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Mercury Transit In Pisces: Know Its Effects On Your Life

Mercury Transit In Pisces: Know Its Effects On Your Life - GaneshaSpeaks
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Dates For Mercury Transit In Pisces

Starts: 3rd March 2018
Ends: 9th May 2018

Mercury is considered as the prince of the planetary cabinet in astrology. Planet Mercury also signifies intelligence in a native’s horoscope. Mercury itself is null, hence we will get results as per the planets that are in combination with Mercury in our horoscope. From 6:55 am, 3rd March to 9th May, 5.28 pm, transiting Mercury will pass through Pisces sign. Besides, Mercury will be retrograde from 5.48 am 23rd March, and then become direct at 2:42 pm, 5th April.

Following is the description about the effects of Mercury’s transit in Pisces sign on natives of all the signs.

(Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, click here.)

Mercury Transit 2018: Mercury In Pisces – Predictions For The 12 Moon Signs

Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Aries

– Mercury Transit In 12th House

Mercury will be lord of your 3rd & 6th house and pass through the 12th house from your sign. Thus, from 3rd March to 5th March and from 23rd March to 15th April you will get negative results, especially for matters regarding your younger siblings, servants, friends, short distance travel, various activities, maternal relatives, job, foes, and diseases. Whereas from 5th March to 23rd March and from 15th April to 9th May, you can expect to get good results in the above-mentioned matters.

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Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Taurus

– Mercury Transit In 11th House

Mercury will be lord of your 2nd & 5th house and pass through the 11th house of gains from your sign. Thus, from 3rd March to 5th March, and from 23rd March to 15th April, you should remain extra cautious in matters regarding your finances, love relationships, starting new relationships, education, children, child-bearing, family, stocks & speculation and sports. However, the period from 5th March to 23rd March and from 15th April to 9th May will generally prove to be better.

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Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Gemini

– Mercury Transit In 10th House

Mercury will be lord of your 1st & 4th house and pass through the 10th house of karma from your sign. Thus, from 3rd March to 5th March and from 23rd March to 15th April, you will feel slightly uneasy mentally & physically, and also get less than expected results in matters regarding your real estate and movable assets. Moreover, issues related to your mother, vehicle and higher studies may bother you slightly. But, the period from 5th March to 23rd March, and from 15th April to 9th May will be highly favourable.

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Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Cancer

– Mercury Transit In 9th House

Mercury will be lord of your 3rd & 12th house and pass through the 9th house of destiny from your sign. Thus, from 3rd March to 5th March, and from 23rd March to 15th April you should especially remain careful about relationships with your younger siblings. If possible, avoid short distance travel or stay cautious. You may also face obstacles during pilgrimages. Moreover, be prepared for accidental expenses. However, you can expect positive results in above-mentioned matters during the period from 5th March to 23rd March, and from 15th April to 9th May.

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Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Leo

– Mercury Transit In 8th House

Mercury will be lord of your 2nd & 11th house and pass through the 8th house. Thus, overall you will get moderate results. However, from 3rd March to 5th March you will get negative results in matters regarding your family, finances, relationship with elder siblings, friends and meetings with new people. But, during the period from 5th March to 23rd March and from 15th April to 9th May, you will get favourable results in all these matters. Whereas, you may get unfavourable results for above-mentioned matters from 13th March to 23rd March.

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Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Virgo

– Mercury Transit In 7th House

Mercury will be lord of your 1st & 10th house and pass through the 7th house. Thus, you will especially get good results in matters regarding your physical and mental health, profession and father. But, from 3rd March to 5th March you will remain slightly upset and get negative results. However, your physical and mental health will be better from 5th March to 23rd March and from 15th April to 9th May. Growth in your profession will be better. Also, relationship with your father will be cordial. But, from 23rd March to 15th April you may get negative results in these matters.

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Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Libra

– Mercury Transit In 6th House

Mercury will be lord of your 9th & 12th house and pass through the 6th house of diseases. Thus, from 3rd March to 5th March you will get unfavourable results especially in matters related to religion, growth, long-distance travel, accidental expenditure and sickness. But, from 5th March to 23rd March and from 15th April to 9th May, you will get favourable results in the above-mentioned matters. Whereas, from 23rd March to 15th April you will get negative results in these matters as Mercury will be retrograde.

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Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Scorpio

– Mercury Transit In 5th House

Mercury will be lord of your 8th & 11th house and pass through the 5th house. Thus, from 3rd March to 5th March and from 23rd March to 15th April you will get negative results especially in matters regarding your elder siblings, finances, ancestral property, relationship with friends and health. However, you can expect good results in all these matters from 5th March to 23rd March and from 15th April to 9th May.

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Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Sagittarius

– Mercury Transit In 4th House

Mercury will be lord of your 7th & 10th house and pass through the 4thhouse. Thus, from 3rd March to 5th March and from 23rd March to 15th April you should remain extra cautious in matters related to your marital life, personal life, public life, profession, relationship with father and partnerships. Whereas, from 5th March to 23rd March and from 15th April to 9th May you can expect favourable results in the above-mentioned matters.

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Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Capricorn

– Mercury Transit In 3rd House

Mercury will be lord of your 6th & 9th house and pass through the 3rd house. Thus, from 3rd March to 5th March and from 23rd March to 15th April you will get moderate or less favourable results regarding your job, maternal relatives, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, diseases, enemies, destiny, religion, servants and subordinates. But, you can expect good results in these matters from 5th March to 23rd March and from 15th April to 9th May.

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Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Aquarius

– Mercury Transit In 2nd House

Mercury will be lord of your 5th & 8th house and pass through the 2nd house of wealth from your sign. Thus, from 3rd March to 5th March, and from 23rd March to 15th April you may get unfavourable results in matters about your love relationship, children, education, stocks & speculation, sports, finance, legacy and health. However, from 5th March to 23rd March and from 15th April to 9th May you will get favourable results in the above-mentioned matters.

Are you planning to change your job? Have you thought whether it is the right decision or not? Put an end to all your doubts by seeking Expert guidance.

Mercury Transit In Pisces 2018 For Pisces

– Mercury Transit In 1st House

Mercury will be lord of your 4th & 7th house and pass through your own sign. Thus, from 3rd March to 5th March and from 23rd March to 15th April you may get average or less favourable results, especially in matters related to your property, mother, sister, higher education, married life, personal life, public life and partnerships. Whereas, from 5th March to 23rd March and from 15th April to 9th May you can expect to get good results in the above-mentioned matters.

Want to know if there is a job change indicated for you? Click here to get complete clarity from our Experts.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bindu Pandya,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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