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Follow These Gestures, Make Your Love Life Blossom On Valentine’s Day

Follow These Gestures, Make Your Love Life Blossom On Valentine’s Day

Rahu Transit In Cancer, Ketu Transit In Capricorn – Transit Dates

On 30th January, 2016, Rahu and Ketu entered the Signs of Leo and Aquarius respectively. They will be entering the Cancer-Capricorn axis on 18th August, 2017 and will stay there till 7th March, 2019.

Rahu-Ketu Transit 2017 – Major Breakthroughs To Take Place?

After planet Saturn, Rahu and Ketu take the longest time to complete their transit in one Sign. Thus, both these shadowy malefic planets have an extremely significant impact on our life trends. Both these planets are the representatives of our Karma and deliver results exactly as per our deeds; while Rahu signifies our future, Ketu denotes our past. When planets as important as these change Signs, major transformations take place in the world as well as in various areas of our life.

Unpredictable, sudden and unexpected – these are some of the ways in which both Rahu and Ketu function. When both these planets are operating, change will take place when you least expect it. Opportunities will come, when you are least prepared for them. All this enables us to go ahead and act on the basis of our instincts and to act immediately.

Rahu and Ketu – The Evergreen Villains Or Cosmic Agents Of Change?

Rahu and Ketu are mostly considered as ruthless planets, which are out there to wreak havoc in our lives and to increase our problems. But, we should understand that both these planets are the chosen ones, the divine forces which have been assigned the role of delivering results exactly in accordance to one’s karma and attitude. They do not do anything without a valid reason and logic.

If both these planets are making your face troubles and complications, then it is because you may have committed some sinful or wrong deeds in the past birth/s. It is said that “Change is the only constant.” But, who ensures that change takes place? Who ensures that we are able to experience new and better things? Who ensures that we get rid of the old and monotonous? Think about it. It is Rahu and Ketu. Yes. While Rahu takes us towards the new and modern things, Ketu on the other hand ensures that there is a fine balance and brings and end to the things that are no longer needed in our lives.

To know how will Rahu-Ketu influence the major areas of life in detail, Avail the Rahu-Ketu Transit Report now!

Rahu and Ketu – Explore Their Power

They are the planets which possess extraordinary power and incomparable potency. If both these planets are well-disposed in the Horoscope, then you can achieve tremendous success and marvellous benefits. Both these planets make us face our fears and enable us to become stronger, thereby bringing major transformations in our personality and psyche.

The upcoming Rahu-Ketu transit in Cancer and Capricorn respectively will have a different impact on the 12 Signs. Come, explore how you may get influenced by this major phenomenon.

Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Aries

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Aries

– Rahu in the 4th House

The Rahu transit in Cancer, which happens to be the 4th House from your Sign may make you feel insecure and create fears of losing your prestige and honour. There may be a lot of challenges in your path and a flurry of issues that may keep causing frustration.
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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Aries

– Ketu in the 10th House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn indicates a turbulent period in your career related matters. The road to success will be full of a lot of twists and turns. If you are in a position of authority in your job, then your authority may be challenged.
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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Taurus

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Taurus

– Rahu in the 3rd House

The Rahu transit in Cancer will be favourable for you and you are likely to benefit in multiple ways. You will be able to enjoy a lot of material pleasures during this transit and there may be unexpected gains. This will be a very good time to learn new things and to experiment with new ideas.

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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Taurus

– Ketu in the 9th House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn will be a very good period if you have interest in religion and spirituality. You will develop more interest in spiritual matters and will wish to research more and more about religion.
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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Gemini

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Gemini

– Rahu in the 2nd House

The Rahu transit in 2nd House will throw the spotlight on matters pertaining to your finances. By creating complications, Rahu will make you realise the value of your possessions and wealth. Generally, Rahu in the 2nd House can cause a reversal of fortunes in financial matters and can make you face a lot of losses, thus you will have to be extremely careful in financial dealings.
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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Gemini

– Ketu in the 8th House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn will bring unexpected troubles, so you will have to be careful. There are potential dangers foreseen, so avoid taking unnecessary risks.
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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Cancer

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Cancer

– Rahu In The 1st House

The Rahu transit in Cancer may cause some health problems and physical discomfort. Even mental unrest is foreseen and you may start thinking too much about things in general. The excessive thinking may cause confusion and impede your decision making process, thus you will have to be careful.
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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Cancer

– Ketu in the 7th House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn may cause problems in matters pertaining to health and overall well-being. Your ability to handle relationships may take a beating and you may face a bumpy path in marriage.
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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Leo

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Leo

– Rahu in the 12th House

The Rahu transit in Cancer may cause a lot of of changes at different levels and you will have to anticipate some unexpected developments. Rahu – being the planet of illusions will make you get lost in the world of dreams and endless imagination.

