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Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn and Its Effects on Your Moon Sign

Among the planets, Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn is considered the Teacher for all gods in Vedic astrology. It is the only powerful and positive planet that never harms or has ill effects on anyone’s life. The placement of Jupiter in a person’s birth chart matters for success. Hence, it is believed that “People are lost souls without Jupiter’s blessings. It’s like travelling to your destination without a ticket”.

Where Jupiter represents higher knowledge, fortune, law, prosperity, wealth, and religion, Saturn, on the other hand, represents delays, sorrows, hardships, limitations, and restrictions. It can be said that Saturn is the real taskmaster as it is the significator of Moksha, which is the final destination of anyone’s life. Many consider Saturn as fervent, but in reality, it plays a pivotal role in all the important events of our life like education, career, business, and marriage.

Talking about the Earth sign, Capricorn signifies hard words, stability, setting goals, and organisation. Bearing the symbol of Sea-Goat, Capricorn is ruled by Lord of the Rings, Saturn. With the double transit magic starting from Sept 18, 2021, Saturn will be transiting through Capricorn, and at the same time, Jupiter will retrograde and come back to Capricorn. So during this time, Saturn and Jupiter will transit through Capricorn, which will create powerful energy.

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Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn is likely to give good results for Aries moon sign this time. This period is excellent to plan your career goals. Being very practical and serious about your work may catch everyone’s attention. Travelling related to work may turn out good for you. Your work style is very bold and courageous. Students may be thrilled during this conjunction, and education may be their strong focus this time. Lovebirds are likely to enjoy this time and may take all necessary steps to strengthen their bond. New things can be achieved, dear Aries natives.

Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn may give outstanding results to the Taurus natives. Religious and spiritual bells can be heard during this time. Therefore, visiting pilgrimages are likely to be your priority. Your father may help you out, thereby improving your relationship with him. This period may help you evaluate all your principles and values, thus accepting the needed changes. Legal issues are likely to be solved. Luck is in favour of Taurus students. There is a possibility of a study tour. Singles, you may find new romance and love.

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Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn may give mixed results to the Gemini moon sign this time. There can be sudden changes in your life for which you might not be prepared. This can lead you to introspect your life. Relations with in-laws may improve. Whereas singles may find new love interests, love life for couples may be secretive. It is advised not to share any personal things with anyone, as it might land into trouble. Gemini students’ minds are likely to be active and bring astonishing results. It’s not wrong to be reserved in your approach, but at the same time, you should try to experience new things in your life.

It’s a happy, happy time for the Cancer moon sign with Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn. Singles who want to tie the knot may surely hear the wedding bells soon. Couples are likely to be very serious and may take their relationship to a new level. Divorce issues may settle, and finally, there may be a settlement. Problems in business are likely to start reducing, and partnerships may strengthen. Artists and their artwork may flourish, and they are likely to grab everyone’s heart with their talent. Students may make their parents and teachers swoon with happiness with their performance.

Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn may affect the Leo moon sign very differently this time. With sole focus, you are likely to be very active in your work, and others may be happy for you too. Envious people are likely to back off, and you may feel much relaxed this time. Students may stay calm with the ongoings. Your love life might see the silver lining as the problems may get resolved. Practising yoga may give you good results. You might even change your diet plan. With Saturn and Jupiter conjunction, your health may improve, and you should make all the necessary efforts to maintain it.

Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn may give amazing results for the Virgo moon sign. Students are likely to have a blast in their school and college. Their studies might not be a concern for them right now. Parents may take out time to make their children happy. Celebrations and anniversaries are likely to bring joyous times for you. Stock market and gambling may give you some positive outcomes. Even financial concerns may start reducing. You might also try lottery tickets to change your luck. Stability in love life is likely to be there for you. It’s a good time for investments in the educational field.

Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn are coming with a bag full of candies for Libra natives. From that buying, new property may be on your priority list. Among which land deals are likely to be very smooth. Your desire to bring back peace can be the best decision. Natives with heart problems may start recovering. Spouses may be happy with something you did for them, and they might surprise you. Children may feel very close to their grandparents. You may achieve name and fame. You and your lover are likely to be happy, and you might introduce them to your parents.

Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn may knock Scorpio moon sign’s door with good news. You may go on adventure trips as travelling gives you happiness. Your relations with your siblings are likely to improve. Communication may be good with everyone, which may bring clear understanding. Attending art exhibitions or concerts is going to be the highlight of this period. Students may be motivated and want to perform well in their studies. Single natives may go on dates, but remember to trust them for things to move further. Trust is the key factor to maintain good relationships.

Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn may shower the Sagittarius moon sign with all the blessings. You are likely to get new sources to earn more money. All the financial concerns may start reducing. Even new investments sound like a good plan right now. Your values may be the key factors for your wealth. Students may feel very happy and satisfied with their families. Love life is going to be well, lovely! You may need to be deeply involved in your family matters to try to solve them. It is recommended to check your diet and switch to a healthy eating lifestyle.

As confusing as Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn for Capricorn sounds, similarly, the planets are still deciding what to bring for this sign’s natives. A new start in personal life can be felt. You are likely to be very secretive and reserved. Also, your serious approach is likely to surprise everyone. You may have to take care of your spouse. Good time to make relationships strong. Your career may be a point of concern for you. Students are likely to be more involved in their studies. Spirituality may bring a lot of stability to your life.

Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn is swinging mixed results in front of Aquarius natives. Natives who wish to travel must take advantage of this golden conjunction period. You might be able to control the spendthrift in you, and the satisfaction would be unspeakable. Yoga and meditation may give you immense strength. Also, a visit to an ashram can take you on a joyful ride. You are likely to be very optimistic about everything. Just a truth bomb, though. The possibility of a breakup is high. Students may go out of their way to do something different. Your love life may lack romance. Btw, singles, you must think twice before committing.

Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn may give very favourable results for the Pisces moon sign. Your investment may give you a strong foundation for future gains. All your business problems might walk down the stairs, and you may finally get the output. The support of your spouse is likely to bring success. Single Pisces are happy in their world. Students may have a good time, were partying with friends is going to be a must. It’s a lovely time for a family get-together as well.

After the pandemic, this Saturn and Jupiter conjunction can spark off a lot of life. The much-needed relaxation period was required to start a new life that will be very pleasant. Capricorn’s speciality is stability and Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn will certainly help us move forward in our lives

We just have to witness these amazing energy results for our successful future!

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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