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Will This Mercury Transit In Aquarius Make Your Life Easier?

Will This Mercury Transit In Aquarius Make Your Life Easier?


Starts: 15th February 2018Ends: 3rd March 2018

Mercury is the significator of intelligence. When Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun in the horoscope, the native will be highly intelligent and become very popular. But, if Mercury is together with the Moon, the native will be polite and lucky. Besides, when Mercury is in combination with Jupiter, the native will be interested in philosophy, music and dance. Further, if Mercury is in conjunction with Venus, the native becomes a good orator and leader. But, when Mercury is together with Saturn, the native becomes pessimistic. Moreover, if Mercury is not aspected by an auspicious planet that native may suffer from diseases that cannot be diagnosed. Whereas, the Mercury-Rahu combination will be beneficial. However, if Mercury is combust it will be less favourable.

From 15th February to 3rd March 2018, transiting Mercury will pass through Aquarius sign. Following is the detailed description about the impact of this planetary transit on natives of all the signs.

(Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants like for Aquarius ascendant. Free Janam Kundali to know more about you.)

Mercury will be Lord of your third and sixth house and transit in the eleventh house i.e. Labh Sthan, which is considered to be auspicious. Hence, you can expect benefits from your brothers and sisters. Travelling is also strongly indicated. Friends and elders will help you to complete your tasks. You can now look forward to getting delayed and potential benefits. Pending work will gain momentum after 28-2-2018. Children related issues will get resolved. You can also expect growth on the professional front during this period as per Vedic Astrology.

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Mercury will transit in the tenth house from your sign i.e. Karma Sthan. Thus, this period will be financially beneficial. You shall perform well in areas related to Mercury such as education, writing, journalism, media, banking and marketing sector. Besides, if Mercury is strong in your horoscope, you will get better results. Moreover, you can expect to get a scholarship or any other benefit during this period. Writers will get new ideas and release new publications. Further, you will better results after 28-2-2018. Learning new things and meeting new people is also indicated. Buying a vehicle or house is also likely. Good incidents will occur in your life and provide peace of mind & heart as per the effects of Mercury transit in Aquarius.

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Mercury is Lord of your sign and it will transit in the ninth house from your sign, i.e. Bhagya Sthan. However, according to the principles of astrology, this transit is regarded unfavourable. Take care, as you may not get credit for the work you do with good intentions. You may sometimes feel that luck is not on your side. Avoid travelling as far as possible. Perhaps you shall plan a trip, but there are many chances of facing obstacles. Especially, remain cautious about your health. Problems related to the stomach may bother you. Disorders related to tridosha, migraine, and skin diseases are also indicated.

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Mercury will transit in the eight house from your sign and hence it will provide good results. If sudden financial gains are indicated in your horoscope, then you can now expect to get unexpected monetary benefits. You will be highly interested in occultism and spiritualism during this period. You shall also strive to resolve the mysteries related agam-nigam & parvigyan and try to deeply understand religious matters. Family issues and pending tasks will now get resolved. Obstacles from your path will automatically get cleared.

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Mercury will transit in the seventh house from your sign, which will prove to be moderately favourable. Husband and wife shall especially remain unsatisfied with each other. This will increase the chances of disagreement between both of you. Relationships shall become boring. But, you may get some benefits on the professional front after 28-2-2018. Moreover, you need to take extra care of your health during this period, says Ganesha.

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Mercury is the Lord of your sign and it will transit in the sixth house from your sign. Thus, it will prove to provide auspicious results. Professionals and employees will be able to accomplish their goals and work as per their expectations. If chances of going abroad are indicated in your horoscope, then you are likely to get favourable results. The possibility of positive changes in your activities cannot be ruled out. You may also have to shoulder higher responsibilities during this period.

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Mercury will transit in the fifth house from your sign. Thus, there is a possibility of facing problems, especially in love relationship. Those who are already in a relationship will be less interested. You will be highly concerned about the studies of your children during this period. Your prudent decisions may also prove to be wrong. You will remain tense due to family related problems. Anyway, your situation will improve after 28-2-2018, but do not get very excited. Medical expenses for self, your family members or friends are also indicated.

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Mercury will transit in the fourth house from your sign, i.e. Sukh Sthan which is regarded auspicious. If the planets are favourable in your horoscope, you shall now be able to implement your plans regarding purchasing a house or vehicle. Some event that gives peace of heart will occur in your life. Relationships will become more intimate. Financial growth cannot be ruled out during this period. Coworkers will be cooperative. If a good dasha prevails in your horoscope, then there are many chances of especially getting a job promotion.

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Mercury will transit in the third house from your sign, which will prove to be moderately favourable. Those who are especially doing a job, must take care and avoid differences with their superiors. There are chances of losing an opportunity due to your overthinking. A similar situation is indicated while undertaking a new venture or starting a new project. You will feel slightly disturbed mentally due to some mental conflicts. However, this period will not be very disappointing or harmful to you.

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Mercury will transit in the second house from your sign, i.e. Dhan Sthan. Hence, Ganesha says that this transit is likely to be favourable for you. Your eloquence will especially improve during this period. Thus, your discussions will enable you to successfully complete your tasks. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Your work may also get accomplished in an unexpected manner. Pending family problems will now get resolved. You shall successfully and enthusiastically carry out your daily tasks. As a result, your self-confidence will also increase.

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Mercury will transit in your sign itself, which is likely to be less favourable. Aquarius Men and Aquarius Women will suffer due to their negligence or carelessness during this period. Moreover, you will remain highly disturbed. Hence, avoid getting involved in unnecessary debates as far as possible. Physical health issues are indicated, and your health may suddenly deteriorate due to seasonal ailments. Thus, it will be essential to remain cautious about your health, otherwise, it may have an adverse effect on your work and career.

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Mercury will transit in the twelfth house from your sign, which will prove to be unfavourable. You may take wrong decisions especially on the career front, which may adversely affect you and lead to a loss. Hence, Ganesha emphatically says that you should avoid taking any important decisions, as far as possible. You may also misuse your intelligence, which might cause failure in your activities. Especially beware of your opponents. Your nerves may also become weak during this period. Are you looking for a good job? Our experts will tell you the most opportune time-frames during which you can be sure of getting hired.

Note: If unfavourable results are indicated for your sign, and if a good dasha prevails in your horoscope, then this transit will prove to be moderately favourable.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bindu Pandya,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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