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2017 Mars Transit: Mars In Taurus – Predictions For All Signs

2017 Mars Transit: Mars In Taurus – Predictions For All Signs

Mars holds a very special position as it is the planet which represents vital qualities like courage, confidence and the ability to face challenges fearlessly. Mars signifies power, energy and enthusiasm. In fact, life without energy is not life. Mars is also considered as the Commander-in-Chief in the planetary cabinet.

The fiery red planet Mars entered the earthy Sign of Taurus on 13th April, 2017, at 04:12 AM and will stay therein till 27th May, 2017, 01:52 AM. Thereafter, it will enter the airy Sign ruled by Mercury – Gemini.

Ganesha predicts that there are very high chances of a heat wave till 27th April, 2017, 9:50 AM, because Mars will be transiting in Krutika Constellation. Thereafter till 16th May, 2017, 14:22 Hours, we shall get some relief from the hot climate, as Mars will transit in Rohini Constellation. Further from 16th May, 2017 to 26th May, 2017, we may again experience intense heat, as Mars will transit in Mrigashirsha Constellation.

Needless debates at international level and a war-like situation is also foreseen. If we talk about India, then it is likely that there will be some tough, aggressive and bold decisions being taken by the country’s administration. Otherwise, there may be some important breakthroughs in important matters in the global arena.

The Mars Transit will be highly favourable for those who are associated with the Media, Film Industry and Entertainment activities. Besides, ones who are working in the police, army, electronics, chemical and real estate industry shall progress during this period.

[Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to the Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, CLICK HERE.]

Mars in 2nd House

Mars will transit in the 2nd House from your sign. Hence, you are likely to gain financially during this period. Your efforts will be recognised and you will be rewarded well during the Mars transit in Taurus. There are also good chances of gains from past investments. You will be quite direct and frank in your communication during this period, and will be able to convince others about your views well. Read more about Aries.

But, you will have to be careful and avoid being too aggressive in your speech. There are chances of arguments with your family members and disturbances in family life, so try to handle things in a tactful manner. Besides, you shall go on a tour, which also includes a pilgrimage. Moreover, this period is highly favourable for academic matters and personal relationships.

The Mars transit in Taurus will help you get clarity about matters related to education. So, why not get detailed insights when the situation is supportive? Buy the Education Ask Question: Detailed Advice report now

Mars in 1st House

Mars will transit in your sign, and also pass over the Moon, which forms a ‘Lakshmi Yog’. Hence, this period shall be financially beneficial for Taurus natives. There will be a solid boost in your courage and confidence during the Mars transit in Taurus. You may also undertake activities related to movable and immovable property. You can expect some gains in your profession during this period.

You are advised to be careful while interacting with your spouse, or it may cause differences in marital life. Ganesha advises you to first understand the perspective of your spouse and then come to a conclusion, as this will help you to avoid arguments. Are you worried how this transit will affect your married life? Get to know what the stars indicate about your marriage with the Marital Problems report
Besides, while the transit of Mars in Taurus operates, be careful with your choice of words while speaking in public. Take good care of your health and avoid being rash, or you may end up facing cuts or injuries.

Mars in 12th House

For Gemini natives, Mars – the Lord of the 6th House and 11th House will transit in the 12th House related to expenses. Consequently, you may incur some unanticipated expenses. Besides, you may suddenly fall sick. Also be prepared to go on an unexpected tour. Differences with people in your job or business are also indicated, so try to sort out any differences amicably.

Businessmen may have differences with their staff, and subsequently they may quit. Marital life may not be harmonious. But, you can look forward to some gains from overseas, during this period. These predictions are based on the impact of the Mars transit in Taurus. Are you curious to know what planets in your Birth Chart indicate about your overall prospects this year? Avail the 2023 Yearly Report now!

Mars in 11th House

For Cancer natives, Lord of the 5th House and 10th House – Mars transit in Taurus will operate in the 11th House. Besides, Yogakaraka Mars is favourably posited in the House of Gains. Consequently, your personal life shall be very pleasant, this time around. Growth in your job or business is also foreseen. This will be a good time to set after achieving your goals and ambitions, as great success is foreseen.

The Mars transit in Taurus will enhance your financial position and gains from multiple sources are indicated. You may receive some good news from either your children, beloved or friends. Want to know, how things may shape up in your personal life? Buy the Personal Ask A Question – Detailed Advice report
Those interested in sports or related activities, and the ones planning to take part in competitions are likely to achieve great success during the Mars transit in Taurus.

