Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently visited Kazakhstan in his recently concluded Central Asia tour and there seems to be a lot of positivity surrounding the relations between both the countries. India and Kazakhstan focused on boosting trade, energy, defence and security cooperation as Prime Minister Narendra Modi held talks with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev in Astana. The two sides inked five agreements, in defence, railways and uranium supply, sports and transfer of sentenced prisoners after the talks held at the Akorda presidential palace. So Ganesha takes a look at the Natal Charts of both the countries and predicts what lies ahead for both the countries and also analyses how the relations in the near future between the two countries be. Let’s take a look…
Independence Day Details:
Date: 15th August, 1947
Place: Delhi, India
Time: 00.00 A.M
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Date of Independence: 16th December, 1991
Place: Amla- Ata, Kazakhstan
Time: 14.00 P.M.
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Astrological predictions :-
1) What do the Planets in the Charts of these two countries indicate? Do the Planets in both the Charts compliment each other?
Considering the Planetary positions of Natal Chart of India and Kazakhstan, Ganesha finds that there is great compatibility between the Planets of both countries which will surely result in common goal of progress/development for which both have united and signed various agreements. The very attractive and interesting points are that the Ascendant and Jupiter, the lord of the 11th House (House of Gains) of Independence Chart of both countries are posited in sextile with each other. The Moon is posited in the Cancer sign in the Natal Chart of India, whereas the Moon posited in the Pisces sign in the Natal Chart of Kazakhstan and as such they are in a Trine position with each other. All these factors indicate that both the counties will have better understanding, cooperation and coordination between them for reaching common conclusions and goals unitedly.
2) How will the relations between the two countries in the future be?
- The Ascendant Lord, Venus of the Natal Chart of India is aspecting the Lord of the 11th House (Gains), Saturn of the Natal Chart of Kazakhstan, which denotes that both the countries will be beneficial for each other to a great extent. This will create an atmosphere of positivity, which in turn will be conducive for better relations, which shall favour taking the economic ties to a new level. Moreover, this will also boost up cooperation in renewable energy. India will be under the influence of major period of Swagruhi Moon, post 10th September, 2015 for a period of 10 years from there on, and Kazakhstan will be under the influence of the major period of Venus till 16th February, 2028, which also further indicates that both will be in a great position for development and the mutual relations are set to get a boost. The Moon and Venus – who happen to the current Mahadasha (Major Period) Lords of both the counties are the lords of the 3rd House – which is also known as the “Parakrama Bhuvan”, shows that both are determined to progress on the path of development and growth.
3) Will the recent agreements and pacts signed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Kazakhstan favour India?3) Will the recent agreements and pacts signed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Kazakhstan favour India?
- As said above, the Planets indicate a very favorable situation for both the countries. India and Kazakhstan will be emerging as a collective force in the Asian Subcontinent and the recent agreement and pacts signed by PM Modi with Kazakhstan will most probably favour India because Jupiter will be transiting through the sign of Leo, post 14th July, 2015, for a period of one year, which also means that Jupiter will be transiting over the Jupiter posited in the Leo Sign of Natal Chart of Kazakhstan which will be aspecting the Sun posited in the Sagittarius sign of its Chart, besides this, the positive influence of transiting Planets and interrelated Planetary configuration of the in the Natal Charts of both the countries will bring the desired result, Ganesha feels.
- Currently the transit of Rahu-Ketu and the transit of Saturn are giving adverse effects to the Natal Chart of both countries, but as such, some speedy improvement in relations may take place and the period post January 2016, will be better for Kazakhstan. The agreements signed on various issues and areas may get delayed because of Saturn’s adverse transitory affects, which will be effecting both the countries till January 2017. Additionally, more positivity can be expected for the implementation of contracts signed, post January 2017, when Saturn will start transiting through the Sagittarius sign.
Ganesha wishes good luck to INDIA and KAZAKHSTAN and expects to see a mutually progressive relationship between the two Asian Countries.
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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A .Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team