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Mars Retrograde 2020: How It Will Affect Your Moon Sign?

Mars Retrograde 2020: How It Will Affect Your Moon Sign?

Hey folks, Mars is retrograding in September 2020. Woah! There’s a Mars retrograde in fiery Aries and watery Pisces on September 10, 2020, Thursday, and won’t go direct until November 14, 2020, Saturday.

Retrograde has become the buzzword for the year 2020. Following Mercury retrogrades in Cancer, Saturn retrogrades in Capricorn, and Jupiter retrogrades in Capricorn, Mars is all set to retrograde in Aries. Generally, Mars retrograde approximately 58-81 days once every 2 years. This time, it is in retrograde motion in its own house for 25 days and later in Pisces for 41 days. Shook! On a high key, Mars appears to slow down in Aries, the sign governed by this robust and masculine planet from September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020. The story of retrograde continues…! The red planet Mars continues to retrograde in Pisces until November 14, 2020.

Will Mars retrograde 2020 slow down favourable opportunities and success in your life? Let’s find out the changes to be observed in this retrograde motion of Mars.

Mars is a planet which represents energy, courage, self-confidence, and will power. According to Vedic Astrology, Mars and Venus when retrogrades, tend to affect your love and sex lives the most. Your plans are likely to go a little haywire and may face difficulties in getting things done. The transit will have an immense influence on marital happiness, and hence it is vital for all married couples to watch out the impact of Mars Retrograde in Aries and Pisces on their marriage.

The impact of Mars retrograde in Aries is likely to be average but may be challenging for Aries, Taurus, Libra, and Pisces. Holla peeps, take a front seat and get insights into the effects of Mars Retrograde in 2020 on your Moon Sign.

Mars Retrograde in the first house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

You may feel low-spirit during this phase. Confidence and energy are likely to be affected. Your responsibilities and workload may increase, and hence you are expected to work for extra hours to match the deadline. However, this may make you feel tired. At times, the desired response from your partner may be missing. So be patient for the time being and try to read out between the lines.

Mars Retrograde in the twelfth house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

Health issues may disturb your daily schedule. So it is best for you to take precautions and have healthy food. Those who have applied for loans for home or property there are chances of getting it for further progression. Natives in a committed relationship need to wait for some more time to take your relationship to the next stage. Singles planning for an arranged marriage are advised to postpone your idea for the time being.

Mars Retrograde in the twelfth house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

New startups/joint ventures are suggested to be avoided. In case you are planning to initiate, it is always better to have a thorough analysis to save yourselves from committing mistakes and regretting later for it. Healthwise, the transit period may remain moderate. With a healthy diet, requires precautions, and light exercise, you may keep fit. Unnecessary expenses may disturb your financial planning.

Mars Retrograde in the eleventh house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

Your relation with associates/partners may remain cordial and may also help you in your progression. You may be inclined to luxurious items and are likely to spend on elegant things. It may be a favourable time to start daily exercise and yoga if you have been missing until now. Not only will it keep you fit but also pumped your body with full energy and vitality.

Mars Retrograde in the eleventh house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

Continue with your sincere efforts and habit of working relentlessly for achieving success as you may get appreciation from the senior officials at the workplace. You may experience a healthy atmosphere in your surroundings, which helps you to stay motivated and be in high spirits. In case you are planning for a trip to a romantic destination, go for it without a second thought as it is likely to help in strengthening your bond.

Mars Retrograde in the tenth house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

Your performance may improve gradually at the job front. In case you are not satisfied with your work, rest easy, the influence of Mars retrograde is likely to help you in this matter. Maintaining cordial relations with others may be easy at the workplace. However, the natives in love or if they like someone, this is a favourable time to express their feelings with your potential ones.

Mars Retrograde in the tenth house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

This may be a favourable time for your career. You may crack some better professional deals that you may incline to do or pending due to some reason. Thanks to all the investments done in the past, as this planetary transit may bring fruitful rewards for you.

Your healthy life may lead you to reach new endeavours and update your social status.

Mars Retrograde in the ninth house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

Some transformations are likely to come up in this transit phase. However, there are chances of internal transfers/location change. It is advisable to converse softly and kindly with your beloved as your harsh communications may hurt them. So check your temperament and be careful while choosing words. Health issues may occur, and hence you are suggested to have the required precautions.

Are you dealing with temperamental issues, blame Mars! Take a smart move to resolve it before it hits a pause on your personal and professional relationships. In case you are not able to fix it, consult our expert astrologers.

Mars Retrograde in the ninth house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

Be patient on the career front as your professional progress may remain slow, but it is likely to be steady. Those who are looking for opportunities job abroad are advised to enhance their efforts as this planetary transit foresees the chances of relocation for career reasons. Students may require a focussed approach in their higher studies to get desired success in their mid-exams.

Mars Retrograde in the eighth house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

You may have extravagant tendencies that you are advised to control at the financial front. Otherwise, it may affect your monetary budget and savings. There are chances of emotional/physical distance in your relationship with your spouse so try to spend quality time whenever possible. Seasonal changes may affect your health and hamper your progression and growth. Hence it is suggested to take the required precautions and have a healthy diet.

