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Mercury Transit 2017: Mercury In Cancer – Know Its Impact On You

Mercury Transit 2017: Mercury In Cancer – Know Its Impact On You

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Mercury Transit In Cancer: An Overview

Mercury transit in Cancer 2017 will begin on July 3 and end on July 21, 2017. This transit will have significant influence on the natives of the 12 Moon Signs.

Mercury enjoys the status of prince in the planetary system. This planet rules over the third place (Gemini) and sixth place (Virgo) in the horoscope. If Mercury gets defiled, it may cause problems related to the eyes, ears, throat (like thyroid), back and skin diseases. Mercury influences areas such as wealth, intelligence, accounts, efficiency, art, dance, economics, the ability to analyse, wit & humour, banking services, agents, salesmanship and issues related to the skin. All these things can be said to be the Mercury’s portfolios. To get success in business, a strong Mercury is very much required in the horoscope. Let us see in detail the impact of this transit on the 12 Moon Signs:-

[Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, click here.]

The Impact Of Mercury Transit In Cancer On The 12 Moon Signs

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Aries

– Mercury In The 4th House

The Transit of Mercury in Cancer will deliver negative developments in your relationship with younger siblings and friends. On the other hand, you will see positive developments in matters related to your profession, maternal side relatives, domestic helpers, etc. According to Ganesha, you will be able to treat your diseases, your health will improve and you will achieve victory against your rivals. You may also have disputes with your younger siblings during this period. Be careful in the relationship with friends. Stay focused on office work. Your equation with domestic helpers won’t be sweet. You may develop differences with your relatives from the maternal side. Be careful about your health.

Between July 4 and July 12, you will enjoy good equations with your friends. This time period will also be good for your office work. Your rivals will fail against you. In the time frame July 12 and July 21, your health will be good. You will get the benefits from your maternal side. The period will be very good for your job as well. Your professional life will go well. But you can improve it still further if you get to know your future. Buy the Career Prospects Report, know the future and improve your job scenario.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Taurus

– Mercury In The 3rd House

The influence of Mercury transit will also be seen on the natives of Taurus. You will witness positive developments in matters related to financial & family issues, love, studies, children, share investments, betting and sports. There may be a clash of opinion amongst family members between July 2 and July 4. You may face obstacles in financial matters. Lovers may face a lack of coordination amongst themselves. You may face obstacles in studies. You may even incur losses in share markets and betting. The time is neither good nor bad for sports.

There will be happiness in the family between July 4 and July 12. You will make gains on the financial front. There will be harmony in love relationship. Students will be able to focus on studies and will get good results. The time frame July 12 to July 21 is the best for financial matters. During this period, you will also see very good developments in matters related to love, child, share market & betting, sports and so on. You will also do well in studies. Stars predict a good time for your studies. But if you feel that getting answer to a question will boost your prospects further, get the Education Ask A Question Report and brighten your education.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Gemini

– Mercury In The 2nd House

Mercury transit in Cancer will trigger positive developments for Gemini natives in matters related to mental & physical conditions, movable and immovable property, mother and vehicle. Between July 2 and July 4, your health will not be up to the mark. You will suffer from mental confusion and anxiety. You will feel the anxiety in the ongoing matters related to movable and immovable assets. It’s not a good time to buy vehicles.

You will enjoy good health between July 4 and July 12. You will share a good equation with your mother. This time is good for buying vehicles. In the period between July 12 and July 21, you will enjoy very good health. Matters related to the property will get solved, which will give you much happiness. It’s important to increase property and expand your wealth. If you have any query which is preventing your expansion, you have the solution now. Buy Wealth Ask a Question Report and surge ahead in life.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Cancer

– Mercury In The 1st House

The Mercury transit in Cancer will bring about positive developments for Cancer natives in matters related to younger siblings, friends, travelling, illnesses & expenses and pilgrimages. There may be some argument between you and your younger siblings and friends in the period from July 2 and July 4. You may face obstacles while travelling. There may be an occurrence of sudden illnesses which may increase your expenses. You may face a difficult financial situation.

The time frame July 4 to July 12 is good for travelling. It is unlikely that you may face expenses due to sudden illnesses. You will enjoy pilgrimages between July 12 and July 21. You will also share a good equation with your relatives and friends. Life is about relationships and bonding. If you have any problems on the relationship front, you can eliminate them and boost your bonding by knowing your future. Just buy the 2017 Personal Life & Relationship Report.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Leo

– Mercury In The 12th House

Mercury transit in Cancer will influence the Leo natives in a number of ways. There will be good developments in matters related to friends, elder siblings, financial and family matters. You may also enter into a verbal conflict with your friends between July 2 and July 4. The quarrels at home will take away the calm from your life. You may face difficulties in financial matters. Every problem has a solution. You can get your financial problems solved. Just gain access to our 2017 Finance Report. You will be able to know the future and improve your financial situation.

Between July 4 and July 12, you will share a harmonious relationship with your elder siblings. There will be happiness at home. You may make financial gains. There will lot of positivity at home between July 12 and July 21. This will make you all the happier. There will be joy in the air. You will make financial gains. The bonding will elder siblings will grow stronger. As you will be happy, you will also good and successful moments with your friends.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Virgo

– Mercury In The 11th House

Mercury transit in Cancer will positively influence Virgo natives on matters related to the physical & mental condition, work and father. You should take care of your health between July 2 and July 4. You may feel traumatised and sad. You may have differences with your father.

