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Mercury Retrograde 2017: Know Its Impact On Your Life

Mercury Retrograde 2017: Know Its Impact On Your Life

Mercury Retrograde Dates

Retrograde In Sagittarius: From 3rd December To 10th December 2017Retrograde In Scorpio: 11th December To 23rd December 2017

The Significance Of Planet Mercury

Mercury is regarded as the Prince of the planetary cabinet in astrology. If Mercury is in conjunction with an auspicious planet it provides good results. But, if it is in conjunction with an inauspicious planet it gives negative results. Mercury is also considered to be a major factor in devising a business strategy.

Mercury will be retrograde on 3rd December at 1:05 pm, and again become direct on 23rd December at 7.21 am. But, during the period from 3rd December to 10th December, Mercury will transit in Sagittarius sign and Moola constellation. Whereas from 11th December to 23rd December, Mercury will transit in Scorpio sign and Jyestha constellation. Following is the detailed description of the effects of retrograde Mercury on natives of all the twelve signs.

[Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants like for Libra ascendant. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, click here.]

Relationship with your younger siblings and friends will be very cordial from 3rd to 10th December. A short distance trip is also indicated for Aries natives, which shall be beneficial. Relations with your maternal relatives will also remain harmonious. Your servants and subordinates shall be very cooperative. Your enemies will not be able to dominate you. Besides, you shall remain healthy during this period as per Mercury retrograde in Scorpio 2017. You will share good inter-personal equations during this phase. However, if you want to know more on this front, buy the 2023 Personal Life & Relationship Report.

You may have minor differences with your younger siblings and friends from 11th to 23rd December due to retrograde Mercury’s transit in Scorpio sign. Obstacles while travelling shall increase or your plans may get disrupted. Disharmony in your maternal relationship is also likely. Relations with your servants and subordinates will be average. However remain cautious as your enemies may trouble you. Also, control your diet because this period is unfavourable for your health as per Vedic Astrology.

The family life of Taurus natives will be very joyous during the initial phase of retrograde Mercury’s transit in Sagittarius sign. Financial growth is also strongly indicated. The progress of students will be good. You shall achieve peace of mind due to your children. Moreover, you will be able to move ahead in matters regarding your love relationship. Sportspersons shall also perform better.

After 11th December your family life will remain average. Relations with your family members will be less intimate, and you may be less interested in discussing anything with them. Some hurdles on the financial front are also foreseen. Students will have to concentrate more on their studies. Overlook minor issues in love relationship to avoid misunderstandings and arguments. This period may be unfavourable for sportspersons. Also, avoid stock market and speculative activities. Do you want a rich guidance to boost your finances? You can buy the 2023 Finance Report and surge ahead in life.

Gemini natives will feel stronger physically and mentally during the initial phase of retrograde Mercury’s transit i.e. from 3rd to 10th December. This is a suitable period to resolve matters regarding your movable & immovable assets and vehicle. Relations with your mother shall also remain very cordial. According to stars, your relationships with your family members will be cordial. However, if you are facing any issues on relationship front, you can access the 2023 Personal Life & Relationship Report and get the solution to your problems.

You will have to remain very cautious regarding your health during the second phase of retrograde Mercury’s transit in Scorpio sign. Take necessary precautions and eat healthy food to increase your resistance power and to avoid seasonal ailments. You may also worry unnecessarily and hence remain slightly tense. Hurdles in matters related to your movable & immovable assets are indicated. Also, speak and behave properly with your mother to avoid misunderstandings. Vehicle-related expenses for repairing or some other reasons is also indicated.

During retrograde Mercury’s transit in Sagittarius sign till 10th December, relationship with your younger siblings and friends will remain harmonious. They will also help and support you in all your activities. Short distance travelling for professional or social reasons is indicated for Cancer natives. There is also a possibility of going on a pilgrimage. Sudden expenses for auspicious activities are also foreseen during this period. Unexpected expenses hurt us a lot. However, if you plan your finances properly, you can manage the situation in a better manner. You can make this happen if you buy the 2023 Finance Report.

You may have some differences with your younger siblings and friends during retrograde Mercury’s transit in Scorpio sign. You might also get disheartened, as they may be unable to support you due to their circumstances. Avoid travelling as far as possible. Unexpected expenses due to some illness or other reasons are also indicated.

Your family life will be very harmonious during retrograde Mercury’s transit in Sagittarius sign. Besides, you will be highly respected by your family members, and they shall even include you in important tasks and discussions. This is also a promising phase for financial growth. This phase will also be good for your career. But you can make it still better if you buy the 2023 Career Report.

During retrograde Mercury’s transit in Scorpio sign from 11th December, Leo natives are advised to stay away from family conflicts. Instead of participating in gatherings or socialising with people, you should just remain aloof and silent, else you may have some disputes with your close relatives. Obstacles in financial activities are also indicated. Relationship with your elder siblings will be moderate. Friends may also not help you to resolve your problems during this period.

Virgo natives will remain very healthy and energetic during retrograde Mercury’s transit in Sagittarius sign. You shall feel fresh and hence get new & positive ideas. Progress in your ongoing activities is indicated and you will also think of undertaking some new venture. Relations with your father shall be very cordial and he will also guide you in your work.

