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Will Jupiter’s transit through Leo change your career and finances for better?

Will Jupiter's transit through Leo change your career and finances for better?

For the Aries people, Jupiter’s transit through the 5th House from 14th July, 2015 will be highly favourable. Your overall performance, creativity and personality will get a boost. You will be forming good contacts and business relations. There will be great progress in career and you will enjoy great prosperity in business and even in general. You are likely to benefit greatly through stock markets or speculation, and this is the right time to make investments. This is a very conducive time for education and you will start taking more interest in intellectual pursuits and you will be on the hunt to increase your knowledge. But the transit of Rahu through the sign of Leo post January 2016 may disturb the otherwise wonderful joyride that Jupiter promises and may create some obstacles.
Remember, the predictions given above are generic, and the results may vary as per your Birth Chart. For your very own, personalised as per your Janam Kundli predictions, get your 2023 Jupiter Transit Report.

Taurians, Jupiter will begin his journey in your 4th House of property, general happiness and areas related to comforts and your mother. So cheer up! This is going to be a period of development, progress, promotion and satisfaction. Your seniors may be highly supportive and appreciative and this is surely going to act in your favour, as regards your career. This will be a wonderful time to buy/sell properties/land/vehicle and to renovate your house or to get the needed repairs done. This time will give a lot of success to people engaged in the business related to properties, land and real estate. The time also seems ripe for the people dealing in agriculture industry. You will generally be very satisfied and find happiness. But be careful post January 2016, as Rahu will change his sign and join Jupiter in the sign of Leo.

For the quick-witted Gemini people, Jupiter’s transit will be through the 3rd House of Communication, Siblings, Cousins, Self-effort and Short-journeys, amongst other aspects. So, you can be assured that these areas are sure to flourish. It is a good time to sharpen your skills and to learn new communication techniques, which will prove to be highly helpful in your career or profession. You may even find yourself becoming more popular in your social networking circles and you may make new friends, and this may benefit you even in your career. Your peers and seniors will be impressed by your communication skills and convincing abilities. People in the advertising, marketing, writing, publishing, journalism and similar fields will benefit a lot in this period. Additionally, those related to the fields of brokerage, transport, tourism business are likely to progress greatly. Apply wisdom and prudence in your activities, especially post the period of January 2016, as Rahu will accompany Jupiter in Leo, which may create unexpected hindrances.
Get your very own 100% personalised Jupiter Transit Report to find how you can make the best use of this special time.

For the people with Cancer Moon Sign, Jupiter will be transiting over the 2nd House. This is a magnificent time for all matters related to wealth and finances. You are likely to accumulate a lot of wealth and also benefit due to ancestral properties. Capital gains and the returns on your previous investments are indicated. As Jupiter will be aspecting your 10th House of career and profession, you may expect considerable progress and stability in your career. You will be able to repay your debts and loans in this period. People dealing in the banking and financial sectors will be benefiting a lot from this transit. Caution is advised post the period of January 2016, as Rahu will be combining with Jupiter in Leo.

Jupiter will be transiting in the 1st House, that is, over your Moon Sign. This promises to be a sublime period to fulfill ones long-cherished desires and wishes in general and also in career or business. You may also plan for higher education and academic advancement. Your image will get a big boost, and due to new found optimism, you will be able to take big strides in your career. People with the careers that involve glamour, showbiz, entertainment, modelling and public-relations are likely to excel and find new opportunities for growth. But, do not be take things lightly post January 2016, as Rahu will be joining Jupiter, which may create unexpected obstacles. Read more about Leo.
Do not go just by general predictions. Secure your personalised predictions, which will be created using your Personal Horoscope by an efficient Astrologer, basis your Birth Details. Ask for your own Jupiter Transit Report NOW!

For the Virgo Moon-sign people, Jupiter will be transiting through the 12th House. You will get great chances to travel to foreign countries and your Visas may also get approved. People with foreign contacts and connections and those who have business operations in other countries are likely to find this period to be highly favourable. Unexpected losses are indicated, but try to refrain from frivolous expenses. You will be inclined to spend on religious activities and also donate for some charity causes and functions. Do not take big risks post January 2016, as Rahu will be entering the sign of Leo and conjoin Jupiter.

For the people with Libra Moon Sign, Jupiter will be transiting through the 11th House. It will be a very fortunate period for getting accolades/rewards for your performance and also for getting the returns for the efforts you may have been putting in for the past few months. This is a golden period for gains and financial progress. Efficiency in your performance will be on the rise. Your popularity will also get a big boost and your peers and colleagues will keep seeking your help, and your helpful nature may please them. You will be enjoying the rapport with your seniors. Businessmen are being favoured to expand their networks and to increase contacts. But you are advised to exercise caution after January 2016, as Rahu is going to enter Leo and combine with Jupiter.
Remember, the predictions given above are generic, and the results may vary as per your Birth Chart. For your very own, personalised as per your Janam Kundli predictions, get your 2015 Jupiter Transit Report.

