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Jupiter Transit in Sagittarius 2020: Impacts on Your Moon Sign

The planet of fortune, Jupiter is becoming Progressive in the house of Sagittarius on September 13, 2020. The retrograde motion of Jupiter in Sagittarius is about to end. Yaas, Jupiter turns Direct in Sagittarius and will govern health, growth, luck, and progress of all Moon Signs. Jupiter is in a powerful motion, and all set to change sign soon.

Before we go ahead, the effects of Progressive Jupiter in Sagittarius, let’s fast track the retrograde and progressive journey of Jupiter transit 2020.

Jupiter Direct in Capricorn: March 29, 2020, to May 14, 2020.
Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: May 14, 2020, to June 30, 2020.
Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius: June 30, 2020, to September 13, 2020.
Jupiter Progressive in Sagittarius: September 13, 2020, to November 20, 2020.
Jupiter Enters in Capricorn: November 20, 2020, to April 6, 2020.

What remarkable shifts! Shuffling in two signs, i.e., from Sagittarius to Capricorn and Capricorn to Sagittarius and now again from Sagittarius to Capricorn is worth watching.
So for whom are we waiting? Pass on the seat belt and take a ride to find out what the Progressive Jupiter in Sagittarius 2020 has in store for you.

Jupiter Direct Transit in Sagittarius: Predictions for all Moon Signs

Jupiter will become progressive in the 9th House, House of Fortune. You are likely to reap the results of their good deeds in this transit period.

Progressive Jupiter in Sagittarius may offer promising results that help to enhance your future. You may get a chance to travel abroad for a job purpose. Businessmen may find this transit phase favourable, as they are likely to get new professional opportunities. Job seekers may get success in finding the job of their interest. Those who are looking for promotion and salary increment are likely to receive. On the financial front, the flow of income may remain consistent throughout the transit period. Peace and harmony in relationships with your spouse are likely to be found, and the prospect of progeny may improve. In case you are planning for marriage or a committed relationship, this may be a favourable time to move forward. Fruitful results in higher education, and professional courses may be on the cards. Healthwise, you are likely to enjoy good health in this transit phase. You may be inclined to knowledge related to spirituality. There are chances of involvement in religious activities or travelling to a holy place.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 8th house, House of Adversities. You are likely to see sudden ups and downs and unexpected changes in your life.

You may face problems and issues in your career path. Delay in promotion and salary increment is likely to happen. Chances of ego clashes with your immediate boss, superiors, senior officials, or H.O.D are on the cards. With sincere efforts, you may achieve your targets in this planetary transit. Businessmen may not get expected progress. It may be due to your expectations being high or may not be infusing the required efforts to achieve the goals. Concentrating during this phase may be difficult for you as internal family matters or issues may disturb you most of the time. There may be some misunderstanding with your spouse, which may affect your relationship. Be careful in huge investment-related decisions is a piece of advice during this transit phase. It is best for you to be strict on health-related matters and take utmost care as there are chances of health issues. This may affect your career growth. Ignoring minor ailments may lead to delay in recovery. Decisions related to paternal or inheritance property may be profitable. Unexpected gains and benefits are likely to come your way.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 7th house, House of Partnership. This transit is likely to bring favourable times in your married life.

Opportunities related to career progress or growth are likely to be grabbed. The prospects of a new job search may improve. In case you are planning to expand your business, it may be the right time for it as the expansion of business may be highly beneficial for you. The disputes with your partners in the past are likely to be resolved through sweet discussions, and the relationship with spouse and family members may improve. Vacation with your beloved may be on the cards. You may have progressive results in your love life. It is likely to be an auspicious time to take your love or relationship to the next level and get married with your loved ones. Improvement in your financial and social status may be experienced.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 6th house, the House of Job/Health. This transit is likely to give you mixed results.

Businessmen may experience improvement in their progress, but personnel are likely to see mixed results at the workplace. Be careful while communicating with your superiors and colleagues is a piece of advice during this phase. Job seekers may get success from their sincere efforts they have been putting up until now. Try to maintain cordial relationships with your business partners. Otherwise, it may strain your professional relationships. Chances of spending quality time with your life partner are on the cards. On the financial front, the flow of income may improve in your way.

Uncover the opportunities and challenges the Jupiter Direct in Sagittarius holds for you from Handwritten Jupiter Transit Report by Expert Astrologers.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 5th house, the House of Love. This transit is likely to give you favourable results.

