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Top 5 travel destinations Sagittarius would love to visit

Top 5 travel destinations Sagittarius would love to visit

Considered to be the wanderers of the zodiac, Sagittarius individuals love to meet new people, absorb foreign cultures and imbibe from the customs and traditions other than their own. And yes, adventure and unlimited fun are the essential ingredients of any trips that they undertake. They love nothing more than hitting the road in search of knowledge and adventure. The Archers need to be there and experience things first hand in order to be satisfied. Also the ones who have a philosophical approach towards life, they would like to gain some wisdom during the course of their travels. Considering such characteristics, following places are likely to attract the Sagittarius individuals the most.

1. North-East India: The unexplored and undiscovered North East, boasting of splendours such as Shillong and Arunachal- especially the Twang valley, are ideal places for the Sagittarius individuals to have unlimited fun and explore. The adventure hungry Sagittarius individuals can opt for a trek in the mountainous Twang region and enjoy the beautiful scenery, fresh mountain air, chilly weather and visit the 400 year old Twang Gompa. Shillong, known as the Scotland of East for its numerous waterfalls, is also a good place to shop, especially the Bara Bazaar area. Tasting the mouth watering Momos, available in various forms is also something that Sagittarius individual will like to try.
2. Masai Mara: The Masai Mara national reserve, home of the Masai people, is one of the most popular destinations in Africa. The breathtaking view of this vast landscape, teeming with predators such as lions and leopards and other animals such as giraffe, rhino and hippo is a perfect setting for the Sagittarius individuals to explore. And if the hyperactive Archers find this monotonous, they can always opt for a hot air balloon safari or interact with the local Masai people and get to know their culture and way of life.
3. Andes: Andes, the longest continental mountain range in the world, stretches 7000 kilometers through seven South American countries. This mountainous region, famous for cradling the Inca civilization, is also dotted with many active volcanoes. This is an ideal location for satisfying their wanderlust. They relish the diverse flora and fauna, cultures, climate and cities extending in this vast expanse. The Andes can give expression to the philosophical Sagittarius individuals, with its majestic peaks symbolizing the achievements of the human mind, and yet minuscule when compared with the vast expanse of clear blue sky that the peaks seem to touch, but still quite far off, and making them realize that humans still have far to go.
4. Jerusalem: Jerusalem, the largest city of Israel and its de-facto capital, is a melting point of Christianity, Islam and Judaism and one of the oldest cities of the world. Exploring this amazing city is something that Sagittarius individuals will definitely enjoy to the hilt, given the unique blend of the traditional and modern that Jerusalem offers. The city of David, the Biblical zoo and the Al-Aqsa mosque are some of the numerous wonders that the Sagittarius traveler will love to explore and soak in the eclectic sights and sounds of Jerusalem.
5. The Grand Canyon: The Grand Canyon, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is located in northern Arizona. Witnessing the sight of this massive edifice of stone can be an overwhelming experience that is unparalleled. This awe inspiring natural canyon, carved during the course of millions of years by the Colorado river, is a befitting place for the adventure loving Sagittarius individuals, who can try their hand at hiking, whitewater rafting, flight seeing and camping in this natural paradise.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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