Your physical and mental situation will stay good between July 4 and July 12. You will move ahead in your profession. You will feel good between July 12 and July 21. Your mind will be full of positive thoughts. You may even get promoted in your job. Our professional life is full of ups and downs. However, you can aim for sustained growth. You can do this if you know the future of your career. You can do it if you read the 2017 Career Report.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Libra

– Mercury In The 10th House

The transit of Mercury will present ample opportunities to the natives of Libra sign. This time is good for organising pilgrimages. The chances of sudden illness and expenses are less. Luck will not favour you between July 2 and July 4. This time will not be good for pilgrimage. Take care of your health as you may experience sudden illness. You may face sudden expenses.

Your health will be good between July 4 and July 12. If you want to go on a pilgrimage, your wish will materialise. You will witness an increase in luck. You may go on a pilgrimage between July 12 and July 21. There is a less chance of illness or expenses, says Ganesha. Life is full of uncertainty. But you can simplify it. Get Ask Any Question Report, know your future and solve life’s puzzles.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Scorpio

– Mercury In The 9th House

Mercury transit in Cancer will trigger for Scorpio natives good developments in matters related to friends, financial gains, relationships with elder siblings, inherited property and health. You may develop differences of opinion with your elder sibling and friends between July 2 and July 4. There will be a delay in matters related to inheritance. You may also face problems in financial matters. But you can solve your financial problem. You can know your future and address any issue. You can do this if you buy the 2017 Finance Report.

The time frame July 4 to July 12 will see you make financial gains. You will have a good time with your friends. In the period from July 12 to July 21, you will make financial gains and get empowered. Your health will stay good.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Sagittarius

– Mercury In The 8th House

Mercury transit in Cancer will positively influence, for Sagittarius natives, matters related to father, private-public life, conjugal happiness, business and partnership. You may have a dispute with your father between July 2 and July 4. You may witness undue delay in some tasks which will make you irritated. You will experience bitterness in your married and personal life. You may incur unpopularity in public life. You may also face clashes with your business partners.

There will be an improvement in your office situation between July 4 and July 12. You are likely to get fame in public life. The turn of fate will enable you to enjoy your married life. You will be completely happy in your personal life. You will enjoy a good relationship with your father between July 12 and July 21. If you are facing trouble in public life, it is likely to get solved. The relationship with your partners will be more or less harmonious. We should not be silent observers in life. We should act pro-actively not to lose anything. If you are facing relationship issues, you can buy the 2017 Personal Life & Relationship Report and get your issues solved by knowing your future.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Capricorn

– Mercury In The 7th House

Mercury transit will trigger significant developments in the lives of Capricorn natives. This transit will trigger developments in your matters related to job, maternal side relatives, physical health, rivals, religious matters and boosting of luck prospects. The period between July 2 and July 4 may cause obstacles on the job front. You may have issues with the domestic helpers. Relationship with your maternal side relatives may deteriorate. Your health may go down. Rivals will keep you on the edge. Luck will not favour you. You should avoid pilgrimages during this period. Do you feel you do not have control over your destiny? Well, you will have better control if you know your future. Buy the 2017 Detailed Yearly Report and gain control over your life.

The period between July 4 and July 12 will be quite different. There will be an improvement on the job front. You will make gains by virtue of your maternal side relatives. You will get the opportunities to make progress. The period between July 12 and July 21 will be considered the best for job. You will complete pilgrimages much to your satisfaction. You will enjoy good health.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Aquarius

– Mercury In The 6th House

Mercury transit will trigger several important developments for Aquarius natives. These changes will be related to matters of studies, child, marriage, sports, betting & lottery, inheritance, financial matters and health. Between July 2 and July 4, you may face obstacles in studies. You will witness differences in marriage. Married couples will stay worried about their child. You may lose if you invest money in betting and share markets, so avoid doing it. You will see negative developments take place in sports.

The time frame July 4 to July 12 will be quite different. There will be more harmony in your relationship. The time with your offspring will go on happily. You may stand to gain in your share market and betting investments. Issues of inheritance will get solved quite peacefully, which will bring you much happiness. You will witness the best developments in matters related to studies, love, offspring, share market investments, financial, inheritance and health between July 12 and July 21. Wealth and health both are important for happiness. However, if you find that your wealth growth is getting obstructed due to some reason, you have the solution. Get the Wealth Ask A Question Report, find the answer to your query and move ahead in life.

Mercury Transit In Cancer 2017 For Pisces

– Mercury In The 5th House

Mercury transit in Cancer will impact positively matters related to permanent property, mother, vehicle, public & private life, married life and business partnerships. Between July 2 and July 4, you may have heated arguments with your mother. The time will not be good in matters related to permanent property. You should not buy a vehicle during this period. Your married life and personal life will not be good. You may become unpopular in public life. Do you feel life is unfair to you? You can change the situation by getting the reason for this. Buy the Ask Any Question Report.

Between July 4 and July 12, you will enjoy a good relationship with your mother. The tasks related to the property will get easily done. You will get popularity in public life. You will experience harmony and stability in married life. Your luck will even favour you in business partnership matters. In the period between July 12 and July 21, you will see positive developments in matters related to permanent property, mother, vehicle, married life, personal life and so on.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Prakash Pandya,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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