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Jupiter Transit 2020: Jupiter In Capricorn – Effects on Moon Signs

Jupiter Transit 2020: Jupiter In Capricorn – Effects on Moon Signs

After lots of adventure and fun in its house, Sagittarius, Jupiter will be transiting in Capricorn from March 30, 2020. Jupiter has warmly welcomed Ketu, Saturn, Venus, Sun, Mercury, and finally Mars in Sagittarius. Now, Jupiter is all set to have fun in the house of Saturn, Capricorn until June 30, 2020. After almost thirteen years, Jupiter is getting debilitated in Capricorn and will trigger a powerful stellium in Capricorn. The new focus comes into play when divine (Jupiter) is with Karma (Saturn) and action (Mars) in Capricorn.

The natural enthusiasm of Jupiter will somewhat be suppressed as it will not feel like home in Capricorn. Also, Jupiter is in conjunction with a strict teacher, Saturn in Capricorn. However, Jupiter will intelligently find creative ways to bring its agenda of being hysterically funny, adventurous, optimistic, and will deeply and profoundly influence the life of the natives of all zodiac signs. It will provide growth, generosity, and abundance by following the house rules of Saturn. Under all limitations and restrictions, Jupiter will still do its job to amplify all the areas of life represented by the house in which it is transiting.

Let’s have a look at the journey of Jupiter in 2020

  • Jupiter directs in Capricorn on March 30, 2020.
  • Jupiter retrogrades in Capricorn on May 14, 2020.
  • Jupiter retrogrades in Sagittarius on June 30, 2020.
  • Jupiter gets progressive in Sagittarius on September 13, 2020.
  • Jupiter directs in Capricorn on November 20, 2020.

Will the transit of Jupiter in Capricorn and sharing the roof with Saturn a boon or doom for you? Let’s explore its effects.

For Aries natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 9th and 12th house. During the transit, Jupiter will be passing through the 10th house, the house of career and fame.

The transiting Jupiter in Capricorn is likely to bring stability in your career, says Ganesha. Your superiors seem to be happy with your sincere efforts. They may reward you for your hard work and dedication at the workplace. In case you are thinking of changing your job, you are likely to get some nice offers which may help you achieve career goals. However, if you choose to continue with your current job, you are likely to do well with that too. Excel in a current job and get a timeline for a job change by inspecting Personalized Jupiter Transit Report. If your promotion is due, you may soon receive it. New projects and new responsibilities would demand you to work with double enthusiasm. Ganesha says that your enthusiasm and highly energetic approach to work would not go unseen and unrewarded.

For Taurus natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 8th and 11th house. During the transit of Jupiter in Capricorn, it will be passing through the 9th house, the house of destiny and long-distance journeys.

You are advised to restore your ties with old professional contacts and colleagues either by calling them or drafting an email. You are also advised to widen your contact base by getting in touch with new professionals through the Internet and social media. You are likely to meet intelligent and experienced people, and in the course of your interaction with them, you may learn new things. Ganesha says that it would be the best time to solve all the queries by discussing it with the management. Know the best time of handling queries and challenging situations from Personalized Jupiter Transit Report. As you would be able to put your point across in the best possible way.

For Gemini natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 7th and 10th house. During the transit of Jupiter in Capricorn, Jupiter will be passing through the 8th house, the house of adversities and legacies.

The matters regarding joint resources and finance would be your prime concern as Jupiter will be transiting through the eighth house. You may not be content with your financial share in personal as well as professional life. Ganesha advises you to set up firm guidelines for financial distribution and entitlement. Get insights into firm guidelines for financial distribution and entitlement by availing Personalized Jupiter Transit Report. It may be an inauspicious period to acquire a loan, ideally from financial institutions, as you may face difficulty in meeting the repayment terms. You are advised to avoid having discord of any sort with the tax department as the transit period seems unfavorable

For Cancer natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 6th and 9th house. During the transit of Jupiter in Capricorn, Jupiter will be passing through the 7th house, the house of partnerships and dealings with others.

You are advised to be careful in marital life, partnerships, and also while dealing with others. If you overlook the issues, your relationships may turn sour. The upcoming period of 90 days may be a testing period for personal and professional relationships. Get guidance to clear all the tests and challenges in personal and professional relationships from Personalized Jupiter Transit Report. Hence, it would be better to deal with them with more precision. You may feel the lack of charm in your marital life and may also experience a lack of interest in carnal pleasures. If you are not in any significant relationship or partnership and are planning to embark on one, this phase will prove to be favourable. If you try to handle new relationships with maturity, the upcoming Jupiter transit in Capricorn will be promising.

For Leo natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 5th and 8th house. During the transit, Jupiter will be passing through the 6th house, the house of enemies and daily routine.

During the Jupiter in Capricorn transit, on the job front, you are advised to work with more efficiency during this phase. With Jupiter’s luck on your side, you may be a magician at the workplace. Your superiors may get excited and be content with your efficient handling of certain sensitive matters. You may also expect a reward or even promotion due to your efficacy. Get the timeline of promotions and career growth from Personalized Jupiter Transit Report. The combination of your excellent skill sets and great luck would help you to grab new opportunities on the career front. Also, you are likely to get rewards in an existing job in case you don’t plan to change. Overall, the period is likely to be very auspicious for you.

