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Financial Year Predictions: What Will FY2022-23 Bring To Your Sign?

Financial Year Predictions: What Will FY2022-23 Bring To Your Sign?
The financial year in India has just begun, and you may be already making plans for your investments, income, and expenses. What better way to start your FY2022-23 other than having a look at what is coming ahead. And when it comes to looking ahead, astrology has got your back! Based on your Moon Signs, here are your Financial Year Predictions for 2022-23.

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Aries

Rahu is in your house of health, and Ketu is in the house of the spouse. This can possibly bring health issues to you or your partner. It is advisable to renew your medical insurance and make sure to not miss any premiums or some expenses that may come your way. You may have gone through some ups and downs in your profession lately, but some relief can be foreseen from May to July 2022. However, this can be temporary, so avoid some house-related expenses, or your budget may get disturbed. There are indications of some foreign-related expenses too. Either you may go abroad, or some guests may come to your place. An auspicious or religious event can also add to your expenses. If you want an in-depth analysis of your 2022, you can also check out Aries Finance Horoscope; it’s free!

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Taurus

Whatever you have achieved till now has been the result of your hard work, and you may feel that luck was not always on your side. In future also, you may have to keep your hard work going, as Saturn may test you. An unwanted change is coming in your job, profession, and career. You should avoid these changes, or they can hurt your income. If you are stuck in litigation or a government-related issue, you may have to spend some money. There may be some stress, but with the help of your friends, family, and partner, you are likely to get moral support, thanks to Jupiter. You may go on a trip to break the monotony, adding to your expenses.

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Gemini

Jupiter is likely to be on your side this year, and this may get you respect, status, praise, and great results with your occupation. If you are into a business that deals with speech, like counselling, consulting, or lawyer, you are likely to benefit. There may be a positive expense in buying a house, furniture, or a car. Your savings are likely to gradually increase. You are likely to search for newer and safer ways to invest. Benefits in terms of increment of bonus is also likely. Some expenses related to children or friends are expected. You may also spend big money to bring up the family’s lifestyle.

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Cancer

Religiously, culturally, and spiritually, you are like to spend on yourself. If you have lent someone money, they may return it in smaller instalments. You are also likely to spend after your family because of the Saturn retrograde, and the planet is also making a Dhaiya for your sign. Among all these, you may wish to renovate your house, redo the interiors, get an upgrade on your vehicle, etc.; however, if you are not careful and calculative enough with your expenses, it may eat up your savings. Therefore, it is best to avoid these expenses. This may not be the right time to launch a product or expand your business for businesspersons. It is advisable to put them on hold. And if you are worried about getting them back on track, you can always talk to our astrologers. Sign up today and First Consultation with 100% Cashback!

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Leo

For you, this financial year’s predictions seem average. You may feel things moving slowly because of Saturn’s movement. You may also feel that you are not getting support from your luck because of the influence of Rahu. There may be, however, indirect support from Jupiter. You may also spend some money on your life partner. Those who work in a partnership may face disagreements which can delay some of your work. Some financial support can be foreseen from Jupiter, which you may spend to buy ornaments or on trips. Therefore, it is advisable to plan accordingly for a smooth financial year ahead.

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Virgo

This financial year may prove to be very confusing for you and full of ups and downs. Some major transits are happening in the 6th, 7th, and 8th houses from your moon sign. You are likely to get some support from your spouse, business partners, and the elderlies of your house. If you are single, you may spend for marriage. Saturn and Ketu may put you under some financial crunch, as the income looks average during this year. If there is any improvement in the income, you may spend it on your family, children, or medical expenses. You may feel stuck financially, but you should focus on avoiding that instead of getting frustrated. Remember that you are good at planning, and plan this year to the best of your abilities.

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Libra

There may be possibilities of promotion, increment, and positive change of place. If you wish to go abroad, some expenses related to that may be there. Income is likely to increase, and you may spend it on your children. Unfavourable Rahu and Ketu may create some health issues for you, and you should be extremely careful about that. You can also increase the insured amount of your medical insurance to cover your family members and avoid disturbances in your finances. It is also not a good time to invest in speculative activities like stock markets between May to July, especially if you do intraday trading. As a Libra native, you are good at balancing things; focus on that! Like your zodiac, your planets also play a bigger role in shaping your personality. Know your planets up, close, and personal with your Free Janampatri Analysis.

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Scorpio

If you plan to study or travel abroad, some positive expenses are likely to occur. You may get aggressive with your long term investments or mutual fund investments. However, it is important to remember that Saturn retrograde will create Shani Dhaiya for you, which can slow your project progress and delay your plans. If you are planning to buy or renovate your house, there may be a 20% increase due to Saturn’s presence. There is a possibility that you may like or prefer things out of your budget. If you work in sales and marketing, you may get less incentives and spend more. Sudden expenses can be foreseen, and therefore it is advisable for you to plan accordingly.

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Sagittarius

You may upgrade your residence or vehicle, which may get your expenses out of budget. This can bring you some positive anxiety. The bank balance may also decrease in fulfilling your family or partner’s wishes. You may launch a new product in your business, try to expand your business’s horizons, and spend on foreign travel. It is essential to understand that you should also spend some on your children. It is equally important to avoid speculative activities, such as the stock market, as you may incur heavy losses. You will not gain any profits, but you may also lose the money you invested.

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Capricorn

With Saturn’s retrograde motion, the second phase of your Sade Sati will start. This year, factors like finances, family, happiness, career, and profession are likely to be at the centre of your life. The Sade Sati may bring you some expenses and dead investments. If you are planning to spend on a property or a vehicle, this may really not be the time for that. You may lose money even before you realise and when you realise it, it will already be late. There are chances of travelling abroad or to a religious place. You may also meet someone influential. If you are single, a positive expense in the form of a marriage may be coming your way. If you already have someone in your mind, this might be the right time to get your Kundalis matched and see how many Gunas match between you two: Get your Free Kundali Matchmaking done today!

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Aquarius

You may earn some, and then you may spend some: this is what your year looks like. On the one hand, Jupiter supports your financial progress, helping your profits, bank balance, and family income. On the other hand, Saturn may bring you health-related issues. If you are already covered by medical insurance, you may want to increase your cover to be safe against sudden expenses. You may feel that your fortune and destiny are not supporting you, which may make you feel down. In times like these, have a practical approach and manage yourself. Jupiter is there to support you.

Financial Year 2022-23 Predictions for Pisces

This looks to be an exciting financial year, which is full of wealth, progress, and some spending, too. Unmarried people are likely to spend some for their marriage, which is a positive expense. Also, you may spend on your life partner or children. Saturn in your house of expenses may make you spend after government-related work. Rahu transit from your house of finance may delay your increment. There may also be some expenses related to the family. Choosing a safe investment from mutual funds or similar channels is advisable as there are chances of dead investment for Pisces.

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