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Mars Transit Through Libra: Effects on Your Moon Signs

Mars Transit Through Libra: Effects on Your Moon Signs

Mars is the fighter in Vedic astrology, and it has special significance to determine success ratio as well. Mars shows an individual’s ability to fight, compete, dynamism, anger, blood, passion and sex drive as well. In traditional astrology, Kuja dosha is seen by Mars, which plays an extremely crucial role in overall happiness for married life. It is believed that debilitated or weak Mars does not give desired results that native wishes in life.

Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus, showing peace, harmony, love, charm, fairness, and justice. Libra is one of the best zodiac signs as it focuses more on logic and partnership. Romance and commitment are the true identities of Libra and lord. Venus balances our desires, needs, and feelings.

This Mars transit through Libra from Oct 22, 2021, will bring peace and harmony to our lives. We will get much-needed relief which will bring positivity to our lives. We will value our relationships. Our desire to get success will increase. Mental and physical relaxation can be felt, and new rays of hope can be created. Positivity from the Government can be seen, and we will be happy with it. Creativity will increase, and we will find new ways of living as well.

Even though this transit of Mars will affect a lot more positively, it will affect an individual differently, too.

Mars transit through Libra may give very good results to the Aries Moon sign this time. Excellent time to finally tie the knot. Marriage even can be planned. Peace and harmony are likely to be back in relationships. Problems may get solved or started reducing. Businesses are likely to flourish and bring amazing output. The partnership may be fruitful. Singles are likely to commit and might find a soulmate surely. Love birds may take their love life to the next level in a more positive way. Charm and sensuality are likely to be at their best. A visit to a lavish hotel may bring joy. Travelling is likely to help to balance your life. Love birds must go to a loving place. Legal issues may be solved, and finally, a relief to all. Lawyers are likely to be happy in their careers. Students indeed get success in examinations—an excellent time to clear the oral test. Travelling may give excellent results this time and make maximum use of it.

Mars transit through Libra will give mixed results for the Taurus Moon sign this time. Excellent time to exercise and motivate yourself. Change in diet may work this time. You are likely to be very calm and relaxed in your daily life activities—time to slow the pace of your life and enjoy calmness. Health may be better. Casualness in health may not be suitable for you. Enemies may be very calm, and you are likely to feel very stress-free this time. Maintain cordial relations. Debt may start reducing. Students are likely to be able to focus, and their health may improve. Love birds are likely to be very busy, and their daily life may be full of fun. Over excitement can create trouble in relationships. Be simple. Don’t invest too much as you might come into losses.

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Mars transit in Libra will give very good results for the Gemini Moon sign this time. It’s time to have fun and entertainment in family life. You may go to watch a movie with your family. Creative art is likely to flourish, and you may express yourself very cleverly. Excellent times for artists and art are likely to flourish. Children may be extremely creative, and it’s time for them to dance and play. Excellent time for sports. Painting and sketching artists are likely to be at their best. Excellent time for singles, and surely you may meet someone special. Love life is likely to be full of fun and joy. Love birds may be extremely passionate and romantic. Intimacy might increase. It is also a good time for the stock market. There is likely to be more business for you. Your interest in magic may increase. Students are likely to be very active, and study interests may continue.

Mars transit through Libra will give mixed results for Cancer Moon sign this time. You may achieve domestic peace. Your home environment is likely to be at its best, and past issues may start resolving. Buying of a car and property can be foreseen. Career focus is likely to increase. Marriage problems may start reducing, and spouse relationships are likely to be better. Mother’s health may be good, and you may feel very happy for her. Anniversaries and birthdays are likely to increase family bonds. Love birds may take their time and might be busy in their daily life. Disturbances can occur, and relationships might break. Heart problems, however, resolve gradually. Excellent time for business and surely you are likely to gain from it. Good times for politicians and new positions can be foreseen. Relations with in-laws are likely to improve. Artists may feel happy as this time is likely to bring the best art from them.

Know it before you experience it: The complete insight to your yearly ups and downs is here: Detailed Yearly Report.

Mars transit through Libra may give good results for the Leo Moon sign this time. Excellent time for travelling. Go trekking and enjoy the view from the hills. Time to have fun with siblings. You might plan and go for a picnic. Your adventures are likely to make everyone happy, and you may make everyone involved. Your desires are likely to increase, and you want to achieve your goals quickly. Your sensuality may also increase, and intimacy is likely to make you happy. Creative activity may be there, and it’s time for a new movie or play for those who are in such fields. Writers are likely to be happy and the time is right for them to publish it. Good times are ahead for the media and entertainment industry. Things may balance, and disturbances may come down. Students are likely to feel courageous and confident. Sports may be a top priority for them. Singles are likely to commit and find new love from their friend circles. Good times for those who are in crafts and new products can be seen.

