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Mars Guru And Ketu In Sagittarius

Mars Guru And Ketu In Sagittarius

The year 2020 is going to be very special from the astronomical and astrological point of view. This year, almost all the 9 planets of the solar system are going to change their zodiac. After the dissolution of the five planets’ Mahayuti, which was effective from December 2019 to January 2020, is going to be a very important and effective Mahayuti of the year on February 8, 2020. In the current situation, Ketu and Jupiter are sitting together in Sagittarius, but this situation is going to become more important with Mars transiting Sagittarius on 8th February 2020.

Also, Read – Sagittarius Transit Of Mars Will Be For Some Signs Mars Will Be Bad For Some

  • Ketu – Ketu is a dim shadow planet that gives progress and growth to the native on the basis of hard work and hard work. Ketu changes the zodiac after traveling in the same zodiac for about 18 months. In the current situation, Ketu is transiting in Sagittarius. Ketu had entered Sagittarius from Scorpio on 23rd March 2019, and in the coming time, he will travel in Sagittarius only till 23rd September.
  • Jupiter – In the horoscope, Jupiter is considered like nectar, the Guru who bestows knowledge and good fortune, on November 3, 2019, changed the zodiac and entered Sagittarius. Jupiter, which takes about one year to thirteen months to travel through one zodiac sign, will enter Capricorn on 30th March 2020 and will again enter Sagittarius on 30th June, turning retrograde.
  • Mars – The lord of valor and might, Mars is transiting in Sagittarius on 8 February 2020. Mars is currently traveling in its own sign Scorpio. But with the transit of Sagittarius on 8th February, Mars is going to be in conjunction with Jupiter and Ketu. Due to the Mahayuti of Ketu, Jupiter and Mars, the period of ups and downs will start in all the zodiac signs.

Period of grandeur

The Mahayuti of Ketu, Jupiter and Mars is about to begin with the entry of Mars in the sign of fire element Sagittarius on 8 February 2020. The Mahayuti 2020 of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu is going to be effective in Sagittarius starting from 8th February till 21st March. During this time, the auspicious and inauspicious effects of this Mahayuti will be seen on all the zodiac signs. In this period of Mahayuti, some zodiac signs will be positive while some will have to face its side effects.

The Mahayuti of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu being formed in the ninth house of the Moon sign Aries horoscope is going to give mixed results to the people of Aries. There will be some ups and downs in your career during this period. During this time you can travel long distances in connection with your job. You may also have a transfer or change in job during this period. Take care of your father’s health. There may be some difficulties in love and marital relations. This period appears unfavourable for business business.

The great combination of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu being formed in the eighth house of the horoscope of the Moon sign Taurus is going to bring many auspicious and inauspicious changes in the lives of Taurus people. The eighth house of the horoscope, being the house of Ayush or death, is related to life, death, inheritance, accident, terrible loss, detachment, suicide, unexpected death, defeat, land wealth, and long illness. The Mahayuti of Jupiter, Mars and Ketu is going to have an average effect on the Taurus people from the career point of view, whereas when it comes to business-business, this combination indicates to profit only on the strength of self-effort. There will be some adverse effects in love and married life too, during this time you should try to understand the attitude of your partner by taking care of their feelings. The period is going to be average in terms of health, you need to improve your eating habits.

The combination of Ketu, Jupiter and Mars being formed in the seventh house of the Moon sign Gemini’s horoscope is going to bring many changes in the lives of Gemini people. The seventh house of the horoscope is related to husband, wife, partner, marital happiness, court-court, customers, public and partnership business, being the Kaltra place. During this time, you should try to avoid any kind of debate in your career. This period is also going to prove to be very complicated in terms of business-business, during this time you should try to improve relations with your employees or partners. With the combination of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu, positive changes are seen in the love relationship of Gemini people. There will be more clarity in your love relationship during this phase and all doubts will gradually disappear. This will help you take your love relationship to the next level. Mixed results of this Mahayuti will be seen in personal life or married life, during this there is also a possibility of some kind of domestic dispute.

The Mahayuti of Jupiter, Mars and Ketu being prepared in the sixth house of the Moon sign Cancer horoscope is going to trouble Cancer people in some areas of life. The sixth house of the horoscope being the enemy house is related to the areas like pain, fear, duration of disease, enemy, daily work, job, illness, debt and trouble in job. Due to the formation of Mahayuti of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu in this house, difficulties are seen increasing in the field of career. This position of planets in the sixth house of the horoscope can work to confuse you. You may remain emotionally upset and tense. Talking about love affairs, during this time you will feel the commitment towards your lover or partner. During the Mahayuti of planets, choose your words very carefully, during this time you can spoil your relationships with your sarcastic words.

The combination of three planets being prepared in the fifth house of the Moon sign Leo’s horoscope is going to affect the major areas of the life of Leo people. The fifth house of the horoscope is related to the child’s behavior, child’s birth, child’s happiness, occult, lore, knowledge, esoteric knowledge, worship, speculation, gambling, lottery, skill, love relationship, and splendor. Is.

