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Mars Transit In Virgo 2021: A Solid Foundation For The Future!

From 6 Sept 2021, Mars is transiting through Virgo. This Mars transit 2021 can affect the natives of all zodiac signs.

Mars is the soldier in Vedic astrology. It shows blood, anger, dynamism, performance, assertion, enemies, and sex drive. It shows our ability to do things and express our reactions. As many don’t know, it holds very much significance in an individual’s horoscope, but your success ratio largely depends on the Mars placement. It also represents past life deeds upto some extent.
Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign and is ruled by Prince Mercury. It represents critical and analytical things in our life.

When Mars transit in Virgo, you may be focused and dedicated towards your day to day life and career. You might be very active this time and don’t want to waste time. Things may happen quickly, and you may wish to complete the desired task as early as possible. You may change your routine and strictly follow some guidelines to achieve a task. Love life is also likely to be witty, but you are sure to make some bold decisions to enjoy your relationship this time. You can be aggressive and hyper as well, which might put you in trouble.
So, let us discuss what Mars transit 2021 holds for all Moon signs, as every sign might get affected in different ways personally and can create an impact on everyone’s life.

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Mars transit in Virgo can be good for Aries Moon sign. This time you might be very active at work, and you may be full of enthusiasm. Also, you are likely to motivate others to do well. As health would be prime during this transit, it’s time to maintain a healthy diet. Competition might be there, and you may win as well. However, don’t be aggressive as enemies might increase. Students may succeed in examinations. When it comes to love life, it can be disturbing as breakups might be possible. To prevent such separations, lovebirds can stay calm and trust each other. Excellent time for sports and athletics performance would be at its best. Avoid making any investments, and it is advised that you take loans after careful consideration.
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Mars in Virgo 2021 might be very favourable for the Taurus Moon sign this time. You may be very efficient in your creative activities. Good time for the stock market, but don’t invest too much. You can be very serious towards your children as this transit can help you plan things for their future development. Children would be happy and may invest a lot of time in playing sports. On the business front, more gains are on the cards. Students may be focused. Love life may be good, and singles might be very choosy this time. Lovebirds may take their time to sort things out in their life. It’s a good time to relax and entertain.

Mars transit 2021 is going to be good for the Gemini Moon sign this time. You need to be very cautious and alert about your family life. You may need to take care of your parents as their health might be a concern. Also, you may start planning things for your home—control anger and aggressiveness to finish the task, which may – create problems for you. Handle things carefully as family disputes might occur. It is a good time to buy new property. Students may talk to their parents regarding studies and get desired results. It’s a fruitful time for lovebirds as they may convince their parents about their love relationships. Family celebrations might be there, and it may be very helpful for you this time. Your spouse may bring happiness to your life and a good time to spend time with each other. The career is likely to be on the growth scale; however, there may be the possibility of change.

For the Cancer Moon sign, Mars in Virgo 2021 can be extremely favourable. Work-related travelling is highly indicated for you due to this transit. Also, It’s a good time to change jobs. Most favourable time for siblings as personal disturbance may get reduced. You would be very analytical in your approach, and others may be surprised by this. Your desire to gain more can lead you to downfall. It’s a good time for artists as they may come up with some unique creations. Singles can find love through their friends and get committed. Lovebirds might try something new. Students may get their desired results this time, and hard work is likely to pay off. You may feel very courageous, and you may undoubtedly try to achieve some new things in your life. This is a good time for sports. For cricketers, it may be time to cherish success.

Mars transit 2021 is going to be very good for Leo Moon signs this time. This transit may help to resolve family issues and bring back values into your life. You might be very serious about your family life and make sure that you give them enough time. Your stubbornness may reduce, and finally, you may change things in your life. You may criticise yourself, and this may help you to evolve into a NEW YOU. On the finance front, you might check your bank balance and plan out to earn more. Students might be happy, and they might be relaxed. Love life is going to be good as you may be very understanding. The investment can give success. You may be very fiery towards material gains this time but try to control aggressiveness. Try to maintain balance, as anger can also create trouble in family life.
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Mars transit in Virgo may be a super hit for the Virgo Moon sign this time. You would be highly organised this time, and people might see that sudden change in you. You may make necessary changes to get whatever success you want in your professional field. Try to control aggression as it might break some relations. You might be very serious about married life. Good time for newly – married couples as problems may start reducing. Also, it’s a profitable time for business. New partnerships might be possible. It’s a good time for introspection. Self-improvement would be there in your life. Lovebirds are likely to be happy, and this may strengthen their commitment. Sexual life is going to be good.