Mars transit through Libra may give very good results for the Virgo Moon sign this time. Family life is likely to be good. You may get all the desired support from your parents. Good time to plan and make money. Your planning is likely to work and bring sound output. A party may be in your mind and an anniversary celebration must be there for you. Bank balance is likely to improve, and new ideas may help you. Singles are likely to find someone new in their life. Your Charm may increase—a good time to take a spa and massage. You might read a book as well. Students are likely to think about their home and try to make their living much better. Monetary gains from the government may be there for some of you. Surprise news from the government can be seen.

Mars transit through Libra may give good results to natives of the Libra Moon sign. Life may bring you back to normalcy this time, and you are likely to be very composed. You may feel motivated and invest a lot more time to do funny things. Lost happiness might come back in life. You might think of marriage. Serious commitment can be seen from you, and others may be surprised by this. You are likely to make changes in your day to day activities. Anger and aggression can be controlled, and you may value others as well. An investigation can bring pleasure to you. You may invest a lot more time with your family. You are likely to look charming to others. Excellent time to find true love. Singles must keep their eyes open. Students may love their studies. Artists are likely to be creative, and performance may be very pleasing. You might enter into a new partnership.

However, don’t keep wondering! See what’s coming your way with a Marriage Prospects Report.

Mars transit through Scorpio is likely to give mixed results for Scorpio Moon sign this time. You are abroad travelling for you. A new country visit is on the cards. Expenses may be good, and you are likely to be happy. Your enemies might increase because of your happiness which might affect your peace of mind. Stay alert in this matter. Health might also be affected, and visits to the hospital are possible. Control in your diet is essential. Excellent time for meditation and to get peace of mind back. It’s time to do yoga. Your spirituality may be at its best. You might inspire others as well to do it. Try to avoid any legal issues and stay away from them. Students are likely to be very calm and feel very happy in their moment. Lovebirds may be very busy in their lives as they are likely to have a hard time meeting. Visiting pilgrimages may soothe your mind. Interest in religious books is likely to help to balance your life. You might visit any ashram too.

Mars transit through Libra may give very good results for the Sagittarius Moon sign. A happy time for businesses. Investments are likely to be more, and profits may be good this time. All hardships are likely to turn in your favour now. It’s time to celebrate success in work. Excellent time to plan a huge party and have fun. Past issues with your elder brother may be solved. It’s time to join a new organisation and chase your dreams. Children are likely to be very active. Outdoor activity may bring happiness to your life. Sensuality is likely to be good, and desire may be fulfilled. Love birds must feel the moment and want to make a strong connection. Students are likely to be calm, and they may be very relaxed and stress-free this time. The social networking circle is likely to be perfect, and connections may be very fruitful this time. Spouses are likely to be involved in your career growth. Large organisations must have a good time.

Mars transit through Libra may give very beneficial results for the Capricorn natives. Your career is likely to be promising, and the promotion chances are higher. You may feel very happy and calm at your workplace. A new career is likely to bring happiness to your life. Past issues may start resolving, and relations with colleagues are likely to improve. You may enjoy the success of your hard work. Students are likely to perform well in examinations and make their parents happy. Parents may be proud of their students ‘ achievements. Love life is likely to be good, and love birds may try to give time to each other’s needs. Singles might start a new love life at work. Stay alert and safe—a good time for entrepreneurs. Teachers are likely to be happy in their profession. Politics may be better. The government might surprise everyone with their decisions.

Mars transit through Libra will bring very good results for the Aquarius Moon sign individuals. It’s time for you to have fun. You might plan a picnic and go travelling. Visiting distant places and hills may be on top of your list. You might go on a pilgrimage and feel much needed calm this time. Abroad travelling is likely to make you happy. You may love spirituality. Interest in new cultures might increase. Father is likely to be happy for you. Love birds may be happy, and charm is likely to be at its best. Excellent time for singles to commit to someone. Students may be very cool and relaxed. Study tours are likely to bring a lot more excitement to their life. A priest may be happy, and worship is likely to be at its best. Blessing from elders may bring success—a good time for teachers. Lawyers are likely to be happy and get desired outputs.

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Mars transit through Libra may give mixed results for the Pisces natives. You are likely to be very introverted and want to invest a lot of time in research. Excellent time for sensuality, and you may feel more relaxed this time. Lover birds must make maximum use of it. Your secret desire and need for intimacy are likely to increase. Health may be good. But sudden accidents might be possible. Stay alert when you drive. Minor injuries can occur. In-laws are likely to be happy for you—time to celebrate with them. You might go for magic shows. Hidden issues may not affect you much this time. Students might not get desired results, but they are likely to be stress-free. Unexpected events might happen at school. Be ready for change. Love life may be surprising, and singles might meet a new love. Check all the things carefully.

To summarise, Mars transit through Libra will bring a fresh kick start to all of us somehow. The needed understanding and balance in our life may increase by this Mars transit. One to one relationships is likely to work now, and partnership may give excellent results. We love our values and needs more this time. Love and family life is likely to be back on track. Our friendly nature may increase. Anger and aggression are likely to start reducing. This is the time when we plan and reach our goals. Finally, it’s time to rock again.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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