The Mahayuti of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu being prepared in the fifth house of Leo horoscope is going to bring radical changes in the lives of Leo people. During this time, you will be able to move your relationship towards the next level on the love front. During this time you will be able to balance better in professional and personal life. During this period, people associated with business-business need to be patient and careful. During this time, there does not seem to be much profit from business and business, due to which there is a possibility of decreasing profits. Career or employed people are likely to get mixed effects from this Mahayuti, during this time you are going to get more recognition at your workplace. Under the influence of the Mahayuti of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu, you are going to make full use of your hidden abilities.

The Mahayuti of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu going to be formed in Sagittarius, the sign of fire element, Moon is located in the fourth house of Virgo’s horoscope. The fourth house of the horoscope being a happy place is related to mother, happiness, house, vehicle, property, land, craving, longing, ambition and immovable property.

The Mahayuti of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu is going to have a negative effect on the career of Virgo natives. During this time, you should make efforts to move ahead in your career, using your skills and intelligence with patience. This Mahayuti of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu also seems to have an adverse effect on the business-business front. During this time, you may have to face tough competition in business, your profits are likely to be less. Avoid taking loans or borrowings for investment during this period. To give continuity to your relationship in love affairs, you should avoid imposing your views on your partner. You are advised to respect the point of view of your partner or other people in marital and personal life also.

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The combination of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu being prepared in the third house of the Moon sign Libra’s horoscope will have a mixed effect on Libra. The third house of the horoscope is known as Parakram Sthan and the conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu is going to happen in this house. The third house of the horoscope is related to courage, patience, might, friend, younger brother, short stay, transport, brokerage and important changes.

The conjunction of Jupiter, Mars and Ketu is going to have an average effect on Libra. During this time you will be able to successfully complete your work in career related fields. However, during this time you will need to put in extra effort to get maximum results. In the field of business, you should avoid policy decisions and respect the views of others. Try to listen seriously and understand the views of your partner or colleagues. Your practical approach on the love front is going to be helpful for you. However, during this time there is also a possibility of dispute with partner in some cases. You are going to feel more emotional under the influence of this great combination of planets, and your emotions are going to make you think about various direct and indirect positions. During this time you should try to improve your mental and physical health.

The Mahasanyog of Jupiter, Mars and Ketu in the sign of fire element Sagittarius is going to happen in the second house of the horoscope of the Moon sign Scorpio. The second house of the horoscope is known as wealth or family, it is related to wealth, movable and immovable property, family, speech, lineage, accumulation of wealth, addiction, business, inheritance property, profit-loss and ambition in the life of the person. happens from

The conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu being formed in the second house of Scorpio horoscope is going to bring many important changes in the life of Scorpio natives, during this time you may have new ideas and plans along with energy to pursue your career. Huh. Your reputation will increase. Average results are likely to come from business point of view, limited investment in stock market may be falsifiable, but caution is also advised. The effect of the three planetary conjunction will also be visible on your love relationship, during this time your mutual understanding will increase and an emotional bond will be created between you two, although the slow growth in the relationship can make you frustrated too. You will get positive results in marital and personal life during the Mahayuti of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu.

The Mahayuti of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu is being formed in Sagittarius, the sign of fire element. The combination of three powerful planets forming in the first house of the Moon sign Sagittarius is going to affect the major areas of the life of the people of Sagittarius.

Due to the great conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu getting ready in Sagittarius, the people of Sagittarius see an increase in self-confidence. However, during this time you may have a debate or argument with your colleague or higher officials. There are no clear effects of this transit on business and business, so this situation is more dangerous, caution is advised. During this time, in love, marriage and personal life, you should avoid dominating your partner or family, and you should expect more from these special people from yourself. You will remain energetic due to the effect of this Mahayuti, but due to this extra force, you are going to lose your patience sometimes. So be careful and be patient.

Due to the great combination of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu being prepared in the twelfth house of the Moon sign Capricorn, Capricorn people will have to face some negative situations related to career. During this, you may also have a dispute with your higher officials. However, the combination of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu is going to be beneficial and fruitful for the people of Capricorn in relation to business and business. During this time there is also a need to strengthen the hold on your business. Love relationships are likely to revive during this period, making it a perfect time for you to make a fresh start to revive your relationship. The Mahayuti of Mars, Ketu and Jupiter will work to overwhelm you with emotions but you should resist it and move forward towards the goal which you want to achieve.

The Mahayuti of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu in the fire element Sagittarius is getting ready in the eleventh house of the Moon sign Aquarius. During this time you should control your aggression and handle all aspects related to your career with patience and understanding. You have to keep an eye on the market trends to get profit in trading. To maintain continuity in love and personal life, you have to control your ego and speech. Before any kind of changes in home or love relationship, discuss with your partner or family members, otherwise you may have to face resistance from family or partner.

The combination of Mars, Jupiter and Ketu in Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, demands patience and dedication from you in daily tasks. During this, you will have to work harder and take more responsibility. You will have to deal with some challenges and make some extra efforts to get profit from the business, business smoothly. Some challenges may also be faced in love, marital and personal life. During this time, there are going to be some doubts and insecurities in your mind regarding the future of a love relationship. During this time you need to be patient while remaining committed. While pursuing meaningful conversations and collaborations in personal or married life will be beneficial, making new social contacts can be beneficial.

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With the blessings of Ganeshji,

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