Mars in 10th House

For Leo natives, Mars, which happens to be the Lord of the 4th House and 9th House, will be transiting in the 10th House. Here, Mars will gain Dig Bala or directional strength, hence it will be ‘Sthanbali’. The Mars transit in Taurus will be highly favourable for you and will bring a lot of wonderful results in various areas of life.
As the transit of Mars in Taurus operates, you will get new opportunities related to your area of activity. You will get great success in matters related to movable and immovable property. Moreover, you are likely to strike new deals, during this period. Progress in your personal relationships and academic matters is also foreseen. Your financial position may also improve drastically during this transit. Know more about your finances this year with the Wealth Ask a Question report

Mars in 9th House

For Virgo natives, Mars, which happens to be the Lord of the 3rd House and 8th House, will be transiting in the 9th House of fortune. As a result, you may receive some sudden financial benefits. But, do the planets indicate a comfortable financial situation throughout the year 2023? Buy the 2023 Finance Report to get the answers

Your efforts and initiatives will bring good results. You shall progress in your profession. You will also be more inclined towards religion, during this period.
During the Mars transit in Taurus, there may be some arguments or differences with your father, so try to be more tactful in your approach. Moreover, do not neglect your health and take necessary precautions. There is a possibility of suffering from accidents and injuries. Hence, be cautious while driving and also avoid undue haste.

Mars in 8th House

For Libra natives, Lord of the 2nd House & 7th House – Mars will transit in the 8th House. Hence, your health will require special attention. Avoid being negligent as minor health problems can get turn severe and cause major problems. Be very, very alert while driving. During the Mars transit in Taurus, it is likely that you may face problems from hidden enemies, or your rivals may try to cause harm behind your back. You will have to maintain your composure, come what may. Otherwise, extreme temperamental issues may cause problems.

You may have to deal with certain issues which might crop up suddenly in your personal sphere. Relations with your in-laws may get strained due to certain misunderstandings. Overall, this period shall provide moderate results.

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Mars in 7th House

For Scorpio natives, Mars – the Lord of 1st House and 6th House will transit in the 7th House. As a result, it may cause disharmony in marital life. Besides, you may especially try to prove that your viewpoint is right, and forcefully impose your thoughts on your spouse. Consequently, it may strain your marital relations. So, try to be a bit more flexible in your views and avoid unnecessary arguments.

Even at the workplace, it will be better to adopt a compromising approach with your colleagues. Rather than insisting on making things happen in your way, it would be better to find mutually agreeable methods or solutions. Moreover, take good care of your health. But, there are hardly any chances of receiving appreciation for work done during this period, so do not get frustrated. Better things will gradually come your way. But, when will things start looking up in your career? Avail the Career Ask A Question report for answers

Mars in 6th House

For Sagittarius natives, the Lord of the 12th House & 5th House – Mars will transit in the 6th House. During the Mars transit in Taurus, you will be able to face challenges in a very bold manner. Moreover, you will also be able to silence your critics and rivals. The negative aspect is that you may have to incur some sudden expenses. Hence, you should control your expenses, else you may have to borrow money to meet your necessities.

You may also face some health issues. But, gains through your personal relationships are foreseen. Besides, this period may be less favourable for studies. Thus, you should work very hard to get the desired outcome. You will get moderate results in matters related to your children this time around. Students may face distractions in studies and will have to try hard to stay focussed. Will you be able to perform well in academics? Know the answers with Education Ask A Question

Mars in 5th House

For Capricorn natives, Mars – the Lord of the 11th House and & 4th House will be transiting in the 5th House. As a result, favourable outcome in matters related to your children are indicated. You can also expect to receive some financial benefits during this period. During the transit of Mars in Taurus, you will be quite enthusiastic and spirited in your approach towards things.

The Mars transit in Taurus will be a very favourable period for dealings in property matters. If you have been planning to buy or sell property, then, this will be a very opportune period. Overall, this looks set to be an opportune period for you. But, how will things shape in the year 2023 on the whole? Buy the 2023 Detailed Yearly Report to get the answers

Mars in 4th House

For Aquarius natives, Lord of the 3rd House and 10th House – Mars will be transiting in the 4th House. As a result, there is a possibility of going on a tour – mostly related to your career or business. This period will also be favourable for your mother and you may get some good news from her or any of your maternal relatives.
During the Mars transit in Taurus, there are good chances of acquisition of new property or belongings. This will also be a good time to get some renovation or repairs done in your home. In your workplace, there may be an increased flow of activity and your inputs will be required in important projects. Do you want to know how planets in your Birth Chart will affect major areas of life? Get the Detailed Life Predictions Report

Mars in 3rd House

For Pisces natives, Lord of the 9th House & 2nd House, Mars will transit in the 3rd House of courage. Consequently, you shall be very fortunate and get some new opportunities. You will put more efforts and will get after achieving your goals. You will feel quite charged up and energetic and will work with increased skill and efficiency. This aspect will bring a lot of accolades at the workplace. Will the good performance help you achieve substantial growth in your career this year? Buy the 2023 Career Report to know what the planets indicate

You will be very happy and prosperous during the Mars transit in Taurus. Your domestic life shall be pleasant, and you will also become more comfortable financially. Besides, you shall be inspired to undertake new ventures in your profession. Overall, this looks set to be an auspicious and favourable period.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Prakash Pandya(Special Inputs: Aaditya Sain)
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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