Smooth-sailing in store till January 2016, but expect the unexpected after this period. Maintain complete organizational discipline and do not give into complacency” – Ganesha’s message to the Internet Giant.
Google – there is a lot of activity going on in the search engine giant company. Recently, Sundar Pichai was taken on board the highest executive level and made the CEO. The preceding CEO Larry Page, moved over to Alphabet Inc., which shall now be the parent company of which Google will be a sub-part of. And now, in the latest news, on September 1, the Internet Numero Uno changed its iconic logo for the 5th time since 1998. What lies ahead for the invincible Internet biggie and how shall the year ahead be? What do the stars indicate about the indispensable search engine? Find out…
GOOGLEDate of foundation :- 04th September, 1998Foundation Chart :- Menlo Park, California, USA
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[Owing to the unavailability of credible foundation-time of the company, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his foundation-date and place only.]
Important Astrological Observation :-
- Jupiter will be transiting over its Natal Sun, Mercury, Venus and Rahu in its Solar Chart, till 11th August, 2016. It will be aspecting the company’s Ketu and also retrograde Saturn.
- Saturn will be aspecting its Natal Sun and planets posited with it, till January, 2017.
- Ketu will be transiting over Google’s Natal swagruhi Jupiter, till January,2016. After this, Rahu will be transiting over the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Rahu . Ketu also will be transiting over Natal Ketu during this time in its chart.
Astrological predictions :-
1) What shall be the future of the Internet Heavyweight?
- Considering the current transit of planets and their influence in the Solar Chart of Google, Ganesha feels that Google’s performance may be good and it wil keep coming up with some innovations and novel concepts till January 2016. It shall continue to maintain its dominance over its competitors. But, post January 2016 shall be a tricky period for the Internet Giant!
- Ganesha advises Google to not give into complacency and it will have to find out ways and means to remain ahead of their competitors, post this period. Google will be under the mixed influence of transiting stars post this time frame. Google may have to take precautionary measure on the matters relating to the international market, professional/business relations, financial stability, commercial progress, management, employee problems, company’s image etc.
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2) Shall this new icon attract more luck and positivity for the company? Will this icon last long?
- On 1st September, 2015, the Sun and Jupiter were transiting over the stellium of Natal planets Sun, Mercury, Venus and Rahu in the sign of Leo. Besides this, transiting Mars and Venus were in trine with the Natal Jupiter of the Solar Chart of the Google. These all factors indicate that new icon will attract more luck and positivity for Google. The popularity and appeal may diminish post this period but it certainly will last long for, feels Ganesha.
3) Will Google’s dominance and grip over the International Internet and Online space increase further in the coming year, or shall it be facing some obstacles or competition from others in the business?
- As aforementioned, Google shall sail smoothly till January 2016, but post that, some issues may haunt the company. It has to maintain all-round control over all the organizational activities. We may see a lot of new services launched and some innovative measures being taken by Google in the period till January 2016, but after that, due to the ill-effects of Rahu, the people may face some dissatisfaction with the products of Google and there are chances of some technical glitches taking place and consequently, there might be some losses in the revenue, which if, efficiently pre-empted can help Google.
Ganesha wishes good luck to the ‘GOOGLE’.
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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A .Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team