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How will Mercury transit in Scorpio affects your zodiac sign?

According to Indian Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury is the offspring of the planet Jupiter and Moon. Mercury is the planet of media and communication and is a significator of intelligence, analytical and intellectual skills. The individuals who have blessings of Mercury or the planet is well-placed in Janampatri can crack the toughest nut and dodged a bullet. A well-placed Mercury also blesses its natives with intelligence and good reasoning skills. The natives can find out the solutions for each and every question and problem. If the planet is placed in the exalted sign in your horoscope there are good chances of becoming a successful statistician, mathematician, financial expert, and businessman.

Mercury is given status equivalent to the prince in Astrology. Sun, Venus and Rahu are friendly planets to Mercury. Mercury is the lord of Gemini and Virgo zodiac sign, exalted in Virgo sign. When Mercury is placed in Virgo, the position is considered as auspicious and it gives excellent results. The strength of the planet reduces when it is placed in Pisces sign. A weakly placed Mercury in your horoscope can be energized and given strength by wearing Emerald stone after consultation from expert astrologers.

The planet Mercury is transiting from the Libra zodiac sign and entering the Scorpio zodiac sign on October 23, 2019. Scorpio sign is governed by the planet Mars. Mercury is likely to stay in this zodiac sign for around two months till December 25, 2019. The planet would start retrograde motion from October 31, 2019, till November 7, 2019. It will do retrograde transit from Scorpio to Libra sign on November 7, 2019, to November 11, 2019. The planet would re-enter in direct motion in Scorpio sign on November 21, 2019, till December 5, 2019. This transit would have a great impact on all zodiac signs.

Transit phase: October 23, 2019, to December 25, 2019.

Time: 23:12 on October 23 to 15:45 on December 25.
Retrograde motion: 21:10 on October 31 to 15:56 on November 7.
Retrograde transit to Libra: 15:56 on November 7 to 00:41 on November 21.
Direct motion to Scorpio: 10:35 on December 5 to 15:45 on December 25.

The transit of Mercury in Scorpio would have effects on all zodiac signs. The entry of the planet in Scorpio would bring many changes in your personal and professional life. Let us know the positive and negative effects of the transit on you.

(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned according to the Moon sign.)

