You might not want to slip that engagement ring in a Taurean’s wine glass, unless it was meant to be drunk! And, you will definitely not want to assail a Scorpio lover.
Find out the dos and don’ts about the Signs before you take that ‘one giant step for mankind’atleast you return home with a fingerprints on your cheek rather than lipstick on your collar.

The assertive and impulsive Ram loves to take ‘charge’. Once you get past their tough exterior (which is more like fur) you will realise understand their brand of insecurity. The love being told how good they are (read: You are the best.) and will always fall for mushy dialogues. “You are the first person I have truly ever loved.” and the response will be quick and favourable from their end. Are you going to fall in love for the first time? Then Plan Your First Date with the help of 100% persoanlised guidance from our experts.
The assertive and impulsive Ram loves to take ‘charge’. Once you get past their tough exterior (which is more like fur) you will realise understand their brand of insecurity. The love being told how good they are (read: You are the best.) and will always fall for mushy dialogues. “You are the first person I have truly ever loved.” and the response will be quick and favourable from their end. Are you going to fall in love for the first time? Then Plan Your First Date with the help of 100% persoanlised guidance from our experts.

So you want to play Matador to the bull? You will require a red cloth (the finest weave of rich satin), some flattering words (Torro isn’t going to cut it) and a lot of precision and patience (unless you want to be trampled or gored). Remember, the bull loves words, worldly riches and the earthy world. It is not easy to grab his attention but once you do you can be sure you’ve got it for life. A necklace or pendant will make a good gift for the Taurus lover. Are you confused about the right dating ideas? Do you want to make sure that you emerge as the rockstar on your date? Then Ask A Love Question and get expert tips.
So you want to play Matador to the bull? You will require a red cloth (the finest weave of rich satin), some flattering words (Torro isn’t going to cut it) and a lot of precision and patience (unless you want to be trampled or gored). Remember, the bull loves words, worldly riches and the earthy world. It is not easy to grab his attention but once you do you can be sure you’ve got it for life. A necklace or pendant will make a good gift for the Taurus lover. Are you confused about the right dating ideas? Do you want to make sure that you emerge as the rockstar on your date? Then Ask A Love Question and get expert tips.

The Gemini can make you split your sides with laughter one day and split your hair the next. Just pray that things swing in your favour and you don’t end up on the wrong side of their mood swings. The one level at which you can be assured to make an inroad into their heart or thoughts is intellectually. Book a good book or watch out for a good watch to send to them on Valentine’s day and you just might hit a home run. Are you two made for each other? Are you two compatible enough? Know different aspects of Your Romantic Personality and explore your approach towards love.
The Gemini can make you split your sides with laughter one day and split your hair the next. Just pray that things swing in your favour and you don’t end up on the wrong side of their mood swings. The one level at which you can be assured to make an inroad into their heart or thoughts is intellectually. Book a good book or watch out for a good watch to send to them on Valentine’s day and you just might hit a home run. Are you two made for each other? Are you two compatible enough? Know different aspects of Your Romantic Personality and explore your approach towards love.

Don’t go overboard with the flamboyance unless you want to make your Cancer beloved ‘crabby’ and sceptical. They are homing birds. They love their nest and the person they share it with, even more. Nostalgia and warmth always draw them into a sentiment that is their comfort zone. The perfect time to express your feelings to them. Some retro classics or country music (gift wrapped neatly) will be a great Valentine’s Day gift for them. Are you passionate enough to make your relationship magical? Find it out with the help of 100% personalised report as Your Passion Personality.
Don’t go overboard with the flamboyance unless you want to make your Cancer beloved ‘crabby’ and sceptical. They are homing birds. They love their nest and the person they share it with, even more. Nostalgia and warmth always draw them into a sentiment that is their comfort zone. The perfect time to express your feelings to them. Some retro classics or country music (gift wrapped neatly) will be a great Valentine’s Day gift for them. Are you passionate enough to make your relationship magical? Find it out with the help of 100% personalised report as Your Passion Personality.

