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Is Jupiter Venus Conjunction A Signal Of Happy Times For Your Zodiac?

Is Jupiter Venus Conjunction A Signal Of Happy Times For Your Zodiac?


In astrology, Jupiter is considered the planet of good luck and expansion. Whereas Venus is considered the Goddess of love, marriage, beauty and comforts. Now folks, just imagine the energy when these two planets come together!

On Mar 30, 2022, Jupiter and Venus will be together in Aquarius. They will remain in conjunction until Apr 13, 2022. Even though both are beneficial planets, they might also bring challenges, depending on their placement in your birth chart. It won’t be an easy ride for you. Let’s have a look at the predictions to see what the Jupiter Venus conjunction in Aquarius will bring to your life. It may help you to prepare yourself in advance for the forthcoming obstacles and take advantage of opportunities.

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Aries

Luck is in your favour Aries! The Jupiter Venus conjunction is going to occur in the 11th house. During this period, your health may remain good. Your financial situation is likely to remain great. Employed people or the ones who are in business may get new opportunities, and there are chances of getting success in your work. Furthermore, this phase is going to be favourable for married couples and for the people in a relationship.

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Taurus

Be cautious, Taurus! For Taurus natives, this conjunction is going to occur in the 10th house. During this period, you are advised to take extra precautions as your health may remain moderate and be careful in your food consumption. However, it is a favourable time for long term investment and investing your money wisely to get great benefits in future. Furthermore, those married or in a relationship are likely to face some problems during this time, but there is no need to worry that the situation will gradually improve.

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Gemini

Gemini, new exciting opportunities ahead! For Gemini natives, the Jupiter Venus conjunction will occur in the 9th House. Whether you are working or are in business, you may get good opportunities, and there are also chances of getting new projects. Furthermore, married couples or people in a relationship may be able to strengthen their bond during this period. However, no serious health issues are foreseen during this conjunction.

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Cancer

Be attentive towards your health, Cancer! As you are likely to face certain health issues during this period. So it is advisable to pay attention to your food consumption. For Cancer natives, this conjunction is going to occur in the 8th house. Financially it is not a favourable time so avoid any type of investment during this conjunction. Working employees or business persons may have a difficult time. They are advised to co-operate with their colleagues. For people who are married or in a relationship, this time is likely to remain moderate for them.

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Leo

Financially challenging time for you, Leo! On a financial front, it is not a favourable time, so avoid making short term investments; otherwise, there are chances of loss. This conjunction will take place in the 7th house for Leo individuals. During this phase, you are likely to face certain health issues, so it is advisable to do some yoga and pranayama to keep yourself fit and healthy. However, working employees or in business might increase their performance and may get a promotion. Favourable time for married ones or people in a relationship, too.

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Virgo

For Virgo natives, the Jupiter Venus conjunction will occur in the 6th House. During this period, you are likely to face certain health issues. You may face kidney or stomach related problems, so it is advisable to take proper care of your health. However, avoid taking out loans during this time. Furthermore, employed or business persons may face problems with their colleagues or partners. So be cautious in your work. Favourable time for married natives or people in a relationship. What more does the year 2022 has in store for you? Know it all with your Free 2022 Report!

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Libra

This conjunction will take place in the 5th house for Libra individuals. During this phase, you may feel physically fit and fine as your interest in doing yoga and pranayama has increased. However, avoid any kind of short term investment during this period. Furthermore, an employed or business person needs to be a little cautious as there are chances that their performance might be affected. Married couples may have a great time. Singles this time seems to be favourable for you as you can propose to your partner.

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Scorpio

Some problems are on the cards, Scorpio! For Scorpio natives, the Jupiter Venus conjunction will occur in the 4th House. During this period, you may not feel mentally fit, so it is advisable for you to do some yoga and pranayam to remain fit and healthy. Furthermore, you may face some financial issues, so avoid any property related matters or dealings. Married ones or those in a relationship are likely to face some problems in their relationship. Hence they are advised to avoid unnecessary arguments. Want to know the compatibility between you and your partner? Reveal it with Free Compatibility Report!

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Sagittarius

This conjunction will take place in the 3rd house for Sagittarius individuals. During this phase, you are likely to remain physically and mentally fit and healthy. However, not a favourable time for short term investments, but you can invest for the long term during this period. Proceed with caution if you are planning to start any new work and take each and every step carefully. Married couples or singles are likely to get each other’s support and cooperation.

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Capricorn

For Capricorn natives, the Jupiter Venus conjunction will occur in the 2nd House. You may not feel physically fit during this period. However, unexpected profits are on the cards. You may get benefits from your long term investment. Salaried or business persons may get good opportunities or new projects and succeed in their work. Married couples or people in a relationship are advised to avoid minor conflicts and, with mutual understanding, strengthen their relationship.

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Aquarius

This conjunction will take place in its own house for Aquarius individuals. During this phase, you may remain physically and mentally fit. However, you may get opportunities for financial investment, but it is advisable to be cautious before moving ahead. Furthermore, employed or business persons may get new projects, and you are likely to succeed in that work. Favourable time for married natives or people in a relationship.

Effects Of Jupiter Venus Conjunction On Pisces

Ahem! Pisces, during this phase, you need to remain extra attentive. For Pisces natives, the Jupiter Venus conjunction will occur in the 12th House. You are likely to face certain physical issues, so it is advisable to pay extra attention to your diet. However, during this phase, your expenses might be more than your income, so you must plan accordingly. The relationship between married couples is likely to improve.

Note: Above predictions are given based on the moon sign. If you want more personalised predictions for the Jupiter transit, you can access your Personalised Jupiter Transit Report.

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