  • Mercury is transiting through the eighth house in Aries horoscope. The planet is a significator of communication.
  • You should take care while communicating with others. You should use your words wisely and avoid arguments.
  • You should take utmost care while communicating with your closed ones. There are chances of friction with your family members due to the wrong choice of words. So you are advised to take care of it and use the words wisely.
  • Employees may find difficulty in creating effective presentations. Your presentations would not create an effect on the audience.
  • You have to take the help of others for completing your assignments and task effectively on time.
  • You would develop your inclination towards spiritual things and spirituality. You may travel to some holy place during this period.
  • You may have to spend money to buy things for your relatives. If you refrain from doing it, your siblings may get upset. It would eventually affect your relationship causing strain in it.
  • Mercury is transiting through the seventh house in Taurus horoscope. The planet is a significator of idealism.
  • Married couples would spend quality time with their spouses. They would go for a dine out or a long drive to enjoy precious time with each other. You may also go on a trip to some romantic destination with your life partner.
  • The couple would spend time sharing their hidden feelings. The misunderstandings and disputes of the past would be solved during this transit. Both of you would be quite open in sharing your feeling and a strong understanding would build up between you and your partner due to the meaningful and open talks you would have during this period.
  • Financial gains are foreseen during this period. Your family would be supportive of you during this period and you would have some financial gains from them.
  • The individuals who are singles would find their soulmates during this transit period. You may find the partner of your dreams who would be loving and caring for you.
  • Your creative and artistic skills would enhance during this transit period. You would be more creative in thoughts and ideas. Your innovative ideas and creative work would be beneficial for you for your professional growth and achievements.
  • Employees would get new opportunities in their respective fields. The opportunities would help you to fulfill your career goals and your scope of work would enhance from it.
  • Mercury is transiting through the sixth house in the horoscope of Geminis. The planet is a significator of research and knowledge.
  • Your presentation and routine work task would be effective. Your senior officials would be impressed by your sincerity and perfection at work. Your perfection and effectiveness would help you to grow and achieve your professional goals.
  • Your boss and senior officials would appreciate your sincere efforts at work. They may reward you with a promotion or increment in salary. There are high chances of promotion during this transit period.
  • Your creative and artistic skills would enhance. You would come up with more innovative and creative ideas and thoughts. You would be full of energy and work with great enthusiasm during this transit period.
  • The sixth house is a significator of health issues and so you are advised to take proper care of your health. You should keep a watch on eating habits and exercise to stay fit. You would be distressed and worried due to the health of you
  • Mercury is transiting through the fifth house in the horoscope of Cancerians. The planet is a significator of devotional communication.
  • Married couples and individuals in a love relationship should be careful while communicating with your partners. You should avoid arguments and issues with your partner. You should talk with more clarity with your partner and be soft to them. The chances of misunderstanding are there during this period and so take care of it.
  • The choice of words would be very important in this transit period. You should avoid talking harshly other it would strain your relationship with your partner.
  • You would be more concerned about your children and their future. You would be worried about their academic progress. You may have to spend more money after them for their enhancement of knowledge.
  • You should avoid investing money in speculation and gambling as you may not get favorable results. If you are planning to invest money in the stock market then you should seek advice from a certified financial advisor for better results.
  • Mercury is transiting through the fourth house in the horoscope of Lions. The planet is a significator of short trips.
  • The transit of the planet in the fourth house indicates happiness. The strong flow of happiness is foreseen.
  • There are chances of buying property and vehicles during this period. If you have any plans for buying then the transit would help you with this.
  • Your relationship with your family members would get strengthen during this transit period. They would support you in ups and downs and mutual cooperation is foreseen. Cooperation and peace within the family would bring happiness for you. You are likely to receive benefits from your mother.
  • Employees would get appreciation and recognition from senior officials in top management for their sincere and efficient efforts. Your job roles and responsibilities would enhance with additional roles and responsibilities. The change in role and responsibilities would help you to enhance your professional skills and upgrade yourself with new learnings and experiences.
  • You would showcase hard work, devotion, and dedication in performing tasks at your workplace.
  • Mercury is transiting through the third house in the horoscope of Virgos. The planet is a significator of communication.
  • You would be courageous during this transit period. Your courage and enthusiasm in work would enhance your self-confidence.
  • You would be very straight forward while communicating with others. You are advised to choose your words wisely. There are strong chances of misinterpretation and misunderstanding, especially in the workplace.
  • You are likely to travel more on small trips. You would spend more on these trips and so you are advised to keep a watch on your spending pattern.
  • Individuals in sales and marketing may have to travel for official work quite often. Your traveling schedule during this transit period would remain hectic.
  • Your siblings would ask help from you in completing their tasks. You would offer your hand to them without hesitation and due to your support, they would be able to meet their deadlines.
  • You would be courageous and enthusiastic during this transit period. You would work with extra effort and full of energy which would help you to meet your deadlines at ease.

(Also Read: How will the Sun transit in Libra affect your zodiac sign?)

