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Ganesha wishes Merry Christmas to Santa Claus

Ganesha wishes Merry Christmas to Santa Claus

Christmas, which marks the birth of Jesus Christ, is celebrated by Christian community world wide. However, the date of this festival has nothing to do with Jesus’ birth date. The festival brings with it lot of fun, frolic, feast and furore especially in the Western countries like United Kingdom and United States of America. But now this festivity has crossed the borders of countries and is warmly welcomed by other countries like India. Indians celebrate this festival with equal zeal and enthusiasm. It is a prime time for family get-together. Children are especially enthusiastic about this festival, as they revel in the dreams that Santa Claus will come through the chimney of their house and present them with wonderful goodies and gifts. They decorate Christmas tree to welcome Santa Claus.

Ganesha also celebrates this festival in his own way by giving a numerological analysis of Santa Claus and his predecessors St. Nicholas and Kris Kringle.

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St. Nicholas

Pythagorean System Total

Vowels: 9 6 1 16/7
Data: ST NICHOLAS 39 / 12 / 3
Consonants: 12 5 383 123 / 5

Saint Nicholas, a historical character was known for his generosity, as he was in the habit of donating money to the needy and poor. He was the source of inspiration for many mythical figures like Santa Claus, Father Christmas and Kris Kringle. Numbers 3, 5 and 7 dominate the name St. Nicholas. Number 3 stands for positive thinking, motivation and zest, but might lead to lack of determination and control. Number 7 is used for adding significance to this notion. It also adds a touch of religion and and a hatred for all the things which are one-dimensional. This also gives a ray of hope to the one who comes across. Number 5 stands for optimism and gives a hope that anything and everything is possible in the world. St. Nicholas’ numeric profile is good enough for a person who donated his money to those who needed it more than him.

Kris Kringle

Pythagorean System Total

Vowels: 9 9523 / 5
Data: KRIS KRINGLE61 / 7
Consonants: 29 1 29 573 38 / 11 / 2

Kris Kringle is the second name of Santa Claus in American culture. Numbers 2, 5 and 7 dominate this name. He shares the qualities of St. Nicholas, as numbers 5 and 7 rule his chart as well. However where the 3 vibration in St. Nicholas’ chart made him optimistic, inspirational and enthusiastic, the 2 vibration in Kris Kringle’s chart makes him affable and humble. Number 2 also helps in instilling sympathy for others. However, people underrate the people having number 2 vibration, as it is weak. Mass has underestimated Kris Kringle for claiming to be a Santa Claus like figure. Now, Ganesha would like to throw light on the favorite figure among children all over the world ie. Santa Claus.

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Santa Claus

Pythagorean System Total

Vowels: 1 1 136
Data: SANTA CLAUS21 / 3
Consonants:15233 115 / 6

Number 3 dominates Santa Claus’ chart. The vowels and the base vibrations in his name are represented by number 6, which makes him much more than just a man behind the myth. The warmth of number 6 makes him generous, kind and sympathetic towards human race. Number 6 also provides him with feelings of familial security and anticipation. He rides around the world distributing toys among children on Christmas Eve. What is of importance here is the fact that number 6 also stands for interruption, which the Santa Claus is famous for. However, his interruption is welcomed by one and all.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Hitendra H Thakor,

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