Scorpio people, Jupiter is going to enter the mid-heaven, that is the 10th House from your sign. So all the Scorpio professionals are being given a big green signal by Jupiter for professional advancement and progress. This is the golden time that you may have been waiting for, as regards your career prospects. Freshers seeking job opportunities are likely to land up lucrative offers. Those already in jobs may expect tremendous growth and they may even get promotions and hikes in pay-packages. You will be required to work hard, but all this hard work will not go unrewarded. You will find a lot of positivity in your career matters and any previous issues that may have caused some anxiety, will be easing out now and give you the much required relief. Those in the fields or professions related to the Government, will benefit largely and those into politics will also find improvement in their political relations. But it is better to be cautious post January 2016, as Rahu will begin his journey in Leo, which may upset the wonderful Jupiter ride of fortune and bring in unexpected changes.

For the Sagittarius Moon Sign people, the transit of Jupiter will be through the 9th House– the House of Fortune! So the cheerful Sagittarian people have all the reasons to be more cheerful and bubbly, as it is Fortune and Luck all the way! Business development, business expansion, fantastic progress in education and academic matters, positive atmosphere at the workplace, success in matters pertaining to travel are all indicated in this period. Those planning to travel, either within the country or to abroad, are going to have a great period, as Jupiter is favouring all the aspects related to travel. Travelling and touring is indicated for professionals and also businessmen, and new contacts may also be formed in these journeys also. For businessmen, this is the right time to market and advertise their products as it will beget a positive response. But it would be wise to be careful after January 2016, due to the start of Rahu’s journey in Leo, which may act as a dampener.

For the Capricorn Moon Sign people, Jupiter’s transit will be through the 8th House. The funds or finances, which may have been blocked till now and which may have caused a lot of anxiety to you will get released and give you the much required relief. Jupiter may protect you from sudden heavy losses and may also bless you with unexpected gains and monetary benefits. Matters related to inheritances and ancestral property may bear positive results. Surgeons, doctors, insurance officers/agents may benefit a lot from this transit of Jupiter. Businessmen will benefit a lot if they plan their finances considering the long-term prospects. However, it is better to be cautious after January 2016, as Rahu will be entering Leo.

Remember, the predictions given above are generic, and the results may vary as per your Birth Chart. For your very own, personalised as per your Janam Kundli predictions, get your 2023 Jupiter Transit Report.

For the free-spirited Aquarius Moon Sign people, Jupiter will be transiting in the 7th House. It’s going to be a great time for setting up new start-ups, partnerships, business tie-ups, associations, etc. If you have been thinking of starting your own business or establishing a new branch of your business unit/branch or any such activity related to business or entrepreneurship, then this is the best time for it, so go ahead for it with full steam! People who have been engaged in some legal matters or issues related to litigation, are bound to get success. Your customers will be highly satisfied with your services. You may be able to finalise long-pending business contracts and dealings. But, be careful after January 2016, as Rahu will be joining Jupiter in the sign of Leo.

Pisces Moon Sign people, Jupiter will be transiting through the 6th House. Matters between the owners and tenants of properties, disputes, long-pending issues, employer-employee issues, etc will be under positive influence due to the transit of Jupiter. Professionals will be finding the work atmosphere to be positive and they may get good support from their seniors and colleagues will be encouraging. Enhancement of career and progress in professional matters is very much on the cards. Income from job may also increase and your overall financial position may start looking up. Businessmen may get their money back from debtors. But, exercise caution and control post January 2016, as Rahu will be entering Leo, joining Jupiter, who is already stationed therein.

Note: The positions of the planets in the Natal Chart and the inter-relations of those Planets with the transiting Planets and the combined effect of the Fast-moving as well as the Slow-moving planets have to be taken into consideration for the exact and perfect predictions, for all the moon-signs.

Remember that the aforementioned Moon Sign Predictions are largely general in nature. The effect of the transit, thus, may vary slightly in your personal life, given the specific effect of this transit in your Personal Horoscope and stars. Are you prepared to take advantage of this lucky Jupiter transit? Well, start with first finding out how exactly the transiting Jupiter shall be placed vis-a-vis your Personal planets. Get your very own, 100% personalised, generated on demand Jupiter Transit Report today.

When the transiting Rahu joins Jupiter in Leo in January 2016, we all may see a certain scattering of Jupiter’s benign energies. To ensure the positive energies of Jupiter are not weakened, worship regularly an attuned Guru Yantra.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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