Mars Retrograde in the eighth house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

Vital financial decisions related to business expansion are suggested to be avoided during the transit phase. There are chances of heated arguments for inheritance related matters, so it is advisable to deal with it cautiously and patience. There may be minor injuries, cuts, and accidents, and hence it is best for you to drive carefully.

Mars Retrograde in the seventh house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

You may not expect the desired response from your partner. So try to keep patience and read between the lines as much as you can. Your committed relationship may require sincere efforts if you are planning to take it to the next level and want to marry a beloved. Expected financial rewards may not be received easily, and hence it is advisable to avoid crucial investments. In case you are investing in any project, it is always best to take expert opinion and have thorough analysis.

Mars Retrograde in the seventh house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

You are suggested to avoid arguments with subordinates, colleagues, and senior officials at the workplace. Slow progress is likely to be foreseen in this phase and also keep you worried. Rest easy, planetary influence will change, and you may reach the pinnacle. Married couples are suggested to remain calm and composed. Controlling aggression may help you a lot in all areas of life.

Mars Retrograde in the sixth house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

You may achieve business/professional targets only if you put sincere efforts and work relentlessly. Chances of gifting electronic gadgets to your loved ones are foreseen in this planetary transit. In case there are any prolonged diseases, take it easy as planetary influence may help to improve your health as the period progresses.

Mars Retrograde in the sixth house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

Your relation with associates/partners may remain cordial. They may also help you in your challenging projects and get progress in it. You may be inclined to luxurious items and may go and buy a lot of elegant things. In case you are not able to practice yoga or daily exercise until now, don’t worry, bygones are just bygones. This is likely to be a favourable time to start fresh. Not only will it keep you fit but also pumped your body with full energy and vitality.

Mars Retrograde can slow down the recovery of prolonged issues and may keep you low-spirit. Talk to our best Vedic Astrologers and get effective remedies to free yourself from all worries of life.

Mars Retrograde in the fifth house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

Mars retrograde demands that you put sincere efforts for maintaining cordial relations with your business partners, vendors, or customers. It is advisable to avoid misunderstandings or miscommunications as this may cause distance in you and your spouse. The best thing to do in such a scenario is to spend quality time and clear it out. Those who are making efforts to study abroad may not achieve the desired success. But hard work and sincere efforts may help to succeed later.

Mars Retrograde in the fifth house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

Your hard efforts may go unnoticed by HOD/seniors at your job front. It is best for you to avoid being low spirit and continue working relentlessly as the favourable time may come to you soon. New business start-ups/expansions are suggested to be avoided for the time being. Those who are facing disputes in family life are advised to have peaceful communications. Otherwise, you may mess it up, and it might be difficult to control later.

Mars Retrograde in the fourth house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

Chances of delay in promotion and increment are likely to be there. Hence it is best for you to work relentlessly as the planetary influence may change anytime, and you may get the success later. You may not expect recognition, appreciation. Relations with your business partners may be less cordial so avoid hot-headed discussions is a piece of advice during this retrograde. Couples are suggested to avoid lengthy discussions or arguments as it may keep you stressed affecting your health.

Mars Retrograde in the fourth house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

New professional responsibilities may come to your shoulder as it may keep you busy at your job front. Those who are looking for investment may opt for real estate, agriculture, or domestic projects. This may be a favourable time to get the desired results. Mother’s health may remain challenging. But proper diet and light exercise may help you in this transit.

Mars Retrograde in the third house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

The natives may feel full of energies and positivity at the workplace. So brace up for all challenging situations as they may come out with the help of this planetary influence. Growth and progression may be expected in the tasks you undertake in this phase. Short distance travel or trip may boost your emotional bonding. Try to plan it out whenever you can.

Mars Retrograde in the third house on September 10, 2020, to October 4, 2020.

The influence of Mars retrograde may help you to sign profitable deals at the professional front in this transit phase. Thanks to all the investments done in the past, as this planetary transit may bring fruitful rewards for you. You may expect some positivity, and your confidence level may remain high in your routine tasks.

Mars Retrograde in the second house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

You are suggested to control your emotions during this phase and take utmost care while delivering dialogues with your near and dear ones. Watch your words as you can never take them back once spelt is a piece of advice for this transit phase. You may miss romance and intimacy in your relationship as your opinion may defer and likely to create distance between you and your partner. Chances of some old health issues may resurface during this transit. So it is best for you to avoid overlooking required precautions and have a healthy diet.

There are chances of arguments with colleagues, seniors, and juniors at the workplace. So try to avoid them as long as possible. On the financial front, you may make the wrong investment decisions. Hence it is best for you to have a thorough analysis while investing or take expert advice. You are suggested to be careful while conversing with your close ones. One silly mistake may affect your relationships.

Mars Retrograde in the third house on October 4, 2020, to November 14, 2020.

Chances of clashes with your partner are foreseen on the cards which may hamper your partnership business. You may not expect desired support from your colleagues at the workplace. So it is advisable to have confidence in yourself as you are likely to get success due to your own efforts. Married couples may require control over their emotions and anger. Hence it is always best to react with calm. This helps you to avoid all issues and arguments.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks.com Team

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