Kapil Sharma is a famous stand up comedian, and has become a household name in India due to the immense popularity of his comedy talk show titled ‘Comedy Nights with Kapil’, currently aired on Network 18’s Colors TV. This show has achieved consistently high TVTs and has a large fan following. However, Kapil Sharma is facing some tough times, as recently the lavish set of his popular show caught fire and equipment worth crores was gutted. Kapil is also the producer of this show. As if this was not enough, Kapil Sharma also got entangled in a tax evasion controversy. The service tax department has charged him with the allegation of evading service tax upto Rs.65 lakh, and it is also claimed that he failed to pay the department. In view of all this, Ganesha analyses the Surya Kundli of Kapil Sharma, and decodes what the future has in store for him.
Kapil Sharma
2nd April 1981
Birth time – Unknown
Amritsar, Punjab, India
Kapil Sharma Surya Kundli
Natal promise
- Kapil is born with an exalted Venus, backed by Sun and Mars. This makes him an artist par excellence. Sun and Mars conjunct his Venus, this also indicates that he is very energetic and enthusiastic.
- Mercury is in the Air sign Aquarius, with Moon in Kapil’s Natal Chart. This gives him the qualities of being very sharp, spontaneous and intelligent.
- Saturn and Jupiter are retrograde, placed with Pluto. He may have new and unconventional ideas, but some of them may create controversy or may be hurtful!
Taxation issue
- Ganesha observes that Kapil Sharma’s Pluto is conjunct with the retrograde Saturn and Jupiter. This is the Natal promise for the matter! Ketu in Capricorn is also contributing to the matter.
- Ganesha notes that Saturn and Rahu both are transiting through the 8th House from his Natal Sun. This inconjunct aspect between Natal Sun and transiting Saturn – Rahu is going to trouble him with taxation related issues and others, for sure.
- The transiting Pluto is in a separating Square with Kapil’s Natal Saturn and Jupiter. Although the Square is ‘separating’, it is not going to spare Kapil from the problematic issue soon.
- Kapil looks set to face this problem, till the last quarter of 2014, if he does not succumb to the pressure. He will have to abide by the rules of the Income Tax department, to come out of this situation unscathed.
- This issue is not going to stain Kapil’s public image, though, feels Ganesha.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team