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Mars to transit through Ascendant in the US Horoscope…Beginning of the end to the dead-lock? Probes Ganesha..

Mars to transit through Ascendant in the US Horoscope…Beginning of the end to the dead-lock? Probes Ganesha..

Positive Negotiations may begin to end the U.S. Shutdown post 11th October 2013, foresees Ganesha.
Recently, after the two Houses of Congress in the United States Parliament failed to agree upon a Budget, U.S announced a Shut Down. And, the world was left stunned! Tens of thousands of the Americans serving for various government offices, with the exception of the essential services, in the United States of America were asked to go on an unpaid leave. In a move that most Americans dubbed as more political than economic and financial, all the myriad non essential services from national parks to the museums to libraries to the emigration offices were shut down temporarily, starting 1st October 2013.

Our astute astrologers looked at this critical situation, keeping in purview the US President’s Oath Chart, as the situation is also said to be an off-shoot of the political opposition against Obamacare – President Obama’s favourite project. One of our predictions carried a couple of days clearly stated that, “The period till 9th November 2013 will be extremely stressful for the U.S. and the President. There will be extremely tough bargaining from both the sides, Democrats and Republicans. However, there are chances of the resolution of the current “Shut-down” stand off between 5th October and 9th November 2013. But, the resolution will not be the end of problems for the President. Obama may have to agree to some of the reforms, as a part of some grand bargain, if not now, then in the year 2014, as the Mars-Saturn period between 6th March 2014 and 15th April 2015 may bring more problems and challenges for Obama and the U.S.”

President Obama’s second-term Oath Chart

For the complete article, you may look here –

About five days into the Shutdown, and the world is anxious and confused! Americans too are staring at a situation that till now they had believed to be Unreal! As the stand-off continues, Ganesha looks at the general planetary picture as well as America’s Horoscope to predict the way ahead –

Astrological Predictions
It is noteworthy that the transiting Mars is about to enter the Zodiac Sign Leo. Further, Mars will pass through the Ascendant of the U.S. Country Chart (the Horoscope). Also, Venus has already left Libra and is now moving in Scorpio, that occupies the Fourth House in the U.S. Country Chart.

So, it is likely that some efforts and initiatives will be taken by the influential quarter of the U.S. authorities to end this dead lock, says Ganesha.

However, Mercury is still moving in Libra in close conjunction with Saturn and Rahu. So, the both, Republicans and Democrats will remain firm on their stand, which may cause severe anxiety at a global level, feels Ganesha. People may be questioning many things, with probably no answers in sight.

Overall though, the transiting Mercury will leave the Swati Nakshatra on 11th October 2013. This indicates that the negotiations and discussions may start to show positive indications for ending this crisis.

May Lord Ganesha bless the people and the whole world.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

Disclaimer : Please note that these predictions are meant only for academic and research purposes, and not intended for any other use. The organisation shall not be held responsible/ liable for consequences arising out of interpretation and usage of the same by any individual/ entity in any manner. Also, these predictions have been given by the calculations, purely on the basis of AVAILABLE data.

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