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Jupiter Retrograde In Sagittarius

Jupiter Retrograde In Sagittarius

The planets keep moving at their own pace and keep changing the zodiac in the constellation. This change of their zodiac has direct and indirect effect on our life. Jupiter is currently in retrograde motion. With this retrograde motion, Jupiter will enter Sagittarius on June 30. Although Ketu is already seated here. There will be a combination of Guru and Ketu, which is also known as Chandal Dosha. Due to this dosha, the auspiciousness of all the zodiac signs will decrease. Due to the retrograde motion of Jupiter in Sagittarius, it will have a different effect on different zodiac signs. For which zodiac sign, what will be its effect, let us know. Also, know how to avoid the inauspicious results of Jupiter-

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For the people of Aries, this change will happen in the ninth house. This movement of Jupiter will be auspicious for your zodiac sign. Luck will start favoring you. However, Ketu being here will sometimes spoil your work. Still, you are advised to complete your work with sincerity. During this you will also undertake religious tours.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Aries.


For the people of this zodiac, this change of Jupiter will happen in the eighth house. During this time, you will have to tread very carefully due to Ketu being here too. Your financial benefits may increase, but at the same time the expenses will also increase a lot. Sometimes misunderstandings can arise from your words.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Taurus.


The entry of Jupiter in Sagittarius will be a little good for your married life. The problems which have been coming for some time will reduce a little. However, to completely remove these problems, you will have to wait for Ketu to leave the zodiac. During this time, relations with your business partner can also be good.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Gemini.


This zodiac change of Jupiter will be a bit challenging for Cancer. During this, the workload in your job will increase a lot. You will feel like leaving the job again and again, but this is the test of your patience. This time will not last long. During this, you may also have disputes with co-workers in the office.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Cancer.

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For the people of Leo zodiac, this zodiac change of Jupiter will happen in the fifth house. During this, any worries related to children will reduce. However, pregnant women should take special care during this time. Apart from this, students will also have a good time. Will be able to take the research work one step ahead.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Leo.


The property related work of the people of your zodiac, which was stuck for a long time, will get momentum. During this time a plan to buy a new car can also be made. However, you should not be in any hurry to buy a new land, building or vehicle.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Virgo.


The people of Libra zodiac will have to make many journeys as a result of this change of Jupiter. However, if you do not take care during this time, then you may face some kind of problem. You will have good relations with your siblings. The rift in the relationship for some time now will start filling.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Libra.


Due to the effect of this zodiac change of Jupiter for you, there will be a slight reduction in expenses. The troubles coming with family members for some time will go away. You should drive slowly during this transit. You should think a hundred times before investing. Otherwise, money can get stuck in the wrong place.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Scorpio.


Jupiter will enter Sagittarius in retrograde motion. This is Jupiter’s own zodiac sign and Ketu is already present here. You have to take utmost care of your health during this transit. However, your thinking will remain positive and in many cases your advice will be considered very good.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Sagittarius.


For the people of your zodiac, expenses may increase after this zodiac change. However, a lot of your money will be spent on some religious work. There can also be some auspicious event in the house. During this time, those doing business abroad or doing business abroad will get special benefits.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Capricorn.


This change will not be harmful for the people of Aquarius. Gradually your income will increase. During this time you will also spend money on your social networks. You can be very active socially. Your number of friends may increase.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Aquarius.


Pisces sign people will benefit in business. During this time you may get extra work at the workplace. However, if you consider this extra work a problem, then you can get upset. You have to proceed with patience at this time. There will be concern about the health of the mother.

Read More About Your Zodiac Sign Pisces.

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