9th February to 15th February 2014
When it comes to handling your emotions and letting people know how you feel, you are rarely at ease. Since you are an action-oriented person, you always prefer to keep yourself occupied than to sit and sob. However, the week ahead is going to get quite uncomfortable for you, as you will have to pay attention to your emotions. With some fine-tuning you will realise how attractive you are to the opposite sex. You might like to try our product Love Ask A Question – Detailed Advice to get a better idea of your love prospects. Read more about Aries.
When it comes to handling your emotions and letting people know how you feel, you are rarely at ease. Since you are an action-oriented person, you always prefer to keep yourself occupied than to sit and sob. However, the week ahead is going to get quite uncomfortable for you, as you will have to pay attention to your emotions. With some fine-tuning you will realise how attractive you are to the opposite sex. You might like to try our product Love Ask A Question – Detailed Advice to get a better idea of your love prospects. Read more about Aries.

On the emotional scale you rank rather high, and you can be very articulate, too, while expressing your feelings to someone. However, this week, this very quality of yours, normally considered as positive, can be your undoing, especially if you are in a one-to-one session with your special someone. So choose your words wisely, and don’t go overboard. If there is already a rift, this is a good time to try and bridge it. For more detailed and personalised love prospects, check out our product Love Ask A Question, which will give you a better idea of how to proceed with caution. Read more about Taurus.
On the emotional scale you rank rather high, and you can be very articulate, too, while expressing your feelings to someone. However, this week, this very quality of yours, normally considered as positive, can be your undoing, especially if you are in a one-to-one session with your special someone. So choose your words wisely, and don’t go overboard. If there is already a rift, this is a good time to try and bridge it. For more detailed and personalised love prospects, check out our product Love Ask A Question, which will give you a better idea of how to proceed with caution. Read more about Taurus.

Your expectations from your romantic life may be somewhat fuzzy this week, so be very cautious while interacting with your sweetheart, lest you end up saying things which you may regret later, but more importantly, which may hurt him/her. Mid-week is well-suited for initiating a relationship as well as for taking it to the next level, if you are already involved. And over the weekend, instead of being excessively emotional, be a little analytical, which is more likely to strike a chord in the heart of your beloved. You would greatly benefit from trying our fully personalised product Relationships Ask 3 Question Detailed. Read more about Gemini.
Your expectations from your romantic life may be somewhat fuzzy this week, so be very cautious while interacting with your sweetheart, lest you end up saying things which you may regret later, but more importantly, which may hurt him/her. Mid-week is well-suited for initiating a relationship as well as for taking it to the next level, if you are already involved. And over the weekend, instead of being excessively emotional, be a little analytical, which is more likely to strike a chord in the heart of your beloved. You would greatly benefit from trying our fully personalised product Relationships Ask 3 Question Detailed. Read more about Gemini.

Instead of being too impulsive on the love front, Ganesha advises you to play your cards carefully, but once you have decided on how to take your relationship forward, be a little compassionate and sensuous, especially around mid-week. Select a new place to go on your date, and be very careful about minor details regarding your outer image, so as to impress your lover more. Also be a very good listener instead of going on talking about yourself, and see how the magic works! By the weekend you may find yourself in a very passionate mood. Try out our product Your Passion Equation. Read more about Cancer.
Instead of being too impulsive on the love front, Ganesha advises you to play your cards carefully, but once you have decided on how to take your relationship forward, be a little compassionate and sensuous, especially around mid-week. Select a new place to go on your date, and be very careful about minor details regarding your outer image, so as to impress your lover more. Also be a very good listener instead of going on talking about yourself, and see how the magic works! By the weekend you may find yourself in a very passionate mood. Try out our product Your Passion Equation. Read more about Cancer.

You will be very clear-headed and articulate about your relationships this week, and will know exactly how to go about it in a sensitive and sensuous manner, which, rest assured, will floor your beloved. It is your chivalry and an acute understanding of the worldly as well as emotional needs of your beloved that make you so special to him/her. Besides, the intensity of your attraction for each other is mutual, and towards the weekend you shall be united in the heat of your passion. To get a better picture of the consequences of what you are experiencing now, try our customised report Sex Ask a Question Detailed. Read more about Leo.
You will be very clear-headed and articulate about your relationships this week, and will know exactly how to go about it in a sensitive and sensuous manner, which, rest assured, will floor your beloved. It is your chivalry and an acute understanding of the worldly as well as emotional needs of your beloved that make you so special to him/her. Besides, the intensity of your attraction for each other is mutual, and towards the weekend you shall be united in the heat of your passion. To get a better picture of the consequences of what you are experiencing now, try our customised report Sex Ask a Question Detailed. Read more about Leo.

You might think that the week is a bit dry in the initial stages, but as the days pass, you might feel like contacting your long-forgotten friends. Ganesha says it is a good time to revive old friendships, and if in the process an old flame can be reignited, without causing problems on either side, so much the better. Work may keep you preoccupied during the middle of the week, so don’t disturb yourself then, but during the weekend you may go full steam ahead and enjoy an intimate and passionate time together with your beloved. But are you two Sexual Soul-mates? Find out, now! Read more about Virgo.
You might think that the week is a bit dry in the initial stages, but as the days pass, you might feel like contacting your long-forgotten friends. Ganesha says it is a good time to revive old friendships, and if in the process an old flame can be reignited, without causing problems on either side, so much the better. Work may keep you preoccupied during the middle of the week, so don’t disturb yourself then, but during the weekend you may go full steam ahead and enjoy an intimate and passionate time together with your beloved. But are you two Sexual Soul-mates? Find out, now! Read more about Virgo.

