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Effects of Mercury Retrograde in Libra 2020

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in Libra 2020

In the pandemic situation, the whole of 2020 feels like we have been in a retrograde motion, but Mercury has actually been in retrograde only for three periods of 2020.

In 2020, Mercury will be in apparent retrograde motion during the following ranges of dates:

  • February 17, 2020, to March 10, 2020
  • June 18, 2020, to July 12, 2020
  • October 14, 2020, to November 3, 2020

It’s baaaaack again! Now, we have one last stint of Mercury Retrograde 2020 to endure. Yaas, from October 14 Mercury, will go back into retrograde motion in Libra until it goes direct on November 3, 2020. This time, Mercury Retrograde and Direct motion in Libra will influence the US Presidential elections scheduled in November. Broken phones, missed appointments, confusions, or suffering from a bad case of saying the wrong thing at the worst time? Blame Mercury Retrograde!

OK, so what exactly happens when Mercury goes into retrograde?

When the swift-moving Mercury cruises backwards, we can expect frustrating miscommunications, technology breakdowns, and unfavourable adventures.

This is not a favourable time to make any rash decisions or carry out any elaborate travel plans. People often notice more challenges with correspondence and interaction with others. Here’s everything you need to know about Mercury Retrograde 2020 and what’s in store for you when it happens for the last time in 2020.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 7th house

For Aries natives, Mercury is the ruler of the third and sixth house. So, Mercury retrograde in the 7th house would generally be affecting the working systems and efforts and daily routine of a person. However, advance planning and determination may help a lot in this phase. Also, the communicating planet may affect issues related to the job. Relations with tenants may get strained. Since the 7th house is the house of Marriage, Relationships, and Partnership, Mercury retrograde is likely to bring friction in relations with spouses and business partners. Try to avoid the situation that may end up in major arguments and have clarity of words. The tense situation may be created in married life and business partners. Those who are planning a wedding may need to have patience and wait for the favourable time. Mercury in retrograde motion may influence the wedding dates for some marriage aspirants and may postpone their wedding. The aspect of transiting Mars may make the situation more critical for Aries pals.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 6th house:

For Taurus natives, Mercury is the ruler of the second house and fifth house. So, Mercury retrograde in the 6th house demands you to be careful while doing speculations or investing in a high risk portfolio for savings. There are chances of monetary loss in this retrograde phase. It is best for you to have an expert opinion or analyse it in-depth before making an immense investment. Parents are suggested to indulge themselves in the nutrition and education of children. You may fall sick, so avoid junk food and have routine exercise when Mercury retrograde in the House of Health, Wellness, and Daily routines. On the work front, be careful while assigning work to your subordinates. Try to take updates of tasks on a regular interval.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 5th house

For Gemini natives, Mercury is the governor. The planet rules the first house (ascendant) and fourth house. The retrograde of Mercury in the 5th house (Trine) may help you to minimize your problems with your mother or facing issues related to property or inheritance matters. Mars retrograde would aspect the 4th house and 6th house, which may make the Twins to be in the dire straits and struggling for fulfilling their goals. The ambience of the house would be pleasant as most of the time communication would sail smoothly. There may be health issues like headache or suffocation. But no major or trouble making issues are foreseen. In case you are planning to sell or buy property, you may succeed in that.

Will this Mercury Retrograde be chaos free or full of confusions? Find out from our Expert Astrologers.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 4th house

For Cancer natives, Mercury governs the third and twelfth house. Mercury retrograde in the 4th house may bring hurdles in accomplishing the work that you have undertaken. So tighten your sleeves and brace yourself to pass all the challenges coming your way. Property related matters may not get resolved easily and so there may be delay too. Be cautious about the health of your mother as there are chances of some ailments in this phase. Any prolonged disease may get better and if you are hospitalized, you may get discharged. You may be able to manage finances stupendously and control the unwanted expenses. You may get opportunities for monetary gains, so it is suggested to make the best out of it.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 3rd house

