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Know The Impact Of Mercury Transit In Virgo On Your Life

Know The Impact Of Mercury Transit In Virgo On Your Life

Dates For Mercury Transit:

Starts: 27th September 2017
Ends: 13th October 2017

Significance Of The Mercury Transit In Virgo 2017

Mercury will enter Virgo, its exalted sign on 27th September 2017, and this transit will end on 13th October 2017. Mercury is the ruler of Virgo star sign and will be transiting through its exalted sign, hence it will help you to communicate in a better manner during this period. You will be happy to serve or help others. All the factors coming under the influence of Mercury will be expressed in the unique style of Virgo natives, i.e. to communicate in an organised manner or getting involved in a detailed conversation. Now let us see the impact of this transit on natives of each sign.

[Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, click here.]

– Mercury In The 6th House

Aries natives will plan and allot time for a new routine. You will also try to become more organised, and be more vocal at your workplace as per Mercury in Virgo. Besides, you may criticise people while expressing your views and opinions, which could affect your relationship with others. You shall travel or make short trips during this period, and it will help you set a new perspective towards your profession. You shall be in a casual mood and become more friendly with your colleagues. But, this might cause some misunderstanding and you may thus get disappointed. You will now take up a new health regime and speak in a highly philosophical manner. Financially, if you are planning to take a loan, you will get approval for the same, during this period. Stars predict that you will develop a new perspective towards profession. Are you thinking whether your new perspective will yield better results? You can get this query answered. Buy the Career Ask A Question Report and know the answer to this pressing problem.

Tip – You should try to understand the feelings of other people and listen to their views or suggestions carefully, as you never know what you may get to learn from them.

– Mercury In The 5th House

Taurus natives will now focus on investing money and fulfilling their desires during this period. Moreover, you shall give more attention to your loved ones and try to make them happy by sharing your ideas and other plans of your life. During this period, you will also try to get closer to your dear ones according to Mercury in Virgo. You shall now try to learn some new things which are valuable and can be preserved like a jewel. Besides, you will express your warm feelings to convey your protective attitude towards your family. But, sometimes this may be misinterpreted. You shall also focus on improving your eating habits and regularly follow a proper diet. This will finally get you closer to your health goals. Consequently, all these activities will make you more creative and expressive in your work. Better work should yield better finances and ultimately more wealth. Are you curious whether your wealth will grow in the future or not? We have the means to satisfy your curiosity. You need to access the Wealth Ask a Question Report to get the answer.

Tip – You need to let go your feelings of insecurity and have faith in your dear ones as they will respect you more if you do so.

– Mercury In The 4th House

The attention of Gemini natives during this period will be towards their home and family life. You will also go on a short trip with your family members. Besides, you shall sort out differences with your younger siblings. But, your neighbours and some people in the society could be a cause of concern during this period. Your self-development is possible if you consider spending time with your dear ones and sharing your views with them. You will now come across something which shall be beneficial for your life in accordance with Mercury in Virgo 2017. However, your health could suffer while traveling, if you behave carelessly. Moreover, you will be concerned regarding your progress and thus plan to overcome your weaknesses. You shall also focus on making yourself perfect for your dear ones. But, this may be misunderstood by others and hence you might argue with them. Relationships help us grow and feel safe. One of the most important relationships is of husband and wife, which happens through marriage. Are you facing some confusion in marriage? Gain access to Marriage Ask a Question Report and get the confusion clarified.

Tips – You need to avoid your tendency to criticise people during this period as it could create distance in your relationship with others.

– Mercury In The 3rd House

Cancer natives will be concerned regarding their finances during this period. You may think of taking a risk in order to gain more profit. Your focus shall be on creating more wealth and obtaining valuable things during this period. But, you may suffer from eye infection or pain due to polluted surroundings as per Mercury in Virgo effects. You shall make plans to travel and will be interested in exploring something new. Moreover, you will frankly express your emotions during this period. It would also be a good idea to share your fears or weaknesses with your dear ones. You shall again become creative and will be more imaginative during this period. However, you may remain anxious about the health of younger members in your family. Besides, you might think negatively and accordingly express your views. This is likely to happen because you will experience stress during this period. Stars predict that you will be more for profits. Are you confused about your wealth creation? Is some question pressing you in that regard? You can get it answered if you buy the Wealth Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report.

Tips – You need to relax and stop worrying unnecessarily as your problems will get resolved as time passes. You should also do some adventurous or intellectual activities to become positive.

– Mercury In The 2nd House

For Leo natives, this entire period will be regarding your obsession with food. Although you have been trying for a long time, you may be unable to resist your temptation to eat more food. You will also do some financial transactions, but you need to make sure that all the documents are in place to complete it smoothly. Besides, you will make plans to fulfill your wishes and desires during this period as per the effects of Mercury transit. You shall also do some research and analysis about your finances and invest them wisely. Further, you will remain cautious and become conscious while speaking with others in order to avoid hurting people. You shall even support your friends, financially or emotionally during this period. Moreover, you will be required to give more time to your family members and you should also discuss your goals in life with them. Your future tells that you will undertake some good financial transactions. Are you facing some obstructions in your wealth generation process? You can get it resolved if you buy the Remedial Solution for Wealth Report.

Tips – You are advised to avoid overeating and focus on your health regime to become fit and strong.