Although the symbol of your sign – a balance – personifies your nature too, you are likely to be in a bit of a quandary as the week kicks off, especially in matters related to love and romance. Ganesha advises you to slow down your hectic pace, contemplate a bit about the different direction in which your mind may be darting like a snipe, analyse a particular relationship that may be dominating your consciousness, and decide whether to take it forward or not, or, indeed, whether you want to go the full distance. You would benefit by trying our personalised product Sex Ask 3 Questions Detailed. Read more about Libra.
Although the symbol of your sign – a balance – personifies your nature too, you are likely to be in a bit of a quandary as the week kicks off, especially in matters related to love and romance. Ganesha advises you to slow down your hectic pace, contemplate a bit about the different direction in which your mind may be darting like a snipe, analyse a particular relationship that may be dominating your consciousness, and decide whether to take it forward or not, or, indeed, whether you want to go the full distance. You would benefit by trying our personalised product Sex Ask 3 Questions Detailed. Read more about Libra.

This week you will realise that trying to thrash out some tricky relationship issues intellectually will be of no avail. You may feel the pull between you and your beloved is too strong; indeed, you might intuit the Hand of God in it, so have full faith and plunge into the affair without hesitation. Put matters related to your profession on the back-burner, and give priority to your love life. Follow your gut, or Cupid, or the Super Natural Power – call it what you may – and relish the romantic encounters in store for you. For gaining a better idea of your love prospects, check out your Your Passion Personality Read more about Scorpio.
This week you will realise that trying to thrash out some tricky relationship issues intellectually will be of no avail. You may feel the pull between you and your beloved is too strong; indeed, you might intuit the Hand of God in it, so have full faith and plunge into the affair without hesitation. Put matters related to your profession on the back-burner, and give priority to your love life. Follow your gut, or Cupid, or the Super Natural Power – call it what you may – and relish the romantic encounters in store for you. For gaining a better idea of your love prospects, check out your Your Passion Personality Read more about Scorpio.

In matters of love and romance, Ganesha advises you that this week you need to be a bit open-minded and not too rigid about your beliefs. You need to change with the times, as many dogmas which may have held true ages ago, no longer have the same ring of truth or validity about them any more. All you need to be aware about is the laws of the land, and being careful not to hurt the sentiments of anyone, and then make the best of the opportunities that fate blesses you with. Our personalised product Intimate Affairs can be of immense help to you. Read more about Sagittarius.
In matters of love and romance, Ganesha advises you that this week you need to be a bit open-minded and not too rigid about your beliefs. You need to change with the times, as many dogmas which may have held true ages ago, no longer have the same ring of truth or validity about them any more. All you need to be aware about is the laws of the land, and being careful not to hurt the sentiments of anyone, and then make the best of the opportunities that fate blesses you with. Our personalised product Intimate Affairs can be of immense help to you. Read more about Sagittarius.

On the romantic front this week, be positive and optimistic about the possibility of furthering your interests. You may be in a relationship about which you could be harbouring some doubts, so Ganesha advises you to Talk to an Astrologer – NOW, which is one of our many products customised especially for you taking into account the details in your Birth Chart. If you are married, try to strengthen the relationship; and if you are single, take the initiative to strike up a friendship with someone who is on the same wavelength with you. Read more about Capricorn.
On the romantic front this week, be positive and optimistic about the possibility of furthering your interests. You may be in a relationship about which you could be harbouring some doubts, so Ganesha advises you to Talk to an Astrologer – NOW, which is one of our many products customised especially for you taking into account the details in your Birth Chart. If you are married, try to strengthen the relationship; and if you are single, take the initiative to strike up a friendship with someone who is on the same wavelength with you. Read more about Capricorn.

This is a week of romantic revelations, Ganesha assures you. You shall not only see the passionate side of your personality, but also the underlying humour in life. There is powerful stuff in store for you on the love front, especially in the middle of the week. However, before you take the plunge, make sure that the person with whom you may be trying to get intimate, is also emotionally and intellectually on the same wavelength with you, because doing so will result in a beautiful long-lasting relationship. Check out our product Romance Potential Reading, which will give you more insight into the subject. Read more about Aquarius.
This is a week of romantic revelations, Ganesha assures you. You shall not only see the passionate side of your personality, but also the underlying humour in life. There is powerful stuff in store for you on the love front, especially in the middle of the week. However, before you take the plunge, make sure that the person with whom you may be trying to get intimate, is also emotionally and intellectually on the same wavelength with you, because doing so will result in a beautiful long-lasting relationship. Check out our product Romance Potential Reading, which will give you more insight into the subject. Read more about Aquarius.

Ganesha. If you are married, you will get along with your spouse like a house on fire; and if you are yet to be hooked or booked, this is as good a week as any to shoot your proposal to the person you have been secretly admiring for so long. However make sure you don’t wear your heart on your sleeve, be choosy about the people you confide in. If there are some silly inhibitions which are posing a hindrance, try our product Remedial Solutions for Love. Read more about Pisces.
Ganesha. If you are married, you will get along with your spouse like a house on fire; and if you are yet to be hooked or booked, this is as good a week as any to shoot your proposal to the person you have been secretly admiring for so long. However make sure you don’t wear your heart on your sleeve, be choosy about the people you confide in. If there are some silly inhibitions which are posing a hindrance, try our product Remedial Solutions for Love. Read more about Pisces.
Planning to gift a timeless jewel to your loved one? Opal is considered as one of the best gemstones, when it comes to love and fulfillment. See if it suits you or your beloved.
Strengthen your love prospects by installing a Shukra Yantra – the powerful Vedic Talisman – this Valentine’s Day. See your full daily, weekly, monthly and yearly love and relationship horoscope as per your star sign.