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Mars ingress in Cancer – Time to explore new avenues in the Career world

Mars ingress in Cancer – Time to explore new avenues in the Career world

Mars, the Warrior, plays very vital role in today’s fast moving time because it governs ‘speed’ and ‘vitality’. Mars has completed its retrogression journey through Gemini and has entered Cancer on 4th March 2008, as per Western Astrology.

Cancer is sign of ‘fall’ for Mars while it passes through Cancer it will have exalted aspect on Capricorn, its sign of ‘Exaltation’. Ganesha would like to draw your attention to the fact that Mars’ entry in Cancer is going to be very important for career changes. No matter where you are and what position you hold in the job, you need to give a serious consideration to your career now. Right moves at right time can bear fruits and wrong move at wrong time can spoil the game!

Mars and Jupiter are in opposition and except for Jupiter, no other planet is going to have direct control over Mars till 10th May 2008.

You can choose to remain with the same company in the same position with a little hike in salary. You can seek new opportunities while Mars transits through Cancer. You can be proactive about career moves and start searching now! Everything depends on Mars’ transit becasuse Mars aspects Capricorn which rules house of Career.

Even if you go for a change, would the change be good enough? Would you be benefited or it would be a wrong step in wrong direction altogether? It is as complicated as the game of Chess but Astrology makes everything simpler and clearer. Ganesha can guide you thoroughly about your career moves and can also tell you whether you would be satisfied with the change, if made. If no, what would be your position in the current company and what is in store for you in near or distant future? Don’t miss the chance to know things beforehand. It will be wise to be guided by Omnipresent Ganesha before taking any firm decision regarding career.

Remember Roman philosopher Seneca’s lines, ‘Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.’

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni

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