You will require guts of steel to enter the lion’s den, unless you figure out a way to make the Leo purr. Royal treatment and pampering (maybe playing with their mane) will make you at par with the pride. A spicy dinner at an expensive hotel may be the cost of winning the Leo’s attention. Appreciation (even if plain flattery) will let your occupy a space in their heart and head. Ganesha feels that it is not as difficult as it looks, as long as you are willing to try. Avail Love Ask A Question and get 100% personalised guidance on the issues that have been bothering you for a long time now.
You will require guts of steel to enter the lion’s den, unless you figure out a way to make the Leo purr. Royal treatment and pampering (maybe playing with their mane) will make you at par with the pride. A spicy dinner at an expensive hotel may be the cost of winning the Leo’s attention. Appreciation (even if plain flattery) will let your occupy a space in their heart and head. Ganesha feels that it is not as difficult as it looks, as long as you are willing to try. Avail Love Ask A Question and get 100% personalised guidance on the issues that have been bothering you for a long time now.

Most tricks that work with other Signs will fail miserably with the Virgo. Parading your knowledge or flashy intellect is mostly a turn off, oddly enough. Be silly and playful and you will manage to grab the Virgo’s attention. Gifts can also be another easy way to their heart, if you manage to find one that they are ready to accept. Do not try to cramp them or overwhelm them, warns Ganesha, as it can lead to disastrous results. Being a Virgo, anxiety may get the better of you on some occasions. Are you worried whether this aspect will create problems for you on the main day? Then the 100% personalised and hand-written report – Remedial Solutions for Love will present effective remedies for most of your hassles.
Most tricks that work with other Signs will fail miserably with the Virgo. Parading your knowledge or flashy intellect is mostly a turn off, oddly enough. Be silly and playful and you will manage to grab the Virgo’s attention. Gifts can also be another easy way to their heart, if you manage to find one that they are ready to accept. Do not try to cramp them or overwhelm them, warns Ganesha, as it can lead to disastrous results. Being a Virgo, anxiety may get the better of you on some occasions. Are you worried whether this aspect will create problems for you on the main day? Then the 100% personalised and hand-written report – Remedial Solutions for Love will present effective remedies for most of your hassles.

Libra people are not flirtatious by nature but they have an inherent need for company that makes them resentful of being alone. There aren’t people who will settle for any less than they deserve, though. You will need to assure the Libra that you are the best company for them and this is possible only if you can strike a balance between your comfort levels. Occasional gifts and compliments with a rock solid presence in their hour of need will make them melt like an ice cube in an over, says Ganesha. Being a Libran, it is but natural that you will be finding it difficult to take quick decisions when. But, you don’t need to worry. The Relationship Ask 3 Question Detailed report will be the perfect friend for you this Valentine’s season.
Libra people are not flirtatious by nature but they have an inherent need for company that makes them resentful of being alone. There aren’t people who will settle for any less than they deserve, though. You will need to assure the Libra that you are the best company for them and this is possible only if you can strike a balance between your comfort levels. Occasional gifts and compliments with a rock solid presence in their hour of need will make them melt like an ice cube in an over, says Ganesha. Being a Libran, it is but natural that you will be finding it difficult to take quick decisions when. But, you don’t need to worry. The Relationship Ask 3 Question Detailed report will be the perfect friend for you this Valentine’s season.