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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Leo

– Ketu in the 6th House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn will prove to be an excellent period for you and you will witness various favourable developments in your life. Ketu will bless you with fearlessness and you will be quite daring in your approach.

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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Virgo

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Virgo

– Rahu in the 11th House

The Rahu transit in Cancer will prove to be an highly auspicious transit for you and you will be able to enjoy gains from various areas of life. In astrology, the placement of Rahu in the 11th House is considered to be an extremely favourable one as Rahu blesses a native with new sources of income.

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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Virgo

– Ketu in the 5th House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn will strengthen your power of intuition and will enable you to consider things from a detailed perspective. You will feel that your thoughts are getting clouded and are not moving as freely as before.
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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Libra

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Libra

– Rahu in the 10th House

Get ready for some of the most dramatic changes in your life as the Rahu transit in Cancer will bring in an element of uncertainty and disruption. The effects of this transit will first show up in the area of your work, as there might be either chances of a transfer or problems with colleagues and seniors.
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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Libra

– Ketu in the 4th House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn may bring up issues related to land and property. There may be a constant feeling of dissatisfaction, regardless of the success and failure that you achieve.
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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Scorpio

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Scorpio

– Rahu in the 9th House

The Rahu transit in Cancer will bring about a change in your views regarding culture, religion, traditions, customs, your personal beliefs and values. The transit of Rahu in the 9th House will present opportunities to explore new cultures, traditions and places.
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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Scorpio

– Ketu in the 3rd House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn will be a wonderful period for you, and you will be able to experience a lot of benefits. You are likely to become more confident and adventurous because of the presence of Ketu in the 3rd House.
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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Sagittarius

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Sagittarius

– Rahu in the 8th House

Ganesha foresees a period of transformation and regeneration during the Rahu transit in Cancer. You will have to learn that it is not bad to take help or accept resources from others. Being self-reliant is good, but being adamant will not be good for you.
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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Sagittarius

– Ketu in the 2nd House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn indicates reversal of fortunes in matters of finance and wealth. Be extremely careful about your belongings as there are chances of things getting misplaced or stolen.
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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Capricorn

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Capricorn

– Rahu in the 7th House

During the Rahu transit in Cancer, matters pertaining to your relationship may come to the fore. Misunderstandings and differences with your partner will increase while the transit of Rahu in the 7th House is effective. The health of your spouse may suffer or the problems in general may increase and this will bother you.
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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Capricorn

– Ketu in the 1st House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn may prove to be a difficult period, filled with a lot of confusion in various areas of life. You may find it difficult to take decisions quickly and you may keep feeling lost.
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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Aquarius

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Aquarius

– Rahu in the 6th House

The Rahu transit in Cancer will be favourable for you and you can expect various positive changes to take place. You will be feeling more bold and confident now and will be able to take on challenges with renewed energy.
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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Aquarius

– Rahu in the 12th House

The transit of Ketu in Capricorn will prove to be mostly beneficial for you apart from some aspects. During this transit of Ketu in the 9th House, you will be able to master the ‘art of letting go’.
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Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 For Pisces

Rahu Transit In Cancer 2017 For Pisces

– Rahu in the 5th House

The Rahu transit in Cancer will primarily affect your ability to concentrate and keep your mind stable, and this may in turn affect your performance. This will not be a good time for venturing in the stock market arena, as Rahu will keep creating a lot of confusion, thereby inducing you to commit mistakes.
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Ketu Transit In Capricorn 2017 For Pisces

– Ketu in the 11th House

The Ketu transit in Capricorn will prove to be a beneficial period for you as there may be unexpected gains and gains from past efforts. You will be able to earn well during the stay of Ketu in the 11th House.
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With Ganesha’s Grace,Sanghapriy Sadanshivkar (Sangamji)The GaneshaSpeaks.com Team

Other Planetary Specials:
1) Jupiter Transit 2017: Jupiter In Libra – Detailed Insights About Guru’s Journey Post September ’17
2) Saturn Transit In Sagittarius: Insights About Retrograde Saturn and Saturn-Jupiter-Ketu Conjunction
3) Interesting Aspects About Sade Sati – The Tough 7.5 Year Grinding Phase Of Planet Saturn
4) Venus Retrograde In Pisces 2017: Time To Strike A Balance Between Emotions and Practicality
5) Mars Transit 2017: Mars In Aries – Get Ready To Enjoy The Adrenaline Rush

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