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How would you celebrate this Diwali?

How would you celebrate this Diwali?

Diwali, the festival of light is being celebrated across the world by people of all caste and creed. The festival and festivity has not been confined within Indian borders and entered the international arena. This has inspired Ganesha to tell something related to this festival. Different sun sign has different characteristics and qualities. Ganesha looks into this and informs you how people born under certain sun sign celebrate the Diwali.

Arians will be in complete mood of celebrating Diwali with spouse and younger ones in the family. Ganesha would not be surprised if they decide to go on a tour to keep all the routine tensions and worries aside. In short, they will be enjoying Diwali lavishly. On the other hand, Ganesha suggests them to control their food habits as they have probability of falling sick. In short, Arians are likely to be spontaneous and energetic during the Diwali but health would be cause of concern.

Taureans are likely to be quite sentimental and touchy during the Diwali time. They will be loosening their purse strings and spend money on the occasion, may wish to travel but probably will not be able to travel with debilitated Mars in the third house. They are likely to be impulsive and may be missing their near and dear ones quite a bit, if they are not around. They may feel a little lonesome but this will provide them with the time to think about long term plans of life.

Geminians may prefer to go for some entertainment programme or may seek company of opposite sex to enjoy Diwali. If they expect much from friends, may get disappointed but if they try to be happy with whatever they have to entertain themselves, they will remain in a good mood. Ganesha feels that they will spend money on apparels and other cosmetics which make them look good. They will have to take good care of digestive system and lungs during Diwali so must avoid access smoking or drinking.

Cancerians may be paying more attention to domestic matters on this Diwali. They will decorate their home nicely. They would prefer to be with family. They have Mars passing through their sign so it would be nice if they go on a tour. They will be attending lots of guests this year and may be celebrating Diwali with a huge group or with different groups but what they are seeking is good and peaceful time at home with family.

Given a chance, Leos would prefer to take rest on the day of Diwali. They will be spending money on communication and short distance tours. They will be more caring and sentimental during this Diwali, more than usual. They may also spend money on fire crackers and things like that but they would be able to enjoy it very nicely if they choose to go for a picnic. They should avoid confrontation with family members, for any petty matter.

Virgos may remain in tranquil and easygoing mood on Diwali morning but as the day progresses they will feel charged and more energetic. They are likely to receive some good news through email or phone call which will cheer them up with joy. Ganesha feels that Virgos will make sudden plans to enjoy this occasion which may surprise their family members too, as by nature they believe in going with planning. In short, they will value joy and prefer to cheer up everyone around them.

Ganesha feels that Librans will be paying more attention to neatness and cleanliness this Diwali. They are not strict by nature but they would love if others also assist them in keeping things in order at home. They will probably buy lots of sweets and new clothes the Diwali day so Ganesha won’t be surprised to see Librans rushing to super malls and markets even on the occasion. They may enjoy the occasion with music, Masti and joy. Don’t forget to appreciate the innate charm and enthusiasm that they possess.

Scorpians may require someone to cheer them up as they are probably thinking a lot about life, by and large on the occasion of Diwali. They will spend money on domestic requirements. They may be part of Diwali celebration but their mind may be somewhere else. Ganesha feels that they would be busy thinking about starting something new. They may also study culture, religion and deep rooted or dumped philosophies instead of just relaxing and enjoying the occasion.

Ganesha’s foresight says that Sagittarians may be in a mood to sacrifice, adjust and tolerate on the occasion of Diwali. They will be meeting friends and may remain busy communicating with groups of people on that day as usually but they may have interesting conversations and insightful thoughts floating inside. They should pay more attention to domestic concerns for a while and try and enjoy the day.

Ganesha foresees Capricornians a bit worried about work and related matters even on the day of Diwali but to divert their mind, they will try to pay full attention on Domestic Demands. They will not miss the chance to greet everyone they are associated with but actually they need or may look for a break. Their mind will be active but body may be tired so they may spend the day in taking rest, keeping their mind active. Of course, with whatever is going on inside, they will spend money on fire crackers and sweets to celebrate Diwali.

Aquarians may be in a wonderful mood to enjoy Diwali but may face delays and difficulties in their routine. They may try to divert their mind to the festival, but some professional or domestic level tension may keep drawing their attention. In second part of the day, they may be more touchy or sentimental and Ganesha advises them to remain in group to share the joy to keep the gloominess aside.

Emotional and fragile Pisceans will be rushing here and there to plan celebration of the day. They will be in a wonderful mood and may enjoy entire day joyfully provided their feelings are not hurt. They may invite people to have lunch or dinner with them. Alternatively, they may experience frequent mood changes on Diwali but they will be able to enjoy the day fully. At the end of the day, they may experience fatigue but may have sweet dreams.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,

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