want to hear frank advice? Don’t be upset much, you have to achieve and do many things in life. Remember, you are very hardworking in nature. If someone demoralises you, don’t feel down. You can write out your feelings in your diary or do some Yoga.

Never ending challenges? Rest easy, and blame Saturn! Check your Saturn Transit Report and get guidance from experts to overcome it.

Aquarius, people with buckets full of emotions! You are super important for your family, friends, and society. Being upset is just a small bump in a road. Don’t feel down, unlike others. We know that you take people seriously. Their sad days or tough times convert into flowing your tears. To uplift your mood, try visiting an old age home, donate blood, or simply clean out your closet and take a bin of clothes to your local shelter.

Pisces will often get blue as the Mutable Water symbol. Once your mood is off, it’s really hard to turn the winter into spring. We highly suggest you dance, paint, or write it out, or whatever works best for you, because it will not only greet you in a good mood, but it will be helpful for your self-development too. The icing on the cake!

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Astrologers trained by Shri Bejan Daruwalla
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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