Home » Predictions » Astrology » Your Love Stars this week – 16th Feb to 22nd Feb 2014

Your Love Stars this week – 16th Feb to 22nd Feb 2014

Your Love Stars this week – 16th Feb to 22nd Feb 2014

Love life is going to be very exciting this week, as your sexual desires will be quite intense. Your inner charm and personality will garner attention from the members of the opposite sex and you will find yourself very busy enjoying physical pleasures and romance. During the period around mid-week, you will slow down and take a look at what you have gotten into. Are things getting serious? – you will ask yourself. Ganesha advises you to be ready for some intense emotional experiences towards the weekend. Do you have a special likings for one of your friends? Avail Friends Or Lovers? report to know where your relationship stands.

Your sharp wits be on display, turning some heads and melting some hearts this week. Be aware of your actions and where they are taking you to know where your heart really is. Develop a better understanding with your beloved and they shall be pleased to see you taking extra efforts to woo them. For love and romance, Thursday and Friday look set to be excellent. And your natural charm will be like the icing on the cake! However, don’t rush into a relationship. Take your time before agreeing to commit for lifetime. Also, avail Compatibility Assessment Reading report to know whether you should take the relationship ahead or not.

Pay attention to little things on the love front this week, make sure you don’t let matters go out of control. Singles, you shall witness an exciting week. Those of you who are looking for a boy/ girl friend or a life-partner may witness some positive changes in your life as your Love Prospects are likely to rise this week. In all likelihood, some major changes are coming your way during the second half of the week. You need to first be sure of your own feelings before you share them with your beloved. This is essential in order to avoid any sort of misunderstanding.

Your heart will rule your mind, and this is something that does not happen frequently to a Leo. You will be very much aware of your feelings and what you want from a particular relationship; use this heightened awareness to move forward in the right direction. Ganesha foresees Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to be exciting for your love life, as you will wear your natural charm and impress a special someone. This newly built relationship may make your life beautiful. After a busy week on the love front, utilise the weekend to reflect on your actions and understand where the relationship is taking you. If there are compatibility issues, avail Love Ask A Question to get personalised astrological guidance.

The adage – you are the creator of your own destiny – goes perfectly well for your love life this week. Your own deeds will be responsible for all the consequences you face in your love life. So make sure you think positive for the results too will be positive then. If you are single, expect romance to enter your life now. For a personalised guidance on this matter, avail Love prospects and make this week a memorable one. At the middle of the week not all will be as per your wish but you will enjoy the good times you spend with your partner. You will be intrigued by the matters of the heart, and will understand what place love holds in your life.

Striking a balance is an innate quality you possess but the alignment of the stars this week is such that your love life may go slightly off-balance. It’s just one of those phases when you need to give yourself some space. If this still worries you, avail Ask any Question and get solutions for the problem that is bothering you. You want to be left alone and you need to convey this properly to your loved ones, without hurting them. By Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, you will be in a place to figure out where you stand. You will be completely opposite of what you were at the beginning of the week, and will be quite open about your feelings. This will help you succeed. On the weekend, you will want to spend some time with maybe your friends or your sweetheart.

You need to trust your inner voice when it comes to matters of the heart this week, there is no point analysing everything, as it will difficult for you to come to any conclusion. Go with the flow and let love take its own course instead. Being adamant in love will take you nowhere. If there is any issue in your love life that is bothering you as of late, you can try our Love Ask 3 Question and put your problems to rest. You can have your own way during the middle of the week as far as your career endeavours are concerned but not your relationships. On the weekend you may make last minute plans of a picnic or adventure trip, which is likely to be fun but if you plan in advance you can make this a time to remember! So make all the arrangements well in advance.

This week is all about brushing up your knowledge about love and romance. You will enjoy discussing love, what it really means to the world and to you. The discussions will prove to be very useful, as you will gain great clarity regarding love matters. At the middle of the week you will have great fun, doing weird stuff to keep yourself and your sweetheart happy. Doing silly stuff together will strengthen your relationship. Get your Romance Potential Reading checked to find out how perfect you two are for each other? By the end of the week you will slow down a little. Your caring nature will come to the fore and so will your desire to be left alone. It will be a little difficult to balance both, but you will succeed in the end.

Your inclination towards research and development is likely to be quite strong today. But there’s no need to feel let down as research and development is not restricted to only career matters, it can be applied to love relationships too! It’s now time to find out what you really want from love and if your partner is your true soul-mate or not. We can make this easier for you with our Soul-mates or Not? report. Work is likely to take up most of your time on Thursday and Friday but you will have no complaints as a great weekend awaits you. You will be the centre of attraction wherever you go and you will very well know how to make the most of your charisma.

This week, in your love life, you will get to do what you love to do and are good at- analysis! You will observe your relationship from a distance, trying to understand it from a different perspective, and you will do it quite well, says Ganesha. This will help you see where exactly your relationship is and to where it is heading. For more clarity on this, you can also Talk to an Astrologer. Look forward to a peculiar date on Thursday or Friday, peculiar because it will be different from all the dates you have been on till date. You will have a great time doing the weirdest of stuff, and who cares about what people will say! Just do what you feel like doing. But weekend time will be your private time during which you will want to spend quiet evenings with your partner.

Sometimes it’s better to just fall in love instead of thinking too much about whether a person is right for you or will the relationship work or not. Let your heart rule your mind this week, for your heart is most likely to take the right decisions at the beginning of the week. But on Thursday and Friday you will be in a dilemma and will have no clue as to what is right and what is wrong in your relationship. An imbalance in your love affair may bring forth quite a few issues. You can avail Love Ask a Question and sort out your love related problems. At the weekend, things will be just fine as far as you have trust in yourself and your feelings.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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