For Virgo natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 4th and 7th house. During the transit of Jupiter in Capricorn, it will be passing through the 5th house, the house of love and progeny.

During this period, your desire for love and love-making would be quite strong, and the credit goes to the powerful Jupiter. Your love life is likely to be steady and fascinating. Irrespective of the years you’ve spent in the relationship, the transit period seems to be the proverbial honeymoon period. Jupiter’s wisdom is likely to help you in sorting out old differences with your partner, says Ganesha. Overcome all differences with your partner and create a strong lifetime bond by exploring Personalized Jupiter Transit Report. If you are planning to have a baby, your efforts are likely to bear fruit during this period. Overall, the transit phase may remain wonderful for your love life all thanks to your lucky stars, especially Jupiter in Capricorn.

For Libra natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 3rd and 6th house. During the transit, Jupiter will be passing through the 4th house, the house of happiness and domestic affairs.

The matters related to your family would be your prime focus as Jupiter is transiting through the fourth house in this Jupiter in Capricorn transit. Ganesha foresees that you may need to accept additional responsibilities in your family on behalf of a family member. In an exceptional case, your family may face some difficulty that is likely to cause either difference or togetherness in relationships. Get insights into all upcoming difficulties and easy remedies for strong relationships by availing Personalized Jupiter Transit Report. The period seems to be a bit low with respect to your social achievements and success in outer world and may bring some hardships in rebuilding your social image. The 4th House represents your past, hence, old-forgotten wounds could resurface. However, this phase may provide you with an opportunity to recover from it.

For Scorpio natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd and 5th house. During the transit, Jupiter will be passing through the 3rd house, the house of enterprise and communication.

The transit of Jupiter in Capricorn may unleash a streak of fearlessness and boldness within you. You are likely to feel more confident and may be able to express your thoughts and ideas in a very novel manner. You may get sudden chances to go on short-distance travels, journeys or trips. Those interested in adventure travel would find this period to be an interesting one. Chances of getting the support of your siblings and cousins in tricky matters seem to be on the cards. You can overcome all the tricky matters by inspecting Personalized Jupiter Transit Report. You may be able to figure out quickly if someone is trying to act smart or if someone is trying to deceive or flatter you.

For Sagittarius natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 1st and 4th house. During the transit, Jupiter will be passing through the 2nd house, the house of finance and personal earnings.

Jupiter is impartially generous to all Sagittarians. During this Jupiter in Capricorn transit, you can expect a significant rise in your income. The transit period is likely to be a golden period for you. Whether you are an employee or employer, you can expect a financial bonanza during this phase. Know the timeline of a financial bonanza from Personalized Jupiter Transit Report. With a superior bank balance, it would be a good idea to give some part of the earnings in charity. However, on the whole, Ganesha advises you to spend wisely.

For Capricorn natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 12th and 3rd house. During the Jupiter in Capricorn transit, Jupiter will be passing through the 1st house, the house of self (ascendant) and your worldly outlook.

You may start looking at life with a different perspective and may tend to be more rebellious in your approach. Your health would need good care during this phase. You are advised to avoid making hasty decisions. You are likely to experience heavy mood swings. Jupiter entering Capricorn may mark the beginning of a phase of illusions as well as disillusions, so you are advised to be smart and alert. It would be better not to get carried away by any person or thing, as this may prove to be deceptive. You are advised to avoid arguments with your spouse or close ones. Delve into Personalized Jupiter Transit Report to sail smoothly in personal relationships. It would be better for you to stay away from shady or suspicious elements.

For Aquarius natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 11th and 2nd house. During the transit, Jupiter will be passing through the 12th house, the house of detachment and losses.

You may experience spiritual upliftment during this Jupiter in Capricorn transit phase. There may be a strong desire to connect with God and understand the intricacies of spirituality. You may not mind compromising on certain important areas to stabilize the critical situations. You can stabilize all critical situations by exploring Personalized Jupiter Transit Report. You are likely to be less interested in sensual pleasures. However, on the career front, your long-distance trips or connections abroad may give you successful results. You are likely to come up with perfect remedial solutions to all the problems that you’ve been dealing with so far. You may even visit pilgrimages or travel to some spiritual destinations.

For Pisces natives, Jupiter is the lord of the 10th and 1st house. During this Jupiter in Capricorn transit, Jupiter will be passing through the 11th house, the house of gains and alliances.

The fluid movement and faster progress are indicated for you in this phase. Also, you would be in a more relaxed and cheerful mood. People around may become more cooperative and may lend a helping hand, whenever required. This period is likely to be an excellent time to form new contacts and expand your professional network. You may come forth with some sudden earning opportunities, thus, you are advised to keep your eyes open and grab the opportunity right away. Get a guide of the right career opportunities from Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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