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Mercury In Sagittarius: There’s Something Unusual Happening – How Will It Impact You?

Mercury In Sagittarius: There's Something Unusual Happening – How Will It Impact You?

Mercury – the planet of communication and technology has departed from the mystical Sign of Scorpio and has entered the Sign ruled by Jupiter – Sagittarius. The planet closest to the Sun, is one of the fastest moving planet, and generally stays in one Sign for around 14-20 days. But there will be a tinge of eccentricity in the transit pattern of Mercury in the next couple of months. After entering Sagittarius on 28th November, 2016, the planet of intelligence will be turning retrograde on the 19th December, 2016, and will then turn direct on 8th January, 2017. There is one more special feature of this transit, and it is the exchange of Signs between Mercury and Jupiter and we may experience a lot of positive changes because of this configuration. Remember, Mercury is a very important planet, and it is one of those planets, who influences various aspects in our daily activities. So, how what sort of an effects will this transit have on your life? Find out.

*Please Note: These are primarily Moon Sign predictions, but will also be applicable for the Ascendants.

Aries Now, Mercury will be transiting through the 9th House of fortune and will be aspecting its own House. Now, your communicational abilities will be at an all-time high and you will be able to express yourself more freely. This will be a good time to sharpen your skills and learn new techniques. Give good time to your hobbies and areas of interest, as you will be able to learn something new during this period. There are higher chances interactions with close ones staying abroad or even in other cities. You can expect some positive developments at your workplace. Your health is likely to be good, so enjoy, Mercury seems to be smiling merrily at you!

Taurus Mercury’s transit through the 8th House indicates mixed to negative results. There may be financial constraints during this period. For students and those into the creative fields, this period may may seem to be a bit frustrating, as things may not function smoothly and you will feel that you are not being able to come up with new ideas. As Mercury is in exchange with Jupiter, you will develop interests in new subjects, and the areas like occult and astrology may arouse interest within you. Matters related to joint finances may seek your attention. Things in your love life may sometime appear complicated to you, and it would be better to handle your relationship with care.

Gemini Mercury’s transit through the 7th House will draw your attention to matters pertaining to partnership – be it personal or professional. You will be able to spend good time with your partner and there may be some interesting interactions between the two of you, but ensure that you not utter anything without due thought. You will have to focus on your primary targets. Those into business can expect some new clients and fresh opportunities and working professionals are likely to come across new tasks which will involve group efforts.

Cancer Mercury will be transiting through the 6th House and this may increase your expenses. It would be better if you follow a particular financial strategy as this will help you to avoid meaningless expenses. During this period, you can expect some hearty chats with either your friends or relatives staying abroad. There may be a lot of writing involved during this period and written communication will seem a lot more important to you now. Some misunderstandings with your siblings are likely, so be a bit more careful while dealing with them.

Leo Mercury’s transit through the 5th House will be very favourable financially and you can be assured of good gains during this period. If you are wanting to set short-term financial goals, then this will a good time. There are very high chances of earning through speculation. For students, this will be a highly rewarding phase, so you are advised to make the best use of it. Friends will be very supportive now, and there may more pleasant interactions.

Virgo During this transit of Mercury through the 4th House, there may be increased interactions with family members and you are likely to devote more time to domestic matters. There are chances of relocation or a change in house, or renovation of house, to say the least. There are high chances of some change taking place at the job or business front, and you may receive positive news. Though there may be some things that may cause concerns, there will be an increase in your overall happiness and level of satisfaction.

Libra There will be a lot of pleasant interactions with your siblings during this transit of Mercury through the 3rd House. Better support from siblings and cousins can be expected now. Some short-distance travel and fun trips are in the offing for you. Your logical power and thinking power may become stronger. You will be able to communicate in a more enhanced manner, feels Ganesha. Your luck wil support you in important matters.

Scorpio During this transit of Mercury through the 2nd House, there may be faster gains coming your way. You will be able to address issues pertaining to family and bring solutions to some pending issues. You will be made to set financial targets and if you have been wanting to purchase something of your choice from long, then this is the time. Good support from friends is indicated and this will seem like a ray of hope in tough situations.

Sagittarius For professionals as well as businessmen, this will be an excellent period and there will be a lot of new opportunities coming your way. Your life is going to be buzzing with a lot of activity, so it will be good to function according to a fixed schedule. You may receive new targets in your work space. Relations with partner may improve, but try your best not to get into worthless arguments. Intellectual pursuits will be highly rewarding.

Capricorn Routine expenses are likely to increase during this transit of Mercury through the 12th House. More hard work and efforts will be required to finish certain tasks. As Jupiter and Mercury will be in exchange, there are very high chances of setting out a long distance trip, or getting success in matters pertaining to foreign travel. This will be a very good time for those with business operations in foreign lands.

Aquarius The transit of Mercury through the 11th House will be a very pleasant one, as there will be a lot of things working in your favour. Your intuition will become stronger and there will be a surge in creativity. You will be able to come up with new ideas and concepts. If you are a person belonging to the creative fields, then you are likely to achieve greater success. You will be able to meet some interesting people and your network may expand. You can expect more fun times with your friends. Those into speculation may achieve good gains.

Pisces As Mercury travels through the Career sector, you can expect some changes, mostly positive ones and it would be better if you accept the change with open arms. The environment at the workplace will be mostly positive, but things may seem a bit challenging at times and you will have to work harder to achieve targets. But, your speed of functioning and efficiency may increase. You will be able to manage work and professional life well.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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