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Jupiter Transit 2017: Jupiter In Libra – Detailed Insights About Guru’s Journey Post September ’17

Jupiter transit in Libra 2017 will commence on September 12, 2017. This significant celestial development is going to trigger several important astrological changes in the lives of people. Everyone is likely to be impacted by this astrological transition, depending on the Moon Sign to which he or she belongs.

It should be noted that Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. Venus is a prominent planet in the sky and it holds a lot of importance in Indian astrology. Venus represents wealth, education and fortune. As these three areas significantly determine human destiny, it only reaffirms the importance of Venus in our daily lives.

Jupiter entering a sign ruled by Venus impacts our equations and interactions with other people. This means it impacts behavioural aspects such as – our faith in treating everybody equally and fairly; an attitude which is compromising and flexible; associating with people around and the ability to form different types of partnerships and so on. A flexible attitude is likely to deliver good results during this period. On the other hand, a rigid and snobbish attitude may cause problems for you.

Stars are foretelling that this phase of Jupiter transit in Libra 2017 will be good for you if you believe in equality, have a flexible attitude and are free of or less prone to prejudices. On the other hand, if you are self-centered and exhibit an egoistic attitude, you are likely to spoil the harmony and peace in your relationships.

Are you curious to know how Jupiter will influence the major areas of life like career, business, finance, marriage and love? Avail the Jupiter Transit Report now!

Please Note:
The predictions are to be considered according to the Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants.]

The transit of Jupiter in Libra is going to influence various aspects of your lives when it gets posited in the 7th house. The changes may range from your prospective entry into an enriching business partnership to the probability of a delay in marriage and so on. Jupiter rules areas such as education and higher learning, travel, promotion, publishing and so on. So, during this period, you are likely to see partnership developments in any of the before mentioned areas.

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During the transit of Jupiter in Libra, which happens to be the 6th House from your Sign, your life is likely to revolve around developments in the professional sphere. You may grow in your professional skills and be successful in areas related to your work. You are likely to experience a boost in your professional and health endeavours. Your ability to handle the details required in doing a job will increase during the Jupiter transit in Libra 2017. Others will become aware of this growth in your ability.

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During the transit of Jupiter in Libra, you are are going to see more substance in romance and creative expression. Your share of fun, love and good times are in store. You are going to have an enjoyable time during this period of transit. This is will throw open more opportunities for you. So, you will be into various areas of having fun. To cite a couple of examples, you might meet a new friend who asks you to go out more.

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The transit of Jupiter in Libra through the 4th House, you are going to see significant developments on the domestic front. You are going to receive much more joy and happiness in your family relationships and other experiences at home, during this transit period. You are likely to derive a sense of safety and security from your domestic life. You will welcome improvements in your family life which are going to boost your mental status.

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During the transit of Jupiter in Libra, through the 3rd House, you are going to hone your skills and increase your knowledge. You will find this gain quite helpful and joyous. You are also likely to get opportunities of acquiring higher education and communication.You will be able to express your ideas properly and they will be well received by people around you. You will also find that your neighbours and relatives will be quite helpful for you, during this Jupiter transit in Libra 2017.

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During the transit of Jupiter in Libra, you are going to see gains in your earning power. You may also strengthen your value system. This may turn out to be a productive and fruitful period. You are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about your ability to earn money. This is likely to boost your earning power. There may be an increase in your income. This may also cause improvement in your financial situation in the future.

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The transit of Jupiter in Libra will trigger improvements in your immediate environment and self-confidence. As it is, you are enthusiastic and expansive. This transit is now going to heighten your optimism and enthusiasm. Events which take place which will help you overcome problems that appeared challenging or even insurmountable till some time back.

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During the transit of Jupiter in Libra, you are likely to become more compassionate, understanding and sensitive during this transit period. You are likely to get in deeper touch with some sublime and spiritual traits, which is going to give you happiness. It is said to provide spiritual protection to people when it stays in such a position. This is the time when you may get rid of your self-destructive tendencies, deep-seated fears and other deeply ingrained feelings like that of guilt.

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When the transit of Jupiter in Libra will begin, you will be expanding your networks. You will also experience fresh energy in making broad, long-term goals. You will be able to rely on your friends and relatives for support and they will help you make this time more fruitful. This is a time when you will feel considerably more confident about the future during this Jupiter transit in Libra 2017. Your ability to set plans in motion will allow you to accomplish some of your most cherished hopes and dreams.

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During the transit of Jupiter in Libra, you may experience higher public recognition and larger professional success. Your talents will be recognised much more than most other times. You will also enjoy the fruits of past hard work or at least it will be recognised. Jupiter rules areas such as education and higher learning, travel, promotion, publishing and so on. So, during this period, you are likely to see partnership developments in any of the before mentioned areas.

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As soon as the transit of Jupiter in Libra begins, you may get opportunities to travel, study, go abroad, meet people of diverse and exciting backgrounds. In short, you are going to expand your horizons. You may also turn more intellectually curious now. This is more true about those business dealings which would involve publicity, promotion and are across a long distance. For some of you, a line of business is going to end as you may get a new focus now.

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During the transit of Jupiter in Libra, you are going to gain in areas like shared resources, joint finances, loans, taxes, sexuality, intimacy and so on. This is a period of increased psychological understanding. You may also be able to accumulate more wealth. It’s great to focus on your intimate world during this Jupiter transit in Libra 2017. This may be in the form of increased deepening of a relationship or an increased understanding of your own inner workings.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Sanghapriy Sadanshivkar (Sangamji),
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

Other Planetary Specials:
1) Saturn In Scorpio – Effects Of Saturn Transit On Your Moon Sign
2) Saturn Transit In 2017: Effects On The 12 Moon Signs
3) Rahu in Cancer, Ketu In Capricorn Transit 2017: How Will The Conjurers Impact Your Life?

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