Your health may deteriorate during the second phase of retrograde Mercury’s transit in Scorpio sign. Hence, you should especially avoid working beyond your limits. Also, do not overexert yourself. Some differences with your father are even indicated. Moreover, be prepared to struggle during this period to meet your professional commitments. But you can make your professional struggle easier if you take the guidance of 2023 Career Report.

From 3rd to10th December, retrograde Mercury will transit in Sagittarius sign, i.e. in the third house from your sign. As a result, Libra natives shall now get some growth opportunities. There is also a possibility of going on a pilgrimage. Besides, you shall participate in social service activities and religious ceremonies. Sudden expenses for auspicious occasions are also foreseen. But you can change you destiny if you make proper financial plans. Buy the Wealth Ask a Question Report and know how you can make your wealth grow.

Further, during the period from 11th to 23rd December, you may especially feel less fortunate as compared to the earlier phase of this Mercury transit. Hurdles while travelling is also indicated. Moreover, you should take care of your health, else the medical expenditure will disrupt your budget.

Relations with your brothers & sisters will especially remain cordial and they shall also support you during retrograde Mercury’s transit in Sagittarius sign. Scorpio natives will now get closer to their friends due to some meetings, outings, discussions or interactions with them. Besides, there is also a possibility of new friends entering your life. You can now expect a ray of hope in delayed matters regarding your ancestral property. But there will be nothing special to worry on the financial front. You shall also enjoy good health.

The situation will change during the last phase of retrograde Mercury’s transit in Scorpio sign, i.e. from 11th to 23rd December. Relationship with your friends and siblings will be less cordial. Moreover, carefully handle issues regarding ancestral property, else it will cause arguments with your close relatives. Also, take extra care of your health during this period. You can solve your problems with your relatives if you know your future. We have the means to tell you the future. Buy our Remedial Solutions for Personal Issues Report.

The marital life of Sagittarius natives will be blissful during retrograde Mercury’s transit in Sagittarius sign. Both of you shall try to understand each other and jointly shoulder the responsibilities. Progress in personal relationships is also indicated. You will be very active in public life and also get the credit for doing some social welfare activity. Relationship with your business partners and father will be very cordial. You shall also feel very happy due to your growth on the professional front.

The period after 11th December seems to be slightly difficult. Your marital life may remain tense especially because you will be very busy in your professional life and public life. You shall work for others, but get slightly upset as you will not get the due credit. As far as possible, don’t take any decision by yourself in partnership activities. Your situation while working shall also be slightly challenging. If you are facing issues in your business, we can help you. You can get the solution to your problems if you buy the Business Question: Detailed Advice Report.

Retrograde Mercury’s transit in Sagittarius sign will prove to provide new growth opportunities on the professional front for Capricorn natives. Relationship with your maternal relatives will also improve. Cooperation and benefits through them regarding your work or in some other ways is indicated. Your servants and subordinates will also be very supportive. Your enemies will not be able to dominate you during this period. Besides, you shall enjoy good health and well-being. Some growth opportunities are also foreseen. There is a possibility of performing some religious or auspicious ceremony.

During retrograde Mercury’s transit in Scorpio sign after 11th December, you should control yourself while interacting with your superiors and colleagues, otherwise minor conflicts may become a major issue. It is advisable for professionals to avoid arguments and stay alert against their opponents and adversaries. Also remain very cautious about your health. Your communication with maternal relatives will decrease during this period. You will also feel that you are not getting appropriate results for your efforts. Stars foresee some challenges on your relationship front. But you end them if you buy the Remedial Solutions for Personal Issues Report.

Retrograde Mercury’s transit in Sagittarius sign indicates a pleasant love relationship for Aquarius natives. Honour and happiness through your children are foreseen. Students will also progress in their studies. You will even participate in intellectual activities and discussions. Besides, you need not worry about your finances as the flow of money will be steady. Sportspersons shall also perform well. Matters regarding your paternal property are likely to get accomplished. You can win happiness in multiple areas of your life. We have the means. Avail the Detailed Life Report and see the change take place in your life.

Period of retrograde Mercury’s transit in Scorpio sign after 11th December shall be less favourable. Some incidents may cause tension and disharmony in your love relationship. Students will be less interested in their studies. Hence meditate regularly. Overall, your financial condition shall be moderate. Delays or hindrances in matters regarding your ancestral property is also likely. You must especially take care of your health during this period.

Pisces natives will be able to accomplish work regarding their movable and immovable assets during retrograde Mercury’s transit in Sagittarius sign till 10th December. Relations with your mother shall be very cordial. Students pursuing higher studies will be able to concentrate more on their studies and get closer to their goals. Married ones will enjoy marital bliss. Besides, you shall be respected in public life and will also deserve to be honoured due to your achievements. You shall feel satisfied as luck will be on your side. This is a promising phase for partnership activities. This phase will be good for students. But if you have any concerns in your studies, buy the Education Ask A Question Report and settle your problems.

After 11th December, you should proceed cautiously in any property related activity, else a wrong decision due to your carelessness will cause a major loss. Unnecessary expenses related to your vehicle are also indicated. Although your marital life will be harmonious, you may feel that something is missing in the relationship, or you might be less interested. You may also remain highly anxious due to some issues regarding your mother during this period.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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