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Know What Changes Will Mercury Transit In Aries Bring In Your life

Know What Changes Will Mercury Transit In Aries Bring In Your life

Dates For Mercury Transit In Aries

Starts: 9th May 2018
Ends: 27th May 2018

The Positive And Negative Aspects Of Mercury

As per Astrology, Mercury is the prince in the planetary cabinet. In the solar system, it the closest planet to the Sun. If Mercury is benefic, it can increase intelligence, communication abilities, understanding and a sense of harmony. A strong Mercury in the native’s horoscope can make him/her very forceful and effective in communication. In fact, the native with a strong Mercury can enjoy a long and qualitative life. Mercury is the lord of Gemini and Virgo signs. On the other hand, if Mercury is not in a proper position, it can cause diseases like dumbness, skin problems, mental confusion and so on.

Mercury’s Journey In Different Constellations During Its Present Transit

Mercury will enter the Aries on 9th May. It will stay there until 27th May. From 9th May till 18th May, Mercury will stay in Ashwini Constellation; between 18th May and 25th May, it will move in Bharani Constellation and from 25th May till 27th May, Mercury will move in Krutika Constellation. Now, let us know the impact of Mercury’s transit on the 12 Moon Signs:

(Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, click here.)

Mercury Transit 2018: Mercury In Aries – Predictions For The 12 Moon Signs

– Mercury Transit In 1st House

Mercury is the Lord of 3rd and 6th houses for the Aries natives. Besides, Aries will transit the 1st house in Aries. Thus, you may lose on the following fronts: job, relationships with friends & siblings, illnesses and so on. However, things will begin to change after 18th May. You are likely to make gains and get success in both personal and professional life.

You might also like reading: Aries compatibility with other signs.

– Mercury Transit In 12th House

Mercury is the Lord of the 2nd and 5th house for Taurus natives. It will transit your 12th house. You will need to be very careful in matters of communication especially until 18th May. You may turn somewhat negative. You are unlikely to get success in financial and family matters. You may not get proper cooperation from the people around you. But, Ganesha further predicts that your times will change for the better after this transit period gets over. You may even make gains in share markets and other speculative areas. Besides, your children will get success.

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– Mercury Transit In 11th House

Mercury is the Lord of your first house. It will transit your 11th house. You will need to be careful in matters related to movable and immovable property till May 18th. You may remain concerned about problems of your mother. However, after 18th May, you may witness improvement in these areas. You may also see improvement in areas related to teaching. You will also expand your knowledge base. Read more about Gemini.

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– Mercury Transit In 10th House

Mercury is the Lord of your 12th and 3rd house. Mercury will transit your 10th house. You may experience tension in matters related to your younger siblings. You will also need to exercise caution in short distance journeys. Make planned budgets in order to face sudden expenses in a good manner. An old illness may resurface. However, there will be positive developments in some or all of these areas after 18th May. Read more about Cancer.

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– Mercury Transit In 9th House

Mercury is the Lord of your 2nd and 11th house. Mercury will transit your 9th house or the House of Luck. You will have to be alert and careful, especially in the early stage of this transit. You will have to be more compromising in matters related to your finances and equations with your siblings till 18th May. But after this date, you will notice positive developments. Read more about Leo.

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– Mercury Transit In 8th House

Mercury is the Lord of your 1st and 10th house. Mercury will transit your 8th house. You should guard against mental and physical problems until 18th May. People may take out wrong meanings of your talk at the workplace. You should display more transparency in your relationships. The bond between you and your father is likely to grow stronger. Read more about Virgo.

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– Mercury Transit In 7th House

Mercury is the Lord of your 12th and 9th house. Mercury will transit your 7th house, which is related to your spouse and partnerships. Your luck may not favour you, between 9th May and 18th May. You may also experience monotony in the relationship with your spouse. Those who are married may need to give more attention to your brother-in-law and sister in law. Sudden expenses are not ruled out. At the same time, you may get new opportunities to earn money. You may also get good cooperation with your partners. Read more about Libra.

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– Mercury Transit In 6th House

Mercury will transit the 6th house. Mercury is the Lord of your 11th and 8th house. Your earning may get impacted till 18th May due to various reasons. You should maintain your cool and good manners while communicating with your friends or elder siblings. It is likely that planetary influences may make you more impolite and intolerant. However, it is likely that you may get the solution in an old property dispute. Despite being worried, you will retain hope. Read more about Scorpio.

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– Mercury Transit In 5th House

Mercury is the Lord of your 7th and 10th House. Mercury will transit your 5th house. You may get mixed results in matters related to married and personal life, relationships with partners and so on. You may also develop a better relationship with your father and get new success in legal matters. Things will get still better after 18th May. Read more about Sagittarius.

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– Mercury Transit In 4th House

Mercury is the Lord of your 6th and 9th house. Mercury will transit your 4th house. In the early phase of your transit, you will need to be careful about diseases and rivals. You may have to bear heavy expenses in religious matters. You may even go out on pilgrimage. Relationship with maternal side relatives will be fine. Luck is going to favour you. Your equations with siblings will be quite good. Read more about Capricorn.

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– Mercury Transit In 3rd House

Mercury will transit your 3rd house. Besides, Mercury is the Lord of your 5th and 8th house. You may not get good results in the areas of sports, share market investments, inheritance, finance and so on. However, after May 18th, you are going to make gains in all these areas. Those who are trying to beget a child will get success. Those who are already blessed with children may get even more success. Read more about Aquarius.

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– Mercury Transit In 2nd House

Mercury is the Lord of your 4th and 7th house. Mercury will transit your 2nd house. Issues related to the immovable property will continue to remain stuck until 18th May. You will be troubled by thoughts about your mother’s problems. You may have to get your vehicle repaired. However, after 18th May, there will be several positive developments in your married and personal life. You may also get new partners in your business. Your property disputed may get solved, you will feel relieved. Read more about Pisces.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Prakash Pandya,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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