Mars transit 2021 is going to give mixed results for the Libra Moon sign this time. Travelling to a foreign country is undoubtedly for you. As health problems may arise, try to do regular exercise to maintain health. Try to control your – food habits and eat a balanced diet. It’s a good time to plan a proper diet and exercise timetable. Try to avoid anger and stress as you may get in trouble. Never enter into conflicts as they may increase your enemies. Students might feel disinterested in education but try to focus. Meditation and yoga can be on top of the list. Control on expenses and try to balance financial matters. Avoid new investments and loans, as well as make sure you trust others as well. Lovebirds must be on alert mode as there may be a breakup written for them. Singles must avoid commitments during this time.

Mars transit in Virgo is exceptionally beneficial for the Scorpio Moon signs this time. Excellent time for new investments as you might yield good returns. You are likely to be very analytical. You may analyse gains and make new plans to gain more profits. Time is good to enjoy a social life. It is going to be fun with friends, and you all might be happy. Party on your mind and a good time for a picnic. The chances are that you might be happier with all your hard work, creating celebration scenarios. Students are likely to be very happy with the results, and it’s time for play. Singles may meet their soulmates through social circles. Lovebirds can enjoy their love life at its best. Children can make you happy, and you would be proud of them.

Mars moving through Virgo can be very beneficial for Sagittarius Moon sign this time. You might be quite focused and dedicated to your career this time. Promotion chances are high for you. A change of job may surely work for you. A new career can be predicted, and you would put in all your efforts this time. Your work plans might be at their best, and you may get a sure shot at success. You may very efficiently express yourself at work, which can again bring out the best quality from you. Your leadership quality may enhance, and you may motivate your colleagues. Focus and dedication to your work surely elevate your status. Students are likely to be happy and maybe studying at their best. Singles can find love in their workplace. You may surely take that effort to commit.
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Mars transit in Virgo can be very favourable for Capricorn Moon signs this time. Travelling to other cities related to work may be on boards. You might want to visit pilgrimage places. You may be lucky this time and may feel very fortunate about this. Your logical approach towards your belief system can make you special. Don’t impose or try to control others. Avoid stubbornness. Relations with your father may improve, and problems may start reducing. Good time for Post-Graduate students as success is surely for you. You may evaluate your true principles this time and make necessary changes as well. Students might be happy and enjoy studying. New love can be found for singles from new places. It’s a lucky time for lovebirds as you may find your life partner.

Mars transit in Virgo is likely to give mixed results for the Aquarius Moon sign this time. The financial concern may be there, and you might feel anxious. You won’t be happy with this change as some unexpected events may occur. Maintain cordial relations with in-laws and avoid anger. However, as interest in research may be seen, you might want to find something new this time. You might gain from unexpected events. You would be concerned for your family life. Singles may need to stay alert this time and think twice before committing any relationship blunder. Love life might be up and down, which may cause panic. Students need to be serious about their studies.

Mars transit in Virgo can be very good for Pisces Moon sign this time. Your marriage is on the bands due to Virgo Mars. Married life is likely to be good, and problems may vanish with time. Committed partners can take their relationship to the next level. Singles can expect a positive reply from a lover, and this transit may help to strengthen their relationship. New partnerships in business may take place. The business may improve, and a new deal might be possible. It’s a good time for artists to inspire the masses. You may be able to express your creativity profoundly. Travelling can also give you success. You might expect new ventures by travelling long distances.

Mars can also affect natives of zodiacs negatively. Some zodiacs may have Mangal dosha due to the presence of Mars in their kundli, which hampers their marriage prospects.

You can easily overcome this mangal dosha with Mangal Dosha Shanti Puja.
So, this warrior Mars can bring many changes in our lives even though it affects all of us differently. Efficiency, discipline, and critical qualities may infuse us on a larger level. This Mars transit in Virgo is likely to improve the quality of your life best.

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Astrologers trained by Shri Bejan Daruwalla
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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