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Mars Combust 2023 – Planetary Impact On Zodiac Signs

Mars Combust 2023 - Planetary Impact On Zodiac Signs

Mars is known to be one of the important planets of the planetary system, and it sets from 20 September 2023 to 11 January 2024. Let us see how it affects the zodiac signs.

  • At this time if we talk about finance, you might face some problems.
  • At this time you might somehow face health-related problems and might even suffer minor injuries.
  • People working or doing any kind of business might have to face some difficulties during this time or face problems with their colleagues.
  • During this time, there might also be differences of opinion between husband and wife on some matters.
  • A person of Aries zodiac sign needs to worship Lord Shri Vishnu during this time.

Read more about Aries.

  • If we talk about finance, you might get some benefits during this time.
  • You might feel healthy as far as your health is concerned. 
  • People working or doing business might also get a chance to accomplish some of their targets during this time and might be successful.
  • You need to be a little careful if you are in a relationship or are married otherwise arguments might arise.
  • A person of the Taurus zodiac sign needs to worship Lord Shiva at this time.

Read more about Taurus.

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  • You need to proceed cautiously in matters of finance. You might be interrupted in profits if you overlook expenses. 
  • There might be no health-related problems but you might face mental disturbance at times.
  • People working or doing business might have to work hard at this time, only then they might get success.
  • The relationship between husband and wife seems to be good at this time.
  • People of the Gemini zodiac need to worship Lord Hanuman at this time.

Read more about Gemini.

  • There might be a thought of taking big courage when it comes to matters of finance, you need to move ahead thoughtfully,
  • You might feel healthy as well as fit during this time. 
  • People working or doing business might get new opportunities and might also get success.
  • This is a good time for a husband and wife relationship, as there might be good coordination between the two.
  • A person of the Cancer zodiac sign needs to worship Lord Shiva at this time.

Read more about Cancer.

  • If we talk about finance, then at this time you might suddenly feel like making big expenses outside the budget.
  • Sometimes minor health-related difficulties might also occur.
  • This time seems to be favourable for people working or doing business.
  • This time also seems to be better for a husband and wife relationship.
  • People of Leo zodiac sign need to worship Lord Hanuman at this time.

Read more about Leo.

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  •  As far as finance is concerned this time might create a possibility of an increase in the source of income.
  • You don’t need to worry in regards to your health.
  • For people doing a job or business, this time might be the beginning of something new or give favourable conditions for doing good business.
  • This is when husband and wife need to adjust to each other in their relationship, only then might there be peace.
  • People of the Virgo zodiac need to worship Lord Ganesha at this time.

Read more about Virgo.

  • In matters of finance, you need to proceed thoughtfully as suddenly a big expense might arise at any time. 
  • You might have some health-related problems or might also feel restlessness.
  • For people doing jobs or business, there are chances that they might get benefits from outside the village or outside in terms of work.
  • During this time, there might be arguments in some matters between husband and wife or in the relationship.
  • Worship of Lord Shiva seems to be beneficial for the people of the Libra zodiac at this time.

Read more about Libra.

  • You might get success in your workplace.
  • You need to look after your health as there might be some health-related concerns.
  • This rotation of Mars seems to be beneficial for people doing jobs or business.
  • There might be good coordination in conversation between husband and wife or in any relationship due to this transit.
  • People of the Scorpio zodiac sign need to worship Lord Ganesha during this time.

Read more about Scorpio.

Plan Your Year Smartly With The Help Of 2023 Detailed Yearly Report

  • If we talk about finance, your financial situation at this time might be quite favourable during this time.
  • Minor health concerns might also bother you.
  • People doing jobs or business might get new orders in their workplace at this time.
  • This transit might cause differences in some matters for husband and wife or people living in a relationship.
  • People of Sagittarius zodiac sign need to worship Lord Hanuman.

Read more about Sagittarius.

  • If we talk about finance, no big investment should be made during this time.
  • This time might not cause much trouble for you in terms of health.
  • People doing jobs or business might get new types of work at this time.
  • This time might seem quite moderate for husband and wife or people living in a relationship.
  • People of the Capricorn sign need to worship Lord Shiva.

Read more about Capricorn.

  • At this time, you might have to be careful in financial matters, otherwise, losses might occur.
  • This time might be troublesome for health and especially minor accidents or injuries might occur.
  • People doing jobs or business might have to pay special attention to their work during this time.
  • For husband-wife or those living in a relationship, this time might increase differences between them in some matters.
  • People of the Aquarius zodiac sign need to worship Lord Hanuman.

Read more about Aquarius.

  • At this time, some sudden expenditure might arise in financial matters or money might get stuck somewhere.
  • You might also face some health problems during this time.
  • There might be some benefit for people doing jobs or business at this time, but people working in partnership need to be a little careful.
  • There needs to be mutual understanding in the husband-wife relationship, only then there might be peace.
  • People of Pisces need to worship Goddess Durga.

Read more about Pisces.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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