Establishing new professional contacts are foreseen, which may be beneficial later in your career. You may get a promotion in your current job or join a new job with a higher position and a handsome pay scale. Relationships with your subordinates, colleagues, and superiors or senior officials may improve. You may expect prosperity in your professional matters. Your senior officials are likely to notice and may get impressed by your senior efforts and hard work. Students may experience improvement and progress in higher education. There are chances of getting admission in their expected institution, college, or university in this transit phase. Improvement in financial status, social status, and friend circle is foreseen. Increase in income flow may incline you to invest in property, vehicles, or valuable gadgets. Moreover, thanks to your past investment as you may get promising returns in this phase. On the health front, you may not experience any crucial issues.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 4th house, House of Happiness. You may experience challenging situations in this transit period.

The transit period is likely to be favourable for occupational growth and may also get promotion or salary increment. Avoiding argument and staying away from controversies with your senior officials is the best thing to do in this phase. Otherwise, there are chances of straining relationships with them. Paying undue attention to domestic or personal matters before it goes adverse is suggested to you. Those who are from a prolonged illness or health ailments may see improvement. Staying away from or smartly dealing with situations that may create conflicts and arguments with your spouse is a piece of advice during this transit phase. Expenses are likely to increase, but rest easy, as they will not exceed the flow of your income. It is best for you to avoid speculation and gambling because heavy losses are foreseen in these investments. Instead, long term investment plans may be favourable for you.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 3rd house, House of Enterprise. You may receive mixed results during this planetary transit.

Expansion of your social circle is likely to happen and may get beneficial results from new professional contacts. You are suggested to be cautious while dealing with senior officials as there are chances of misunderstanding or straining relationships with them. Businessmen may experience expansion and growth in this phase. Your job responsibilities and work may increase due to your goodwill at your workplace. Short trips related to work or job may probably bring beneficial results. There are chances of change in your workplace within the department or may change in department altogether. Additionally, you may change residence. It is best for you to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 2nd house, House of Finance. You are likely to get favourable and beneficial results.

You are likely to improve your communication and presentation skills. Your senior officials are likely to respect your sincere efforts in the workplace. Work on performance improvement is a piece of advice in this phase. Improvement of financial rewards on past investment is foreseen. You may get chances to resolve family issues, but it is best for you to do it calmly. Experiencing peace and harmony in your marital life is foreseen. Your love life may flourish during this transit phase. On the health front, it is likely to be average, but there are feeble chances of any crucial health issues during this transit period.

Get a personalized Jupiter Transit Report to know the twist and turns the naturally auspicious planet indicates in your life during its direct transit in Sagittarius.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 1st house or ascendant, House of Self. This may be a favourable and lucky time for you.

Planetary influences are likely to bring luck in this phase. Your professional projects may be favourable for you. Social contacts and networking may enhance. There are chances of getting beneficial results while executing new projects in this transit period. Senior officials may appreciate the efforts you put in your work. It is advisable to be careful while dealing with property related matters. You are suggested to put forth your sincere efforts to maintain cordial relations with others. Ignorance may lead to straining relationships with them. Harmonious influences in your married life are likely to be seen. It is best for you to execute your plan for an outing or trip with your beloved. There are chances of resolving family matters. You are advised to pay attention to your diet and exercise. Otherwise, your health may get affected.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 12th house, House of Delays. You are likely to get mixed results during this transit phase.

The chances of travelling abroad are likely to improve. You may have to change location due to transfer at the career front. Keep a watch on your spending pattern and try to control it. It is because planetary influence has an impact on your money and finance and your expenses are likely to increase. Your financial planning may get disturbed due to unexpected expenses. Those who are involved in the import-export industry may see immense progress in their business. You may experience disturbance in your personal life, which may hamper your mental peace. Health may remain moderate during this transit phase. You are likely to be distressed in your love life. It is suggested to bring change in your thought patterns for future prospects.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 11th house, House of Gains/Benefits. This may bring beneficial results in many aspects of your life.

You may be more dedicated and sincere at the workplace. Sources of income may increase during this transit phase. Your sincerity may be rewarded, so the level of work satisfaction may increase. Support from friends is likely to be suspected. You may get a chance of promotion and salary increment. This may be a favourable phase for businessmen as they are likely to experience expansion and growth in their business. Your financial position may improve during this period. In love and relationship, you may get a chance to spend quality time with your beloved. Women who are waiting to be a mother for a long time, the transit may give promising results to them.

Jupiter will become progressive in the 10th house, House of Career. You may get favourable results in this phase.

You may have new and additional responsibilities during this period, so be ready for it. Promotion and salary increment is likely to come your way. Your colleagues and senior officials respect your efforts at the workplace. Improvement in financial position is foreseen, which may help you to pay debts or loans. Business deals may remain profitable during this period so take maximum advantage of it. You are suggested to take care of your health and have a routine check-up. Married couples are likely to enjoy the transit phase and may resolve family issues comfortably. Students are advised to stay away from bad company.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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