The year 2007 was extremely significant, eventful and challenging for people influenced by number 2 and 7. Number 7 is a male number signifying the planets Ketu and Neptune. Number 2 is represented by Moon and the female counter part of number 7.So, numbers 2 and 7 are amazingly inter connected. The year 2007 consists of these two numbers 2 and 7. Thus, these two numbers are embedded in 2007.
In August 2007, Atlanta Falcons star quarterback Michael Vick was sacked for his involvement in a dog fighting ring. Michael Vick’s name number is 7.
Basketball refree Tim Donaghy fouled up the NBA’s buzz. Donaghy’s role in a gambling ring damaged the integrity of a league already waist-deep in image problems. Tim Donaghy’s birth number is 7.
And just when we thought heralded rookie Greg Oden would jump in and build some positive buzz, he went out for the season with a bum knee. Greg Oden’s name number is also 7.
Barry Bonds, became the centre of the steroid storm. Barry Bonds’s name number is 2.
David Beckham came to America. Becks’ on-field accomplishments weren’t so hot, but he did manage to warm a few casual sports fans to the joys of soccer. David Beckham’s name number is 2. Birth number is also 2. Life path number is 2 and more significantly personal year number is 7.
For former Indian cricket team captain Rahul Dravid, 2007 was very eventful and crucial. His birth number is 2 and name number is also 2. Dravid took the captaincy from Sourav Ganguly in 2005,
2+5=7. so number 2 and 7 always play a significant role in his career.
Intrestingly the new Indian Captain M. S. Dhoni is also influenced by number 2 and 7. His birth number is 7. His name M.S.Dhoni comes to 2.
Personal year number tells us what is happening in life in a particular year. 7 as Personal Year number does not support “spectacular transfer”. It is a year of struggles and challenges. If 7 as personal year number doesn’t support a person, it gives postponements in business and financial affairs as well as challenges in life during the particular year. Keywords for personal year 7 are Withdrawn, Depression, Spiritual, Health, Money losses, Vacations, Legal issues, Spouses and health. It could be a crucial and land marking year for them and good to study, introspect and analyze skills. Unexpected twists to the life are very much probable. Ganesha advises to examine life in order to enjoy more exciting years to come, look at the past and plan for the future. Number 2 is represented by Moon and the female counter part of number 7. So, it might give negative twist to the life which is evident in the case of Barry Bonds, David Beckham and former Indian cricket team captain Rahul Dravid.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,