Ever since the Apple CEO Steve Jobs has announced the arrival of iPhone, the technological field has been eagerly waiting for the launch of this new creation. It finally arrived last Friday on June 29. A major revolution has hit the market with touch screen technology and the Mac OS X operating system.
We can set a chart of the iPhone for Jobs’ announcement on January 9, 2007. Uranus was in Pisces- the sign of fantasy and dreams, which set the tone for the thrill around the iPhone.
Jupiter near the Midheaven shows an extraordinary promise the concept has, and that its popularity and success are predestined. Jupiter and Uranus square each other indicating innovation, excitement, and fame.
The iPhone announcement and launch date both show transiting Pluto at 27º Sagittarius, indicating the extensive process of product development that developed from the original Star Trek episode.
Venus in glamorous Leo in conjunction with Saturn in opposition of mythological Neptune at the June 29 launch time indicates the introduction of an iconic product. But Mercury-the significator of communication was moving retrograde which could cause more technical problems than expected.
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Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K. Thakar