For Leo natives, Mercury governs the second house and eleventh house. Mercury will be retrograde in the 3rd house may help you to resolve the issues with siblings if any. But you may find difficulties in infusing your sincere efforts optimally. Thumbs up for all the travel plans in the pipeline as it may remain beneficial for your growth and expansion. Mercury retrograde may help you to spend time with siblings and cousins. Avoid huge investment in the public sector or other portfolio. Those who are planning to invest be careful and scrutinize all angles. Job seekers may get promotions or salary hikes. Your terms with superiors and senior officials may improve during this time.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 2nd house

For Virgo natives, Mercury is a ruler. The communicative planet governs the first house (Ascendant) and tenth house which relates with the profession and career. Mercury will retrograde in the Wealth or Family house, the 2nd house may bless you with expected growth in your profession. But be alert while making huge investments as there may be financial losses. Job seekers may expect promotion in this phase. Though you may not get an expected increment, you may remain low profile and stable in your outlook. The transit of Mars and Saturn may delay your plans related to business and career. However, businessmen and job personnel may have better growth in comparison to your past results.

How to avoid disaster when Mercury is in retrograde motion? Consult with Vedic Astrologers to have detailed insights of it.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 1st house

For Libra natives, Mercury rules the ninth and twelfth house. for Libra people. Mercury will retrograde in the Ascendant house will make you more spiritual. You may attend religious functions and may go to pilgrimage in this phase. You may be extravagant and spend more when Mercury retrograde in the 1st house. There are chances of some financial losses so avoid hafty investments. Also, there may be health concerns, but gym and involvement in extra activities will help you to keep fit. It is advisable not to take stress for your health. Otherwise, there may be an adverse impact on you. Mercury retrograde in Libra may postpone your travel plans or may create disturbances in your journey.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 12th house

For Scorpio natives, Mercury rules the eighth and eleventh house. Mercury will retrograde in the 12th house, the Vyaya Sthan, which demands you to be careful while doing any speculations or high risk investment for saving. It is better to seek advice from an expert financial analyst. Otherwise, you may have to face losses. Also, you may need to take utmost care of the issues related to health. There are chances of minor ailments, so better give priority to nutritive food and routine exercise. Taking your health lightly may crop into major ailments. Job seekers may not get due support from the superiors. So take undue care when you communicate with them.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 11th house

For Sagittarius natives, Mercury governs the seventh and tenth house. Mercury retrograding in the 11th house would help you to have good terms with your spouse. This retrograde may help your spouse too. But the transiting Mars would aspect 10th house, which would demand you to work overtime in business or job. However, the atmosphere of your house would remain pleasant throughout the retrograde motion. Also, you may have cordial relations with your bosses. Immediate bosses and senior officials may support you during this transit phase. You may get better benefits. In case you are planning to sell or buy property, you are likely to succeed.

Find out precautionary measures to be taken to ensure your life runs a little bit more smoothly from our Expert Astrologers.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 10th house

For Capricorn natives, Mercury governs the sixth and ninth house. Mercury will retrograde in the 10th house, so you may have to work hard to accomplish the undertaken work or career goals. The matters related to property may get delayed. There may be issues with subordinates, which may affect the work. So try to have cordial relationships with them and stay away from arguments. You may conduct religious functions, do donations, or may be involved in other related activities. At the work front, you may need to sit for extra hours to meet the deadline of the allotted work. Also, there are chances to travel abroad for official work.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 9th house

For Aquarius natives, Mercury rules the fifth and eighth house. Mercury will retrograde in the 9th house, which will help you in performing better at the workplace. Progress of your children would be upto mark, so you would feel satisfied. Students are likely to perform well in education. You may get a better opportunity at the workplace or good job offer at the career front. You may take care of health, as they may feel more exhausted because of hard work. Married couples may get benefits from in laws. You may get an opportunity to spend qualitative time with children.

Effects of Mercury Retrograde in the 8th house

For Pisces natives, Mercury governs the fourth and seventh house. These houses are related to spouse, partners, property, and mother mainly. Mercury retrograding in the 8th house will help to have better coordination with mother and spouse. You may spend on the health of family members as there may be some ailments. The influence of Mars and Saturn transit may demand you to incur some expenses on the renovation of property. However, you may have better relations with the in-laws and may get some reward from them.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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