  • Mercury is transiting through the second house in the horoscope of Librans. The planet is a significator of comprehensive skills.
  • The house is a significator of family and finance. Happiness and prosperity in family life are foreseen. There would be mutual understanding and support within the family.
  • There are fewer chances of misunderstanding and issues with the family members. Your bond with the family members would get stronger.
  • Married couples should take due care of their spouses during this transit period. The transit may affect the health of your spouse.
  • You would put sincere efforts in your daily tasks and accomplish them with full dedication. Your sincerity and dedication would be appreciated and recognized by senior officials. Your communication would also be effective along with sincerity and dedication which would help you to progress in your respective profession.
  • Finance related matter require care and caution. You should avoid taking hasty financial decisions. Major financial investment should be done after taking opinions from the experts.
  • Mercury is transiting through the first house in the horoscope of Scorpions. The planet is a significator of speech.
  • The transit would create hardship in your career and personal life. Don’t stress yourself too much as it would affect your health ultimately. Take proper care of your health and try to calm down. The ailments and issues of health would bother you as it would affect your health ultimately.
  • There are chances of skin diseases during this period. You should maintain hygiene and avoid the allergic food.
  • You would be mentally stressed due to overburden of work, difficulty in meeting deadlines and health ailments. You should do yoga and meditation daily in order to have mental peace. Meditation and yoga would ensure positivity in you and would have an optimistic approach.
  • Your financial positions would be challenging for you. You need to put extra efforts to stabilize your financial position. Your hard work and sincere efforts would help you to give success to some extent.
  • Your sincerity and extra effort in your workplace would give you rewards and recognition from senior officials in top management and superiors.
  • You would handle your opponents wisely during this period. Your determination in your work will help you to handle them.
  • Mercury is transiting through the twelfth house in the horoscope of Sagittarius. The planet is a significator of memory and logic.
  • The transit would give you less favorable results. You would be mentally stressed as you would not get results according to your expectations.
  • The health issues and ailments to your spouse are likely to be foreseen in this period. You would be worried about the health of your partner. You have to spend money on the medication of your partner for quick recovery.
  • You need to be careful about your financial status and keep a watch on your spending patterns. You have to cut down your financial budget and postpone a few expenditures which are not very important. If you continue to be a spendthrift and don’t cut down your expenditures then you are likely to see negative impacts on your financial position.
  • You may also get a chance to travel abroad during this transit period. You may go on vacation with your family or it can be a business trip.
  • Your opponents would increase at the workplace but you would handle them efficiently.
  • Mercury is transiting through the eleventh house in the horoscope of Capricorn. The planet is a significator of accuracy.
  • The house is a significator of gains, elder siblings and friend circle. You are likely to get benefits from your elder siblings. They would support you in need during this transit period.
  • Your network in personal life is going to increase. You would make new friends and they would be supportive to you. You would be able to accomplish your task efficiently and meet your deadlines due to their support.
  • The transit foresees the availability of good benefits for you.
  • You will put extra effort and work with sincerity in your workplace. This will help you to achieve your goals in professional life at ease.
  • Married couples and individuals in a love relationship would foresee a strong bond between you and your partner. You would be able to develop a good understanding with your partner.
  • Your communication and presentation skills would enhance during this period. You would communicate with others more effectively. Your rational approach in the work area would help you in availing success at the workplace.
  • Mercury is transiting through the tenth house in the horoscope of Aquarians. The planet is a significator of an analytical judgment.
  • The house is a significator of karma and thus your sincere efforts in the workplace would help you to achieve desired results.
  • If you are waiting for promotion and salary increment from a long time, you may get the good news during this transit period. You would get rewards and recognition from your superiors and senior officials.
  • You would have more logical thinking while performing your task. Your presentation skills would be more effective during this period. Your rational thinking and effective presentation would help you to catch attention from senior officials and superiors.
  • This period is favorable for married couples. The period would give you marital bliss. The period would help you in strengthening your bond with your spouse. The love and affection for each other will also increase.
  • Your partner would give you surprises and make you happy. They will help you in realizing your dreams and support you in fulfilling it.
  • Mercury is transiting through the ninth house in the horoscope of Pisceans. The planet is a significator of intuitions.
  • The house is a significator of destiny, gurus, and religion. Your luck would favor you during this period. You would find yourself quite fortunate and would be able to fulfill your dreams.
  • Students are likely to get good results during this transit period. You would progress well in academics and are likely to get good results in examination.
  • Your teacher would support you in enhancing your knowledge. You would excel in your studies due to their support.
  • There are chances of long-distance journeys during this period. You may travel with your family members or may go on an official trip.
  • The period would give you favorable results on the financial front. Your income may increase and there are chances of earning through the new sources. Overall, you are going to get financial benefits during this period.
  • You would plan to go on religious trips during this period. Spending money for a journey to holy places is on the cards.
  • You would be giving more importance to your personal ethics. You would like to work according to your principles and give more weightage to them.
  • If you are a student, you would plan for pursuing higher education and your fortune will support you in that.
  • You may have to travel for education-related purposes. You may travel abroad or away from your home to pursue higher education.

(Also Read: How will the Jupiter transit in Sagittarius affect your zodiac sign?)

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With Ganesha’s Grace,



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