– Mercury In The 1st House

Virgo natives and those with Virgo ascendant will now remain dedicated to their profession and you shall do anything to achieve progress in your respective field. However, your health may become an obstacle while attaining your target as per Virgo astrology. Thus, you need to remain cautious about your health. Actually, your health may especially get worse when you would be worried about your finances. You should avoid the two extremes: taking a rash decision or getting too passive about things. You will need to think logically but it should not mess up with the opportunities coming your way. In short, you should avoid over-thinking. If you spend money without thinking, it may lead to losses or you may accumulate useless things at home. Your attitude towards others may not be very positive and you are likely to be sensitive in your approach. You may be required to make work-related trips during this period according to Mercury in Virgo 2017. Career is important as it provides us money which we can use to satisfy our needs. We want that your career should flourish. However, if there are any problems in your career, buy the Remedial Solutions for Career Report and get them resolved.

Tips– The Virgo Man and Virgo Woman will have to make sure that you don’t analyse things too much as it may lead you to miss out good opportunities in life.

– Mercury In The 12th House

You will be traveling to religious places and you will spend money on fulfilling your wishes. Your short trips with your near and dear ones and friends will be a good break from your hectic schedule. You will be able to give time to your health and fitness. You will share lot many philosophical conversations with others which may be very refreshing for you. It’s good if you study the mystical subjects during this period is seen from Mercury in Virgo. Those who are looking for higher studies may find it a suitable period and they may go abroad for higher education. You will be involved more into the spiritual activities for your self-development and wellness. At the same time, your luck may not support you and you will need to make strong efforts to achieve your aims. Stars predict good opportunities for those who want to go for higher education. Do you want to capitalise on these opportunities and clear your doubt about education? If yes buy the Education Ask A Question Report.

Tips– You may feel that your plans are not working. So, you should keep alternative plans ready for emergency situations in order to avoid any disappointment

– Mercury In The 11th House

You will give more attention to your career. This may take away some of your family time as per Mercury in Virgo effects. You may find it difficult to balance things. You may want to bring changes in your life by changing some of your old patterns. You may win a good business deal during this period. You will stand to make financial gains and the period is good for making financial investments. You may want to spend time with your friends and may even plan your career with them. You may want to be part of a new venture for your financial growth. Our birth stars are important as they decide everything in our life. If you are interested in knowing about your birth chart, buy our Premium Janampatri.

Tips- You should make sure that your relationship with an elder member of the family stays smooth and cordial. This is necessary as you will need their help and support to move ahead in life.

– Mercury In The 10th House

Your relationship with your father may be affected due to ego clashes. However, if you are in a cordial relationship with your father, you may start working with him or some other fatherly figure in your family. You may even make a deal with them and resolve your differences as per the effects of Mercury transit. Your relationship with your life partner may be a bit shaky. You may face resistance from your partner on certain issues and thus you may find it difficult to maintain harmony in the relationship. You will also look at your relationships with somebody else’s perspective which may not be a wise decision. Career will be at the center of your mind and you may like to discuss issues related to your career with your near and dear ones as is seen from Mercury in Virgo 2017. Half of the life’s battle is won if we are happily married. Do you have any issues in your marriage? If yes, buy the Marriage Ask a Question Report and get your problem clarified.

Tips– You will need to understand that your near and dear ones will be with you whether you are doing right or not. So, you should avoid doubting and begin believing.

– Mercury In The 9th House

You will want to learn new things and this will be related to some research or analytical work. You may even show a keen interest in some religious activities. You may also organise a religious activity at your place as per Mercury transit in Virgo. You will not think positively about your profession and thus you may want a change in your routine. Thus, you will make some changes in your day to day activities which may make you progress and become positive in outlook. You will perform in a better manner and your health will also see an improvement. If you focus on the present and try to be happy, you will not see any disappointment. The predictions present a mixed bag about your professional life. But you can change it for the better. Buy the Career Ask A Question Report and surge ahead in profession.

Tips– You should organise and manage your work properly to get success. This will be possible if you focus on your health and get stronger.

– Mercury In The 8th House

Your interest in Astrology or mystical sciences will increase and you are likely to get involved in such activities. You will witness a difference of opinion between you and children. You are likely to make a huge change and transform your attitude which will give you many benefits. You will try to be more expressive and creative in your style of handling life’s situations according to Mercury in Virgo. You will experiment with new ideas and try different methods to resolve pending problems. You will need to go beyond your limitations. Ganesha foresees that you may not be able to focus on your studies and this may turn disturbing. However, with the help of others, you will overcome this phase. Wealth is important in every stage of life. Are you facing issues in your wealth creation? You can get it solved with Wealth Ask a Question Report.

Tips– You should become down to earth and do what is necessary for you. You should take help from others and not let ego come in the way.

– Mercury In The 7th House

Your focus will be on your marriage. You will share with others your ideas or suggestions regarding your married life. You will also try to maintain harmony in your family life. You will give time to the people who matter a lot in life according to the effects of Mercury transit. You will also share your innermost desires with your near and dear ones and try to achieve these desires. You will have to be part of various conversations, perforce. You will be busy with your schedules and appointments and may find it difficult to maintain the right balance. Your job will be on the top of your mind. You may also have some heated arguments with your colleagues. Relationships are important, whether with colleagues or family members. Marriage is a big change in relationships as we get our life partner. Are you concerned about marriage? If yes, buy the Marriage Ask a Question Report.

Tips- You will need to be positive and stay happy as such an attitude will keep your life in the right balance and avoid conflicts.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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