Proposing to the Scorpio will always be a matter of black or white. They are strong and passionate people and put a lot on premium on how you look and behave. Physical aspects and intellect will mystify this mysterious sign like no other. A horror film will make for a good date where you can propose to them when they shiver with fright and grab your hand. The ending will either be happy or you might end up driving home alone, warns Ganesha. Scorpios are synonymous with passion. But are you passionate enough to make things work this Valentine’s season? Get all the answers in the 100% personalised and hand-written report – Your Passion Personality.
Proposing to the Scorpio will always be a matter of black or white. They are strong and passionate people and put a lot on premium on how you look and behave. Physical aspects and intellect will mystify this mysterious sign like no other. A horror film will make for a good date where you can propose to them when they shiver with fright and grab your hand. The ending will either be happy or you might end up driving home alone, warns Ganesha. Scorpios are synonymous with passion. But are you passionate enough to make things work this Valentine’s season? Get all the answers in the 100% personalised and hand-written report – Your Passion Personality.
The Archer is the philosopher of the heavens and the spirituality is the best place to connect with them. Their dream connection is one that is very different from the ordinary notions of love and relationships. A soul mate would appeal to them much more than a lover, feels Ganesha. Take them on an adventurous trip or indulge in some star gazing before you gently propose to them. Make sure that you give them enough space and freedom or they might react harshly or turn indifferent. They are slow to admit to love and patience will be a key factor in the course of your relationship with them. If you a relationship is going through a bad phase, then planet Saturn may be playing spoilsport. Talk to Astrologer now and get effective solutions and expert guidance.
The Archer is the philosopher of the heavens and the spirituality is the best place to connect with them. Their dream connection is one that is very different from the ordinary notions of love and relationships. A soul mate would appeal to them much more than a lover, feels Ganesha. Take them on an adventurous trip or indulge in some star gazing before you gently propose to them. Make sure that you give them enough space and freedom or they might react harshly or turn indifferent. They are slow to admit to love and patience will be a key factor in the course of your relationship with them. If you a relationship is going through a bad phase, then planet Saturn may be playing spoilsport. Talk to Astrologer now and get effective solutions and expert guidance.

Capricorn can be a tough nut to crack. If they do not feel a connection then it is highly unlikely that you will be able to convince them otherwise. Capricorn or Goats are extremely certain about what they want and how. They are caring and strong individuals, and like to be appreciated for the finer points of their personality. If you share a connection with them, and can prove that you are possessive about them, they may slowly and gradually behave like they belong to you. Do not expect an immediate answer when you propose to them, for they will take their time to decide, warns Ganesha. Avail the Love Ask 3 Questions report to sort the nagging problems in your relationship.
Capricorn can be a tough nut to crack. If they do not feel a connection then it is highly unlikely that you will be able to convince them otherwise. Capricorn or Goats are extremely certain about what they want and how. They are caring and strong individuals, and like to be appreciated for the finer points of their personality. If you share a connection with them, and can prove that you are possessive about them, they may slowly and gradually behave like they belong to you. Do not expect an immediate answer when you propose to them, for they will take their time to decide, warns Ganesha. Avail the Love Ask 3 Questions report to sort the nagging problems in your relationship.

Charity begins at home, the closer to the bedroom the better. Aquarius loves people associated to social causes. They enjoy social gatherings, discussion global issues and a moment of solitude from time to time. You will seldom find them wearing their heart on their sleeve at a gathering, but it will be quite the converse when you are alone with them. Them them out to a party and find a quiet moment to pop the question, if share an intellectual connection you are quite likely to go home and update your relationship status. Get Compatibility Assessment Reading and decode the romantic potential of your relationship.
Charity begins at home, the closer to the bedroom the better. Aquarius loves people associated to social causes. They enjoy social gatherings, discussion global issues and a moment of solitude from time to time. You will seldom find them wearing their heart on their sleeve at a gathering, but it will be quite the converse when you are alone with them. Them them out to a party and find a quiet moment to pop the question, if share an intellectual connection you are quite likely to go home and update your relationship status. Get Compatibility Assessment Reading and decode the romantic potential of your relationship.

Many a Pisces is a sentimental fool, often left wallowing in self doubt or confusion. A warm touch or an appreciative glance will work wonders on them. They love to feel validated and comforted. And, never forget, they NEED a muse to light their fire! One dimly lit room, soft music in the background, the tingling aroma of home made food and a few (genuine) kind words, and you can be sure that your Pisces will be nodding even before you have finished asking your question. Are you passionate enough to make your relationship magical? Find it out with the help of 100% personalised report as Your Passion Personality.
Many a Pisces is a sentimental fool, often left wallowing in self doubt or confusion. A warm touch or an appreciative glance will work wonders on them. They love to feel validated and comforted. And, never forget, they NEED a muse to light their fire! One dimly lit room, soft music in the background, the tingling aroma of home made food and a few (genuine) kind words, and you can be sure that your Pisces will be nodding even before you have finished asking your question. Are you passionate enough to make your relationship magical? Find it out with the help of 100% personalised report as Your Passion Personality.
Check out Love & Sex, Relationships & Compatibility, Personal & Confidential categories on the top bar and avail service/s to get personalised astrological guidance regarding your love life related issues.
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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team